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OverviewThis guide This article will give a rundown of day to day use of Reports within the eClaims Ability and the elements within, with explanations of item functions and details of how to use each element within the Reports Node.Reports NodeIn order to interact directly with eClaim

To access eClaim reports, the user must have the Reports Node selected within you’ll need to select the Reports node in the sidebar of the eClaims Ability.


The following elements within the Reports Node are used to interact directly with the eClaim reports. Their descriptions are described below:

Reports Node -



If unarchived eClaim reports are present in MacPractice, a triangle will be visible next to the Reports Node, in the sidebar. Clicking on this triangle will expand the contents of the Reports Node, making them viewable to the user.


Note that it is difficult to determine which report belongs to which claims, as there will be nothing in the file names of reports to indicate this. If the user wants to view claim reports for a specific patient, from within the Reports Node, the user can type the patient's name in the search bar. This will bring all reports that contain information for that patient's claims. Keep in mind that most reports contain status information of multiple claims, for multiple patients. Even when the report comes up that contains the desired patient's information, the user will most likely need to scroll through the report to find that specific patient's claim status information.





The Receive Button is used to manually receive reports. When there are no claims that can be sent, but there are claims in Sent that are awaiting reports, the user can select the Reports Node in the sidebar and click the Receive Button. This will force MacPractice to send a request to the partner clearinghouse, Change Healthcare, to download any outstanding reports. This will also receive any ERAsthat are awaiting download from the office.


The Transfer Results Window will list the names of all reports and all ERAs that have been received during this Receive Reports session. It will also note how many claims have been moved to the Accepted Bin and how many have been moved to the RejectedBinRejected Bin. If a multiple reports come in for a single claim, every time a different report affects that claim, it will be counted in the number of claims affected.


If the user clicks OK, the window will disappear.


If ERAs have come in during the Receive Reports session, the Print ERAs Button will be usable at this time. If no ERAs were received, the Print ERAs Button will be grayed out. Clicking this button will bring down a print window.


The Print Window will offer several options to the user. Select the options in this window that will work best for the office's needs.Archive ButtoneClaim


Archive Button


eClaim reports cannot be deleted from MacPractice. They can only be archived. The Archive Button allows the user to archive older reports. Archiving does not untie the reports from their associated claims. It only removes the reports from the Reports Node.


The user can twist down the Reports Node and select each report individually and press the Archive Button. There will be no prompt or warning when reports are archived this way. The report will simply disappear from the Reports Node. Only one report at a time can be archived by this method.

If the user highlights the Reports Node itself and presses the Archive Button, a sheet will drop down. In this sheet, the user needs only to simply check the box next to the items they wish to archive. Clicking "Check all rows" will place a checkmark next to every item in the sheet. Once all desired items are checked, the user can then press the Archive Button. This will archive all records that were selected in the sheet.Unarchive ButtonReports


Unarchive Button

Reports that have been archived can be retrieved, by using the Unarchive Button. To unarchive reports, simply press the UnarchiveButtonthe Unarchive Button.


After the Unarchive Button is pressed, a sheet will drop down, containing a list of all archived reports. From here, the user can check the box next to the reports they wish to retrieve, or they can opt to select all of the items in the sheet by clicking the "check all rows" box at the bottom of the sheet. Once all desired reports are checked, the user need only press the Retrieve Button at the bottom of the sheet. This will return all selected reports to the Reports Node in the eClaims Ability.


'Template To Receive From' Pop-up




Some offices have more than one ProxyMed template. This is the template that is used for Change Healthcare claims. The template can be renamed, often renamed for specific doctors, to keep their claim submissions separated.


If a user wishes to only download reports that tie to a specific eClaims template, the user can click on the 'Template To Receive From' menu and select just that template. When the user clicks Receive, reports for other templates will not download into the MacPractice system.


If the menu is left set at 'None', reports for all templates will be downloaded when the user receives reports.





When a user selects a report within the Reports Node, the Creation Date Field will show the date and time that the selected report was downloaded into MacPractice. This does not reflect the date that the payer or clearinghouse created the report. That date is viewable within the report directly, as the first item listed in a claim report.