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However, the Appointment's Reminder Status in MacPractice will toggle to Confirmed  when a patient confirms an appointment reminder from the Engage Portal. The Reminder Status will also toggle in MacPractice if you use the "Confirm in PMS" function in the Appointment Confirmation Inbox. We'll go into further detail on the Appointment Confirmation Inbox later in the article.

Therefore, we'll want to configure your Appointment Display settings so that one of the appointment areas is set to "Reminder Status". By doing this, a MacPractice user reviewing the schedule will be able to tell when an appointment has been Confirmed in the Engage Portal, and thus you can manually flip that status for that appointment in MacPractice readily.


titleOffice Settings
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Here, you'll be able to set the details regarding your practice. The majority of the fields should be pulled from the details you filled out on the Registration Page step, but you can adjust these if necessary in the Settings Tab > General Settings in the left Sidebar > Office Settings.  Once you're satisfied, click the "Save and Continue" button at the bottom.

Information entered into these fields can be pulled into messages. For example, the Practice SMS Name will always be pulled into your messages. 


It is important to note that this Name will count towards the 160 character limit in a message, so it's critical to keep the Name succinct.


If you need to change any of this information later, you can do so when navigating from the Home Page to the Settings Page > General Settings > Office Settings.

Click Save and Continue to move on. The next screen allows you to customize your email header.


titleBirthday Notifications

The next page in the wizard assists the office with Birthday messages. Here the office can see a preview of a birthday message and text to be sent to patients on their birthday. The office can turn this option on and off as desired, and also set a time of day when a birthday notification should go out.

The Birthday Notification image cannot be changed from the Express Wizard. There are a few templates available that you can review later with additional options.

Once you're satisfied, continue on by clicking the Save and Continue button to take you to the Confirmations window.

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Confirmation Notifications allow you to set when a 1st, 2nd, and/or Voice Confirmation are sent to patients. You can use the “Send out _blank_ days” selector to tweak when a confirmation should be sent out prior to an appointment, or disable a particular confirmation.


It is important to clarify that when a 2nd confirmation is set to Enabled, that this Confirmation will only be sent if there was no response to the 1st Confirmation request. If the patient responds to the 1st confirmation, the 2nd confirmation will not be sent.

If an appointment was created after a first confirmation would ordinarily be sent out (for example, if the 1st confirmation is set to go out in 5 days, and the appointment was made within 4 days), the confirmation will not go out. However, if the 2nd confirmation is set to go out (in the same example, if the 2nd confirmation was set to go out 3 days prior) it will be sent. Voice Confirmations work the same way.

Once you're satisfied with the options set, continue on to Early Reminders.

titleEarly Reminders
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The next page is where the office can set Early Reminders. Early Reminders give patients a heads up about their upcoming appointment. If responded to, Early Reminders will not confirm an appointment like a Confirmation message would.

Early Reminders can be enabled/disabled, set a timeframe before an appointment and set the time of day the messages should be sent out.

When you're ready to move on to Same Day Reminders, click Save & Continue. 

titleSame Day Reminders
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The next page is to allow the offices to set messages for Same Day Reminders. This is a simple reminder sent to the patient so they don't forget their appointment the day of. If responded to, Same Day Reminders will not confirm an appointment like a Confirmation message would.

This can be turned on and off as desired, and you can set a timeframe before the appointment and set a time to not send reminders before.


It is important to note here that if an appointment is scheduled prior to the time a Same Day Notification typically would go out, they will not receive a Same Day Notification. 

When satisfied, click Save & Continue to move onto Recalls.

titleRecall Notifications
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The next page is where Recall Notifications can be set. Much like the prior sections, each setting, including voice, can be enabled/disabled depending on the office’s preference.

If all contact details for a given patient are filled out, and all of your Recall Notifications are turned on, a patient could feasibly receive an Email notification, a SMS notification, and a Voice call notification for that one Recall Notification. You may want to consider this and ensure you understand how many reminders are going out.

Once you’re happy with the changes, they can click Save & Continue to move to the final page!

titleSend Messages / Final Page
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On the final Send Messages page, the office has the chance to review their Automated Messaging and Automated recall timelines. This gives the office a good visual representation of when their messages will go out, and how many.

There is also a check box to “Send out today’s reminders now”. This box is checked by default and will immediately send out any reminders that should go out today based on the options you've selected in the Express Wizard. In most cases, this checkbox should not be checked until AFTER the Portal URL is entered into MacPractice, and you've also had a chance to fully review all the options available.

Once you are satisfied, click Finish to continue. You will now be taken to the Home Page, where you can begin to explore the Engage Portal.


On the Home Page, you'll only be able to see 4 received SMSes, which means you'll need to click on the SMS Inbox to review all received SMS messages. The Inbox will show you the Patient Name, the number they are texting from, the received date of the message, and a short preview of the received message.

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You can also respond to received SMS messages by clicking the Reply button. You can click the blue link of their name to open up the whole conversation if needed.



It's also important to note that if the patient does not have a recall date tied in MacPractice, patients will not populate here. Therefore, it is important to still run the Recall Reports in MacPractice to ensure you don't miss any patients who should have a Recall Date!

Once you've selected the patients you wish to send a new Recall notification to, click Continue to be taken to the message editor.


This is a great place to get an overview of how your reminders are set up and to identify any potential issues with that scheme. You can also click a particular notification type to bring up that particular notification and customize them, which is covered in Configuring Reminders.

Let's break each tab down further down further:


So now that we've gone through each of the features within the MP Engage portal, let's talk specifics about how to adjust reminders and notifications. You'll find these under the Message Settings on the Settings Sidebar, located in the Settings Page.
