You can check to see if a provider is participating by clicking on this link here, which will take you to CMS's Quality Payment Program (QPP) site. When you check a given NPI on this site, make sure you switch the tab for the 2020 year after searching for the valid NPI.
Performance Period
Below are the performance periods for each objective for the 2020 year.
Click the associated link for each following reporting section to learn more details.
Minimum Reporting Guide
Threshold is 45 points.
Quality: (45% of total score) 3 points per measure +6 total bonus points (small practice only) **eCQMS will need 2015 CEHRT**
Improvement Activities: 15% of your total score. Small practice 1 high weighted or 2 medium weighted (0-40 points)
Cost: 0-15 points. (CMS does this for you, and you cannot change this.)
Promoting Interoperability: Promoting Interoperability Hardship Exception (Small Practice) Reweighs points to Quality.
Full Reporting (reporting to gain)
Threshold is 85 points.
Quality: 3 points per measure +6 total bonus points(small practice only)
Improvement Activities:15% of total score. Small practice 1 high weighted or 2 medium weighted (0-40 points)
Cost: 0-15 points. (CMS does this for you, and you cannot change this.)
Promoting Interoperability: 25% of total score. (Needs 2015 CEHRT)
Electronic Prescribing
Health Information Exchange
Provider to Patient Exchange
Public Health and Clinical Data Exchange