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This article provides an overview of the functionality contained within MacPractice Go. We'll talk about the general layout and how to perform tasks.

YouMP.Go requires that you are on MacPractice Build 12.21.6 and above. You'll need to ensure that both the Web Client and Domain Management are enabled on your license and configured properly before use. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact MacPractice Support for assistance.


One note about clicks and taps: We'll be using 'tap' to indicate when we're navigating and interacting with buttons and options within the Web Client, as it is largely designed with an iPhone or iPad or other mobile device in mind.  If you're using a PC or Mac computer to access the Web Client, you'll simply be clicking with your mouse instead.

Table of Contents




Insurance and Guarantors


Appointments and Follow-Ups




New Charge/Billing Order







Setting up and Configuring the Web Client

In order to set up MacPractice Go, you will need to first have Domain Management enabled with at least one domain added to your license. You can read more about Domain Management here.

You will also need to install the MacPractice Go package. This should be located on the download page soon.

In Builds 15.12 and above, the MP.Go installer is included with the MacPracticeServer installation.

Then, you'll need to access MacPractice Go initially. You can navigate to MacPractice Go by connecting to your domain's URL with /MPGO at the end. For example: Some set up steps may be required, follow the prompts as necessary.


While a user does not need to extensively adjust the Preferences within the Web Client, they may wish to tweak the settings to their liking. Let's quickly review the options you can change in Preferences. You can adjust your Preferences by tapping the Preferences section in the navigation sidebar.


When you first log into the Web Client, you'll be presented with the Dashboard screen. The navigation sidebar on the left side allows you to navigate to the different areas of the Web Client and the Dashboard displays how many appointments are scheduled for this calendar day. You can also see the currently open Orders that are accessible by your MacPractice user. A list of all recently viewed patients is also visible from the Dashboard.


It is important to note that if you leave the Web Client unattended, you will eventually be logged out automatically. You can adjust this auto logout period in Preferences. 

You can tap on any of these pieces of information to take you to the corresponding section of the Web Client. Tapping the Schedule will take you to today's schedule, and so on.

Below that list, you can tap the search button to search for another patient. 


On mobile devices, you likely will not see the sidebar from the dashboard view. Instead, you'll see a "hamburger" style button  in the upper left hand corner:


If you're ever looking for a way to add or edit information in a particular section of the Web Client, just look in the lower right corner for a similar button.


With no patient selected, this button will allow you to create a new patient account. You'll be taken to a screen where you can enter in the basic demographics and assign the account provider, patient provider, office, and their default fee schedule.


With a patient selected, this icon changes to a plus icon.  Tapping this button (or mousing over it on a computer) will reveal several additional buttons.

From top to bottom:


  • New Patient (under an existing account)


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  • New Appointment


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  • New Order


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  • New Vitals

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Tapping on these buttons will open a sheet where you can enter in the appropriate information for the item you wish to add. We'll go more into that in the relevant sections.


The Patient section is split into several sections, which we'll now go into in detail.


DemographicsThe The Demographics section is broken down into five sub-sections:

  • Patient Information: This sub-section contains the basic patient demographics, such as name, address, phone numbers, etc. You can edit this information by tapping the icon in the lower right corner.

  • Balances: The Balances sub-section details out the balances for Patient, Insurance, Unapplied, and Account balances. 

  • Alerts: The Alerts sub-section contains any patient alerts on this account.

  • Provider, Office, and Fee Schedule: This sub-section will list out the patient's Account Provider, Patient Provider, Office, and Default Fee Schedule. You can click the "heart" icon in the lower right to edit these fields.

  • Emergency Contact: This sub section contains any emergency contacts added to the patient's record. 

Insurance and Guarantors

  • Insurance: Contains any insurances added to the patient's record. You cannot edit this field on the Web Client.

  • Guarantors: This sub section contains the guarantor information typically located in the Primary/Secondary tabs of the Patient Ability in MacPractice.


The Clinical section contains all the Clinical widgets that can be found in the Clinical Ability of MacPractice. In most cases, you will be unable to edit the information contained within this section with the exceptions of the Orders widget and the Vitals widget. 


At the top, you'll see a search bar, which will allow you to filter down to a specific clinical widget. Alternately 


Alternately, you can configure what widgets appear in this page by tapping on the pencil icon. This will bring up the Edit Clinical Widgets window, as shown in the image on the right.


By tapping a checkbox, you can toggle whether that particular widget appears in the normal view. You can also tap and drag the "hamburger" icons (the icons with the horizontal lines) to drag around a widget to a different position. We recommend moving your most commonly used widgets to the top, and disabling the widgets your practice will not use. Remember to tap the "Apply" button to confirm these changes.


Back in the Clinical section, you can review any information in a widget by tapping on the widget. If there is a parentheses in the name of the widget, there are records stored in that widget.

Appointments and Follow-



This section contains any appointments and follow-ups (recalls if you're a MacPractice DDS user).


Tapping on the Follow-Ups sub section will list all Recalls or Follow-Ups added to the patient's account.ReferrersThis


This section contains any Referrals added to the patient's account, normally stored in the Referrals sub tab of the Patient Tab of the Patients Ability in MacPractice.



Order / New Charge

The Billing Order section allows a user to create a Billing Order. Billing Orders are used to post charges to a patient's ledger, but doesn't post them directly. Instead, it creates an Order that can be used to post charges upon review by the associated Provider.


Once you're satisfied with your selections, you can tap the "Create Order" button to create the Billing Order, which a user on MacPractice can then review and post the associated charges.



The Schedule section allows you to view and create appointments.


In the upper right hand corner, you'll see three icons: 


  • View Toggle: By default, when you navigate to the Schedule, you'll be shown a chronological list of all appointments with details listed underneath about what patient, provider, and resource these appointments are for. By clicking the View Toggle button, you can switch the Schedule View over to something more similar to MacPractice's Schedule Ability's view.


  • Refresh: The Refresh button reloads the Schedule, in case any new appointments have been scheduled by a different user after you initially loaded the schedule. 

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  • Filter Appointments:The Filter Appointments button opens up a window which allows you to toggle which resources and providers appear in your Schedule view. You can toggle a particular resource or provider by tapping the checkbox by their name, or you can tap the "All Resources" or "All Providers" toggle to switch them all on or off.
    At the bottom, there's also an option available to switch the Appointment Order. By default, this is set to "First to Last", but can be switched to "Last to First".
    Once you've finished making your changes, make sure to tap the "Apply Filters" button to save.


In the lower right hand corner, there's a button that allows you to add new appointments. You can also add an appointment by tapping the appropriate timeslot and resource.

Either method will bring up the Patient Search window where you can select the patient you wish to schedule an appointment for. If this is a new patient, you'll need to add them in the Patients View prior to scheduling the appointment.


Once you've selected your patient, you'll be taken to the New Appointment screen where you can set or adjust particular details of the appointment.


Once you've adjusted these, tapping "Submit" will create the appointment. 


OrdersThe The Orders section allows you to track and to create Orders. By toggling between the "Mine" or "All" columns, you can review your own Orders, or all Orders available.



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You can utilize the Filters button  located in the top right to the right of the Refresh button to open the Filters window, where you can customize what Orders are viewable.


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You can filter by Office, Provider, Order Types, Order Statuses, or whether the Order has been signed or unsigned. Simply tap the corresponding checkboxes of what you want to include or exclude, or you can use the "All Offices" or "All Providers" toggles to include or exclude.Back to the Orders view, tapping


Tapping on an Order will expand the Order to present more in depth information.


Here on the right, we can see the basic information of the selected Order. From here, you can easily view all of the fields typically included in an Order. The Type is displayed at the top, with the Status immediately below, complete with red light if the Order requires action.


Make sure to tap the "Submit" button at the bottom of the Edit Order window to finalize changes made to an Order. 



ReferrersThe The Referrers Section allows a user to look up a Referrer already added to the database. You can't add Referrers from the Web Client; you can only read this information.


You'll first be presented with a search bar upon navigating to the Referrers section. Tap and type in the name of the Referrer that you're looking for, and results will populate. Once you tap on a referrer, you're taken to their info sheet as shown in the screenshot above.
