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The Accounts Receivable report is considered a "real-time" report. This means that at the moment it is run, it will calculate your practice's A/R for all data that's entered within MacPractice and present the status of your A/R as of that moment.
You cannot run the Accounts Receivable report for a specific time-range. If you want to review how your A/R looked at a specific time, you'd have to retrieve a backup from that day. You can also run the A/R Report every day and when printing, you can save a copy of the A/R report as a PDF for your records.


NOTE: The A/R is based upon the charges' Procedure Date.


NOTE: The A/R Report will still list all providers, including any inactive providers that may have been filtered out by the "Hide inactive providers from report filter" checkbox in Preferences > Reports.

Filter Options

Like most other reports, at the top of the Reports window you'll see several filters and options to control what results are displayed when you click the "Apply" button off to the right.


Below the Provider, Office and Financial Status filters are three tabs with additional options.

General Tab

The General Tab contains several different options to control how results are displayed.


  • Show Primary/Show First Patient Name: If you have the Show Primary radio button selected, you will see the Primary's name and phone number on the report. If you select Show Patient, it will show the name of the first patient on the account.

  • Hide Patients: This checkbox allows you to hide the list of accounts and their aging analysis. With this box checked, you will see only the aging of the A/R for your office as a whole.

  • Hide Financial Status list: Checking this box will omit the list of financial statuses that print at the bottom of the report.

  • Show Archived Patient Only: This option will display your archived patients in the report results.

  • Show Patient Portion Balance and Show Insurance Portion Balance: Each of these checkboxes will add a line to the report that shows the aging analysis of the Patient and Insurance portions from the patient's account.
    NOTE: These checkboxes will not filter what accounts are shown on the report. Checking Show Patient Portion Balance and leaving Show Insurance Portion Balance unchecked will not bring up a list of accounts that only have a patient portion. It will simply hide the insurance portion information on the report.

  • Show Last Payments: Checking the Show Last Payments box will add a Last Payment area to the report for each patient. This area contains two lines: Last Patient Pay and Last Insurance Pay. The Last Patient Pay line will show the type of the payment (Check, Card, Cash, and so on), the amount of the payment, and the posted and procedure dates associated with the payment. The Last Insurance Pay line will always have Payment Insurance listed for the description. It will also show the amount of the payment, as well as the posted and procedure dates.

  • Show Last Statement Date: The Show Last Statement Date checkbox will add a line to the report that tells you the date of the most recent statement on the patient's account.

  • Show phone number: If this box is checked, the first phone number listed on the account will be displayed on the report.

Balance Filter Tab

The Balance Filter Tab contains two options. You can filter results by either the Minimum Account Balance, or the Minimum Credit Balance. These fields allow you to enter a dollar amount.


You may find it useful to run the report with a credit balance of $0.01, and a $0.01 account balance. This will display a list of patients that have unapplied payments that should be applied in order for the Provider that performed the procedure to finally earn credit. The Unapplied (Credit) Balance report will show any accounts with unapplied balances, but it does not allow you to filter the report to show only accounts with a balance.

Aging Options Tab


  • Show Accounts With Overdues: This menu will allow you to filter out any patients that do not have overdue balances in the selected range. For example, if you select "91 + Days", only patients who have balances that are over 91 days will be shown. A patient will still be shown on the report if they have a more recent balance than the selected Overdue Days filter, provided they also have a balance that has reached the selected age.

  • Overdue Evaluation Date: These selectors allow you to determine the type of date used to determine Overdue balances. You can choose from the Service Date (determined in the Service Date Calculation selector), or the last Insurance Payment's Posted Date.

  • Service Date Calculation: This selector determines what is considered a Service Date for the purposes of the Overdue Evaluation Date. You can choose either Posted or Procedure Date.
    NOTE: As with the Provider/Office/Status filters, the "Overdue Days" filter will cause patients to be omitted from the A/R report, and consequently from the total A/R information at the bottom of the report. For a complete A/R for your practice, select "All" from the Overdue Days menu.

Results Columns

There are two sections to the results in the A/R report.


  • Total number of Accounts: Lists the total number of accounts that fit the selected filters.

  • Total Patient Balance: Lists the total for money owed to the practice that is in the patient portion. If you add all the amounts in the patient portion column together it should equal this number.

  • Total Insurance Balance: Displays the total amount owed that is listed in the Insurance Portion. Like patient portion, this should equal all the amounts in the Insurance portion column added together.

  • Accounts Receivable: This is the total unpaid balance for all accounts, whether in Insurance or Patient portion. If you have the "Show Pending Write Offs" option enabled, the Expected A/R (actual A/R minus Pending Write-Offs) will be displayed in green.

  • Total Unapplied Balance: This amount reflects any unapplied patient payments, insurance payments, or negative adjustments. If there are any unapplied bulk payments, it will be noted here. This should match the total on the Unapplied (Credit) Balance report, assuming you have all providers selected for each, and no date range on the Unapplied report. if you filter by provider, the reports will not match, as the unapplied report filters based on the provider listed in the payment/negative adjustment window, and the A/R report filters based on the provider in the account window.

  • Net Billed A/R: This is the Accounts Receivable amount, minus the Unapplied Balances. The Net A/R is calculated with the following equation: Net A/R = Production + Tax + Pos. Adj. + Refunds + Finance Charges - Deposits - Gross Neg. Adj. - Write-Offs If you have the "Show Pending Write Offs" option enabled, the Expected A/R (Net A/R minus Pending Write-Offs) will be displayed in green.
