Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

The Print menu is located in the Ledger Tab of the Patient Ability. This drop down menu allows you to create statements, claims, receipts, and more.


 Many  Many of the options in the Print Menu are contextual. This means that you can only use some options on their associated items; for example, you can only use "Print Treatment Plan" when you have a Treatment Plan selected in the Ledger Sidebar.


Many printing options require a default form selected in Forms Preferences. We'll note if an option requires a Form set before using. You can check this by navigating to MacPractice Menu > Preferences > Forms > Default Forms Tab. Click the Default Form link for more details.

Table of Contents


Print Incident Statement


Create Insurance Claim


Print Insurance Tracer


Print Encounter Form


Print Treatment Plan


Print Predetermination


Print Contact Billing


Print Inventory Receipt


Print Payment Receipt


Print TSYS Card Receipt


Print Account Statement


Print Today's Transactions


Print Patient Payment...




Print Incident Statement

An Incident Statement is used to print select ledger items as opposed to a full Account Statement.


This option will be unavailable if the associated Patient does not have an insurance company/plan added. Click here for a video with information on configuring a patient's insurance

A Default Form must be selected in Forms Preferences. Click here for more information on configuring your default form. In addition to setting the default form in Preferences, you can set a default form on a company by company basis in the insurance reference. Click here to see how the settings in the Insurance Company reference affect your claims.


  • The Print Statement checkbox can be checked to print a statement with the claim. The form used can be set in the StatementForm menu.

  • Create Insurance Claim will be checked by default and is necessary to create an insurance claim.

  • The Export Clinical Summary to Patient Portal checkbox sends a copy of the Clinical Summary to the Patient Portal, if that feature has been purchased and active. If you uncheck this option, MacPractice will remember when creating future claims to leave this unchecked.

  • When checked, the Print Clinical Summary for Patient checkbox triggers a prompt from which the patient's Continuity of Care Record can be printed. If you uncheck this option, MacPractice will remember when creating future claims to leave this unchecked.


You can also choose a Prior Auth to print on the claim, if one is entered in the patient's incident. Click here for more information on setting up prior authorizations.

To the right of the Prior Auth menu are two checkboxes: Accept and Secondary. Check Accept if you wish to "Accept Assignment" on the claim. Check Secondary if this is a secondary claim.


Print Insurance Tracer allows you to create a form to send to an insurance company to indicate you originally billed particular procedures on a particular date (generally by the timely filing limit).


Note: If your office needs proof of timely filing for electronic claims, please contact our EDI Department.

Before you can use this feature, you must make sure you have an insurance tracer form activated and set as your default in Form Preferences.

Once you have configured your form, you can print an insurance tracer by selecting a claim in the patient's ledger, then going to the Print menu and choosing Print Insurance Tracer.

If you have Restorative Charting, you can also print a copy of the patient's chart. For information on printing from the Treatment Plan, please Click Here.

Print Encounter Form

An Encounter Form is used to recount the details of a patient appointment. An Encounter Form may also be referred to as a routing slip or a superbill. Encounter Forms usually contain elements of a Care Slip. 

All of these items fulfill the same function, and are set up using the Care Slip Reference of MacPractice.A Care Slip reference is a set of codes that can be printed on a patient's encounter form or placed in an EMR/EDR form for the purposes of identifying the applicable diagnoses and procedure codes for the patient's visit. Click here for more information on configuring Care Slips and Encounter Forms.

Once you have set up your form, you can print an Encounter Form for a patient by selecting Print Encounter Form from the Print menu in the patient's ledger.


This option will allow you to print a Treatment Plan Estimate for your patient to review. This option requires that a Treatment Plan is selected in the Ledger Sidebar in order to print. You can create and manage a Treatment Plan by clicking on the "Treatment Plan" node in the Ledger Sidebar then clicking "New Treatment Plan".

Click here for more information on Treatment Plans.

Print Predetermination

The Print Predetermination option is used in the Treatment Plan node and allows you to generate and print a Predetermination for the selected Treatments. This function behaves almost identically to creating an Insurance Claim.

You must set a default Predetermination Form in Form Preferences before printing a Predetermination.

Click here for more information on Predeterminations.

Print Contract Billing

This option allows you to print off paper copy representing the Billing Contract created by the Contract Billing feature. You can create a new Billing Contract by navigating to the Incidents menu and selecting "New Billing Contract". To print off a copy, you'll need to select the Billing Contract in the Ledger Sidebar.

Click here for more details on Contract Billing.


Please note that Contract Billing is a very specialized feature and should not be created without understanding the impacts it will have on a patient's account.

We strongly encourage you to contact MacPractice Support if you have any questions BEFORE creating a Billing Contract, as the act of creating a Billing Contract will cause charges to be placed on a patient's ledger based on how you configure the Billing Contract.

Print Inventory Receipt

Print Inventory Receipt allows you to print off a receipt that includes all Inventory items attached to a charge. This option requires that you have the Inventory Ability enabled and purchased on your license.


Payment Receipts behave much like printing an incident statement. By selecting specific payments, you can control what appears on the receipt. Without a ledger item selected, you can instead choose a date range of items to be included.

Click here for more information on Payment Receipts. 


Regardless of how you print a Payment Receipt, the act of printing a receipt will add a line item to the ledger titled Payment Receipt. This line item will generate as long as the Account in question has an Account Provider and an Office set in the Account tab.


A Payment Receipt will contain these items, provided they belong in the chosen date range:

  • All payments made to the account in question, including their payment #s

  • Refunds or Reversed Payments made to the account in question

  • If the "Include Payment Applied Transaction Breakdown" preference is enabled in Preferences > Forms > Billing Settings tab, a separate table will references the charges that have any applied portions of included payments.

  • If multiple patients on an account are included, the payment breakdown will be split into multiple pages with breakdowns for each patient.

Payment Receipt Preferences


Before you are able to print a Payment Receipt from the Print Menu, you'll first need to ensure that a default Payment Receipt form is set in Preferences. You can find this by navigating to the MacPractice Menu and selecting Preferences. In the Preferences Window, select the Forms category. From there, you can locate the Payment Receipts Form drop down button.

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You may also want to refer to and adjust additional Preferences as well. Within the Forms category of the Preferences window, there is a new Billing Settings tab, which contains a sub-section for Receipts.

Print Card Receipt

The Print TSYS Card Receipt is used to print credit card payment receipts that were processed by TSYS. You need to have the TSYS Integration purchased on your license in order to use this option.Click here to read more about the TSYS integration and TSYS Card Receipts hereone of our credit card processing solutions.

Print Account Statement

Print Account Statement to print a statement that includes all account activity, across all patients and accounts.


There are statement preferences that can change the information on an account statement. To review these preferences, go to the MacPractice menu and select Preferences. In the sidebar, select Statements in the sidebar, then select the Statement Printing tab. There is a section labeled Following Setting Affect Printing Account Statement From Ledger.


Click here to for more information on Account Statements and the available statement forms.

Print Today's Transactions
