Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Unless otherwise mentioned, all Statement Preferences are Global.

Table of Contents

Preferences > Statements > Statement Options

 Preferences > Statements > Statement Printing

Other Preferences that Impact Statements

Preferences > Insurance > General


When enabled, the procedure code modifier will print next to the procedure code with a period separating them.
Works for: All Statements and eStatements.
Notes: Requires usage of the Statement Code and Diagnosis, Statement Code and Diagnosis/Installment Amount, or a custom form with the 'Statement Item Code' pull field.

Print Transactions in Archived Incidents on Account Statements printed from the ledger

When enabled, transactions from archived incidents will print on account statements printed from the ledger.
Works For: Account Statements printed in the Ledger. Incident Statements (via Print Selected Transactions) from the Ledger.
Notes: If the Preference to 'Show Archived Incidents in Account Ledger' is enabled in Preferences > Ledger > General Tab, a user can still select transactions from an archived incident to print them on an Incident Statement even if this Preference is disabled.

Ask whether to print transactions in 'Archived Incident' on Account Statements (7.3 and earlier)

When enabled, when printing archived transactions a verify prompt will appear. This 
Works For: Account or Incident Statements printed in the Ledger.

Print 'Has Not Been Paid by Insurance' legend on Statements

When enabled, an asterisk (*) will appear before the transactions that are waiting on insurance payments, and a legend will print at the bottom of a statement in the Statement Message box with an explanation of the  asterisk.
Works For: Account Statements from Ledger or Statement Manager, eStatements
Notes: This Preference must be used in conjunction with the "Send After Insurance Payment" Monthly Statement Option.

Print 0.00 instead of blank in the 'Credit' column for 'Insurance Payments'

When enabled, $0 Insurance Payments will show 0.00 in the credit or payment columns. When disabled, $0.00 Insurance Payments will show as blank in the aforementioned columns.
Works For: Account Statements, Incident Statements. Does NOT work for eStatements.

Print 'Payment Type' next to payments

When enabled, the payment type will be included in the payment description. 
Example when enabled:  'Card Payment Card - Visa #1234 (20.00)'
Example when disabled: 'Card Payment #1234 (20.00)'
Works For: All Statements and eStatements.
Notes: This preference will also work for Insurance Payments with a Custom Payment Type.

Append claim creation date to 'Insurance Payment' transactions

When enabled, the claim creation date will be appended to an Insurance Payment's Description.
Works For: All Statements and eStatements.

Simple Credit Debit Statement

When enabled, this preference simplifies all printed statement items. Transactions will be printed by procedure date, ignoring incident/patient separation in transactions. Payments applied across multiple incidents and patients will be condensed into one line item.
Works For: Account Statements and eStatements.
Notes: Simple Credit Debit Statement overrides 'Print Incident Name and Patient Name on Statements', and Simple Credit Debit Statement will override a disabled "Don't Print Incident's Date Next to the Incident's Name" Preference.

Exclude Previously Paid Finance Charges on Account Statements

When enabled, fully paid Finance Charges will be omitted from printed statements. Any payments associated to fully paid finance charges will also be omitted.
Overridden by: This preference is overridden by "Print Payments Applied to Charges Outside of Date Range".
Works For: Account Statements and eStatements.

Sort Payments by Posted Date on Account Statement

When enabled, posted dates for payments will appear on the account statement. Payments will be sorted by posted date, but inline with the rest of the statement being sorted by procedure date.
Works For: Account Statements and eStatements.

Print Paid Charges' Procedure Dates for Payment Items

When enabled, payment descriptions will include the procedure dates of the charges the payment is applied to.
In MacPractice Gen 9 Build 9.7, the behavior of this preference has changed. Instead of listing the same date multiple times if a payment was applied to multiple items, a line item will instead show "Paid for (x) Procedure items from (x date)".
Works For: Account Statements and eStatements.

Print Payments Applied to Charges Outside Of Date Range (7.3.16+ only)

When enabled, payments posted within the date range will print as a line item on the statement when applied to transactions outside of the date range. 
Works For: Account Statements and eStatements.
Notes: Previous balance will not be affected by the payment. 
Payment will calculate as a line item in the running balance of the statement.
Simple Credit Debit Statement Preference will dictate how the payments are printed when this preference is also enabled.
When this preference is disabled, payments posted within the date range will calculate in the previous balance when applied to transactions outside of the date range. The previous balance will be directly affected by these payments, so the previous balance will reflect the previous transactions' current balance. 
This Preference will override "Exclude Previously Paid Finance Charges on Account Statements" Preference.
This preference does not directly impact payments outside of the date range applied to charges within the date range.


Example: Preference Unchecked when using a Statement 5 Column form

Note in this screenshot how the running balance factors in the 20.00 payment, whereas when the preference is enabled, the 20.00 payment is printed as a separate line item.


Preferences > Statements > Statement Printing

Following Settings Affect Printing Account Statement From Ledger

These options impact what date ranges are included on an Account Statement printed from the ledger.
These print options are local. Each computer can have different options set.
Print: This radio button with the corresponding drop down menu indicates what pre-set ranges are printed on an Account Statement. Options are All, Past Week, Past Two Weeks, Past Month, and Past Two Months.
Print After: This radio button with the corresponding date field will print all transactions after the entered date, and a previous balance line item will print to summarize transactions outside of this date range.
Select Date Range Before Printing: When this radio button is selected, a prompt will ask what date range you would like to print when printing an Account Statement from the ledger.

Statement Address Settings

Statement Address Settings impact Account Statements, Incident Statements, and eStatements.
Print Provider on First Line Checkbox: When checked, the Provider First and Last Name will be printed instead of the Office Name on a Statement. Works for Account Statements, Incident Statements, and eStatements.
Use Office Address Radio Button: When this option is selected, the office address will pull from the Office Reference address and print on the statement.
Use Office Facility Address Radio Button: When this option is selected, the office address will pull from the Office Reference > Default Facility and print on the statement.
Empty Radio Button: When this option is selected, the office address will not be printed on the statement form. This is useful if using pre-printed statement forms.

For All The Date Filters in Printing Statements

These options impact Account Statements, Incident Statements, and eStatements.
Date Range Applies to Posted Date Radio Button: When selected, statement transactions are filtered by transaction posted date. This will ensure that procedures with a posted date that falls within the Statement range will be included on the statement. Dates printed will still be the procedure date, which could cause transactions to appear out of order.
Date Range Applies to Procedure Date Radio Button: When selected, statement transactions are filtered by the procedure date.

Other Preferences that Impact Statements

This section covers Preferences outside of the Statements Preferences listed above.

Preferences > Insurance > General

Print Insurance Estimating Description Line on Account Statements

When enabled, estimated patient portion for the charge items on the claim will print on the statement in the Insurance (e)Claim description.
Example: (A claim of 200.00 was submitted to United Health on 04/01/2016. We estimate your portion will be 10.00)
Works For: All Statements and eStatements.
Notes: When disabled, the insurance claim description will indicate a claim was sent with Insurance Company and Plan Name.
This preference requires 'Use Insurance Estimating' to be enabled.
This preference requires "Don't print 'Claim Sent to Insurance on Statements' to be disabled.

Preferences > eStatement

Save PDF to Database When Printing eStatements

When enabled, a PDF of the statement sent is saved in the database when sending eStatements.
Notes: When "Send eStatement as a Test" is enabled in Statement Manager, a PDF will NOT be saved.
If "Save Statement Transaction on Ledger" preference is enabled, double clicking the eStatement line item in the ledger will give the user an error stating "The PDF statement can not be opened because it has not been saved in the database. To save a PDF statement in database, please check 'Save PDF in Database' in Preferences > Forms."

Preferences > Financial > Charge


These options impact statements generated by Statement Manager, in relation to Finance Charges. These settings are global, which means they will impact all clients.
Monthly Finance Charge Rate: When entered, this is the percentage rate to evaluate Finance Charges for outstanding balances based on days overdue. This field pulls into Monthly Charges (%) by default and can be overridden in Statement Manager.
Minimum Finance Charge: When entered, this is the minimum amount of a Finance Charge assessed on a statement for outstanding balances. This amount is taken into account in the Finance Charge column in the list of accounts in Statement Manager, and pulls automatically into the "Min. Finance Charge" field in Statement Manager.
Minimum Account Balance: When entered, this determines which accounts are assessed Finance Charges based on overdue days on outstanding balances on the account. This Preference works with "Include Accounts with Patient and Insurance Portion" checkbox in Statement Manager.
Overdue: When entered, this determines when outstanding balances exists on accounts are assessed a Finance Charge. This field pulls into the Overdue field in Statement Manager.

Customize Finance Charge Name

When entered, this is the text displayed in the Code column with the percentage amount when finance charges are assessed. This text displays in the Account Ledger Code Column, the Patient Ledger Code Column, and on printed eStatements in the code column.

Preferences > Forms > Default Forms

Always Use Installment Amount

When enabled, installment amount will always print even if the installment amount is more than the account balance. This is only used with the following default forms, or custom forms with Account Installment and Account Balance pull fields present.

Default Installment Forms are...

  • Statement 2 Column/Installment Amount

  • Statement 4 Column/Installment Amount

  • Statement 5 Column CC/Installment Amount

  • Statement 5 Column/Installment Amount

  • Statement CC/Installment Amount

  • Statement Code and Diagnosis/Installment Amount

  • Statement Expected Insurance/Installment Amount

  • Statement FC CC/Installment Amount

  • Statement Pending Insurance/Installment Amount


  • Statement 5 Column

  • Statement 5 Column CC

  • Statement Expected Insurance

  • Statement Pending Insurance

Patient > Account Tab

Where to Send Statements

These options control what account address is pulled into Statements.

  • Primary Address Radio Button: When this option is selected, the name and address printed on the statements and the name shown in Statement Manager will pull from the Primary Tab in the Patients Ability.

  • Secondary Address Radio Button: When this option is selected, the name and address printed on the statements and the name shown in Statement Manager will pull from the Secondary Tab in the Patients Ability.

  • Patient Address Radio Button: When this option is selected, the name and address printed on the statements and the name shown in Statement Manager will pull from the Secondary Tab in the Patients Ability.

Monthly Statement Options

These options control whether you are able to generate statements via the Statement Manager.

  • Send Monthly Statement Radio Button:


  •  With this radio button selected, this allows the user to send statements to this account from Statement Manager.

  • Don't Send Monthly Statement Radio Button: With this radio button selected, this will disable the checkbox to print a statement for this Account in Statement Manager.

  • Send After Insurance Payment Radio Button: With this radio button selected, this will enable and disable the checkbox to print a statement for this Account in Statement Manager. This option can also change the way some line items print on Statements. This option must be selected for these following Preferences to work.

    • Don't Send Statements to Accounts with Outstanding Claims

    • Print 'Has Not Been Paid By Insurance' Legend on Statements

    • Print Insurance Estimating Description Line on Account Statements

Exempt Finance Charge

When checked, this defaults the state of the Charge F.C. checkbox for this account in Statement Manager.

Installment Amount

If this field is entered, and an Installment Form is currently being used, Statements will pull the Installment Amount or Account Balance into the Minimum Amount Due on an Installment Form, whichever is less.
If any other type of statement form is used that has the Statement Please Pay Amount pull field will use either the installment amount or patient portion, whichever is less. See 'Always Use Installment Amount' preference for more information.

Account Message

These options control messages printed on Statements.
One Time Message: When this option is checked, it will print text entered into the One-Time Message textbox, and will not pull text from the Account Message textbox. The status of this checkbox and textbox will be the default for the same fields in Statement Manager. Once printed on a statement, the state of the One Time Message checkbox will reset to unchecked, and the text from the textbox will be cleared.
Account Message: Text entered into this textbox will print on Account Statements as long as One-Time Message is unchecked.