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The Statement Manager is a tool for gathering patient accounts and generating statements for these accounts in batches.

The structure of the Statement Manager is as follows:

Account Tab


The Dates tab specifies what date range of information is printed on statements.

Print Patient Payments

When Print Patient Payments is checked the resulting statements will only show patient payments made during the selected date range.

Patient Payments applied to charges outside of the date range will not print if the Statement Option Preference for Print Payments Applied to Charges Outside of the Date Range" is disabled.

Finance Charges will not be assessed on Patient Payment Statements.

Statement Forms with a Running Balance will display negative values for patient payments to show a running balance of the total amount of payments.

The Total box on a Statement Form will always print with balances from the account, not the totals of the payments on the statement.

Print All Transactions

Having this selected will print all transactions regardless of date.

Print Transactions

If the box next to Print Transactions is checked, only transactions within the selected date range will be printed on the account statement. If a balance exists from transactions before the selected date range, it will be summarized by a Previous Balance line item on the statement.

The End Date field specifies an end date for printed transactions. Any transactions that occurred after this date will be omitted from the printed statement. The patient's balance printed on the statement will not include any changes made from transactions after this date.

Entering an end date should only be done if statements should represent a snapshot of the patient's balance as of that date. For example, if statements are sent out on a monthly basis, but during one month statements are a few days late, an end date of the last day of the month can be entered and statements will reflect only transactions up to that date.


The Filters tab controls the balance and portion requirements for gathering accounts.

Include Accounts with Patient and Insurance Portions

This will pull accounts with both a Patient Portion and Insurance Portion, allowing the collection of the patient's balance even though the insurance company has not paid their portion of the balance. The Minimum Total Balance field allows the exclusion of accounts that owe less than a given dollar amount from the search criteria.

Include Accounts with Patient Portion Only

If patients with any Insurance Portion are not billed, leave "Include Accounts with Patient and Insurance Portions" unchecked and check the box next to "Include Accounts with Patient Portion Only" instead. Checking this box only will pull accounts that have a Patient Portion. The Minimum Patient Portion field excludes accounts that have less than a given dollar amount in the patient portion from the search criteria.

NOTE: This setting should be used with care, as a patient with a Patient Portion can be collected on, but if there is also an Insurance Portion their account will not appear in the manager. MacPractice recommends having both the Include Accounts with Patient and Insurance Portions and Include Accounts with Patient Portion Only checked.

Include Accounts with Insurance Portion Only

This determines whether accounts with outstanding Insurance Portions but no Patient Portion will appear on the Statements Manager list. The Minimum Insurance Portion field excludes accounts that have less than a given dollar amount in the insurance portion from the search criteria.

NOTE: For the best results MacPractice suggests checking the boxes next to Include accounts with Patient Portion Only and Include accounts with Patient and Insurance Portions.

Minimum Boxes

The Minimum fields (Minimum Total Balance, Minimum Patient Portion and Minimum Insurance portion) will omit patients that do not have a balance that meets the given criteria.

Show Only Accounts With Balance Overdue by (__) Days

When checked, the list of accounts will be filtered by the number of days the balance is overdue as defined by the number entered.

Show Aging Patients Balance in Tables

When checked, the list of accounts will contain 6 additional columns breaking out patient balances by aging day ranges. This will add the following columns to the Account table.

  • Pat. 0-30

  • Pat. 31-60

  • Pat. 61-90

  • Pat. 91-120

  • Pat. 121-150

  • Pat. 150+

Provider Office

The Provider Office tab controls additional filters used for including or excluding accounts by Provider, Office, or Financial Statuses.

Filter Providers / Offices / Financial Statuses
To select only one item from a filter list, click on the selection. To select multiple items, hold down the Command key and click on the desired items. An item can also be de-selected using Command-click. To select all the items in a filter list, use the Command-A keyboard shortcut. 
The Provider and Office filters filter accounts based on the provider and office set on the Account tab in the Patient ability.
The Financial Status filter can be useful for filtering out accounts with a particular Financial Status, set on the Account tab of the Patient ability.
Individual transactions cannot be filtered by provider or office.
When Print Incidents with Selected Attorneys is checked, an Attorney Filter will also be present.

Print Incidents With Selected Attorneys
This checkbox allows for the inclusion or exclusion of incidents with a listed attorney, as set in an Incident in the Ledger under Incident > Attorney tab. Checking this box will display the Attorney filter.

Finance Charges

This tab controls how Finance Charges are calculated and charged to overdue accounts.

Note: The Monthly Charges, Annual Charges, Minimum Finance Charge, and Overdue fields are locally set and the default values will pull from Preferences > Financial > Charge.

Finance Charges

This checkbox controls whether Finance Charges are posted. Unchecking this box will ensure Finance Charges are not assessed when Statements are printed.

Monthly Charges (%) / Annual Charges (%)

These fields controls the percentage amount of an account balance that will be charged to an account for every overdue month and year. Adjusting the Monthly Charges (%) field will cause the Annual Charges (%) to automatically calculate based on the Monthly Charges (%) amount, and vice-versa.

Min. Finance Charge / Max. Finance Charge

These fields are used to set a minimum and maximum amount for Finance Charges. If a calculated Finance Charge does not meet the minimum or exceeds the maximum, the minimum or maximum will be posted instead.


The Overdue field controls how many days overdue the patient's balance must become before finance charges are assessed. 

Overdue Base Date

Overdue days can be calculated by the Service Date, which can be determined either by the posted date or the procedure date of the transactions. They can also be calculated by the Last Insurance Payment Posted Date.

Unapplied Tab

The Unapplied tab controls the color legend and also contains additional options for filtering out accounts listed in the Statement table. All color selectors can be used to adjust the default colors for each corresponding option.

Account with zero balance and zero unapplied credits

This option allows you to customize the color that displays in the Statements table for accounts that have a true zero balance; no balance and no unapplied credits. In order for zero-balance accounts to appear on the table, the "Print Statements with a Zero Balance" must be enabled in Preferences > Statements > Statement Options. These accounts are grey by default.

Include accounts with real balances and no unapplied credits

This checkbox and corresponding color selector control whether accounts with an account balance but no unapplied credits are included when generating Statements. These accounts indicate that the patient owes the practice for completed procedures.
These accounts are black by default.

Include accounts with credit balances but no account balance

This checkbox and corresponding color selector control whether accounts with unapplied credits, but no account balance are included when generating Statements. These accounts indicate that the patient is owed money, or has an existing credit that can be applied towards new charges.
These accounts are red by default.

Include accounts with balances and unapplied credits

This checkbox and corresponding color selector control whether accounts with a balance and unapplied payments are included when generating Statements. As these accounts have an existing balance, oftentimes you can apply the credits to charges with an open balance, so it is recommended that you apply credits before printing Statements to ensure their account balance is accurate.
These accounts are blue by default.

Exclude accounts who received statement in last (__) days who had no recent activity

This checkbox and field control whether accounts that have received Account Statements within the last (__) days and have had no account activity since that time are excluded when printing statements in Statements Manager. Leave this option enabled to prevent accidentally sending two statements to the same account within a (__) day period when the account has had no recent activity. 
Recent activity is defined as a posted charge or payment. If an insurance payment is posted and the patient balance is 0.00, the account will be excluded.

Note: It may be advisable to disable this setting for February's (28 day) billing cycle to avoid throwing off your monthly billing schedule.

Print Open Charges Only
Note : This option is designed to be used with a Statement 4 Column form. Any form with a running balance may experience inaccurate results in the running balance column.
If this option is enabled, only open charges, finance charges and associated payments, adjustments and comments applied to those charges will be printed on a statement. 

Name Range

The Name Range tab can filter the statement table to only show accounts where the Primary's last name (or Secondary's, if the statement is set to go to the Secondary) is between the name range. This is useful for breaking the statement list into smaller batches. If the name fields are left blank all accounts will be pulled.

Contract Billing

The Contract Billing tab controls whether statements includes charges generated via contract billing, charges not generated by contract billing, or all charges.

Statement Message Tab

The Statement Message tab is used to set a global message that will be placed on all statements generated through the Statements Manager.

Print Global Statement Message

When checked, the text entered in the Global Statement Message text box will be printed in the Statement Message section of all account statements. This feature is useful for printing the same message on all account statements, such as a change of address, a message welcoming a new provider to the practice, or even a holiday greeting. Be aware that only 160 characters will fit into the Statement Message section.

Replace Account Statement Message. Otherwise append Account Statement Message

If checked, the Global Statement Message will replace the patients' Account Statement Message.

Global Statement Message

This is a text field for entering a message for all patients you are creating statements for.

Print A/R Message

If checked, an Accounts Receivable Message will be printed in the Statement Message section of the account statement according to the current account aging information. Each A/R aging time frame message can be edited in the 0-30, 31-60, 61-90, 91-120, and 121+ days fields.

Replace Account Statement Message and Global Statement Message. Otherwise append A/R Message at the end

If checked, the A/R Message will replace both the Account Statement Message and the Global Statement Message.

For eStatements, the Global, Account and A/R Messages will be included if selected. MacPractice allows up to 200 characters to be submitted in the statement message field for eStatements. Anything over 200 characters will be eliminated from the statement.

Statement Manager List

Apply Button

Click the Apply button to generate the statement list in the table below. Any changes to filters in the Accounts tab will require applying again for the changes to take effect.

Last Statement/Last Finance Charge

This line displays when the last batch of account statements was printed through Statement Manager, as well as the date of the last assessed finance charge.

Check/Uncheck All

The Check/Uncheck All checkbox toggles the print status of all statements together as a whole, instead of individually per account.

It may not be possible to check the box next to Print for certain accounts, depending on the Monthly Statement Options set under the Account Tab.

Show Aging Detail Window

If checked, a small floating window detailing account aging information will be displayed for each selected account in the Statement Manager list. Aging details can also be accessed at any time by using the Accounts Receivable Report, located in the Reports Ability > Accounting/Financial.

Charge F.C. Checkbox

In the Statement Manager List each account will have a "Charge F.C." checkbox that allows you finite control over which accounts are assessed finance charges. This option requires Finance Charges to be enabled in the Finance Charges tab. If an account is to be assessed a 0.00 Finance Charge, this checkbox will be unchecked for that account by default.


Make List

Clicking the Make List button will generate a List of all accounts that are selected for printing and add it to the current MacPractice User's Drawer. Lists can be used to generate envelopes or address labels for the selected accounts.


Go To Account

With an account selected, click on the Go To Account button to switch to the Patients Ability > Ledger tab of the selected account. From here, you can click over to the Accounts Tab.

The Accounts tab controls where To Send Statements (either the Primary, Secondary, or first Patient Address), the Statement Message, Monthly Statement Options, the Financial Status, and the ability to Exempt Finance Charges for the account.
The Go To Account button is also a means of navigating to the account to address any unapplied amounts or to investigate a balance for the selected patient. Further information about these concepts can be located in documentation for the Patients Ability - Account tab and applying an Unapplied Amount.

Print Account/One-Time Statement Message

If checked and nothing is entered in the text field, the Statement Message from the patient's Account tab will appear in the text box in the lower right corner of the Statements Manager window.
A Statement Message can be selected from the pop-up menu, which will automatically populate the text box with the selected Statement Message. Predefined Statement Messages can be created and managed in the References Ability - Statement Message. 

A Statement Message can also be manually typed into the text box. 
If the message only needs to be printed once, check the box next to One-Time Message. After the statement is created, the message will not be used again.

Statement Form

The Statement Form drop down menu is used to select an activated statement form.
Statement forms can be previewed by selecting the desired statement form from the pop-up menu and double-clicking on a name in the Statement Manager list. A preview window will appear showing the selected statement form.
The Statement Form automatically pulls from the Account Statement Form set in MacPractice Preferences > Forms > Account Statement.
Further information on statement forms can be found in the Statement Forms documentation.

View Batch Statements

The View Batch Statements button displays previously created batches of statements. This can be useful for tracking when statements have been historically run in an office, and can also be used to delete a batch run in error, which will remove all statements and associated finance charges that were run in the deleted batch.

In the View window:

  • Batch Number: Keeps track of how many batches of statements have been created. It will keep counting up even if a batch is deleted.

  • Time: Shows when the batch was created

  • # Accounts: How many statements where created in the batch

  • eStatements: Displays if generated statements were uploaded as eStatements.

  • Upload: Shows when the batch was uploaded

  • Re-Upload: Shows if and when the batch was re-uploaded

  • User: User that created this batch

The View window will also display all Patient Accounts (listed by number) that had a statement created in the selected batch, so that statements in a particular patient's account can be reviewed or deleted.

Print Button

After setting the filters, confirming all the patients are accurate, selecting the proper statement form, and selecting all the patients under the Print column, the statements can be printed. Click the Print button to bring up the print dialog box.

Note: Clicking the Print button will generate statements for all accounts that were checked, and assign finance charges based on their existing balance. Make sure to double-check to ensure everything is configured appropriately! We strongly recommend to verify the printer has an adequate level of ink and paper before clicking Print. If printing to pre-printed statement forms, be sure they have been loaded in your printer before clicking the Print button. If the box next to Print In Background is checked (enabled by default) MacPractice can be used while the statements print.

  • No labels