Rx - Medication References
The Rx Ability is able to pull information from the following References:
- 1 Medications (Custom)
- 1.1 Detail Tab
- 1.2 Info Tab
- 2 Medications (FDB)
- 2.1 Detail Tab
- 2.2 Dose Tab
- 2.3 Info Tab
- 3 Medication Route Reference
Medications can be added to the Medication (Custom) Reference manually or through the Medications Manager in older builds. The Medications (FDB) Reference is used with the ePrescribe ability and cannot be added to or have items removed. However, dosing and other information can be entered for usage in the Rx Ability. The Medication Route is a list that cannot be edited.
Medications (Custom)
The Medications (Custom) Reference is used to manually add a medication or edit an existing medication added through the Medications Manager. Within References > Medications (Custom), click the plus button to create a new record and enter a name for the medication. Additional information can be added in the Detail and Info tabs.
Detail Tab
The Detail tab sets a general description of the selected medication. This documentation breaks the Detail Tab into three parts:
Medication: the commercial name of the medication
PRN: Latin for "pro re nata"; indicates a medication should be taken as needed or as necessary
May Substitute: indicates a pharmacist may substitute a generic medication for a brand name one
Package Description: the package the medication comes in (box, bottle, etc.). This will pull from an NDC code once it is tied to your medication.
Generic: the chemical name of the medicine; this name is the same despite the manufacturer
Classification: the method of delineating and categorizing the medication
Group: defines a group medications, such as Steroids
Take: the amount of medication per dose
Drug Form: the form of the medication, such as tablet, pill, capsule, etc.
Route: the manner in which the medication is taken, such as orally, via inhaler, etc.
Frequency: how often the medication is taken
Duration: how long the medication should be taken
Dispense: total amount of the medication to be prescribed
Refills: number of refills the pharmacist should allow
Additional Sig: special instructions for the patient or additional information regarding the prescription; will appear on the prescription label
Special Instructions/Note to Pharmacist: further information for the pharmacist regarding the prescription or patient; will not appear on the prescription label, but will appear on the printed prescription
RxNorm Code: used to search and tie the RxNorm code to the current medication
Dose Calculation: indicates the method of dose calculation; internal to MacPractice
Unit Qualifier: indicates the units for the overall prescription; internal to MacPractice
National Drug Code: used to search and tie the NDC number to the current medication
DEA Schedule: indicates the DEA Schedule: I, II, III, IV, V
Form: toggles the default paper form used for the medication
Info Tab
The Info tab contains text boxes for more information on a selected medication, such as drug interactions, side effects, significance of the selected medication, and so on. These fields are informational only and are not used by the patient's pharmacy.
Medications (FDB)
The Medications (FDB) Reference is used to manually add information for usage in the Rx Ability. Medications cannot be added or removed from this list, but default medication and dosing information can be added under the Detail, Dose, and Info tabs.
Detail Tab
The Detail tab sets a general description of the selected medication:
Brand and Dosage: the commercial name and strength of the medication; cannot be edited
Classification: the method of delineating and categorizing the medication
Generic: the chemical name of the medicine; cannot be edited
Group: defines a group medications, such as Steroids
Dose Tab
The Dose tab sets the default dosing information for usage in the Rx ability:
Take: the amount of medication per dose
Duration: how long the medication should be taken
Route: the manner in which the medication is taken, such as orally, via inhaler, etc.
Dose Calc: indicates the method of dose calculation; internal to MacPractice
Frequency: how often the medication is taken
Unit Qualifier: indicates the units for the overall prescription; internal to MacPractice
Dispense: total amount of the medication to be prescribed
Drug Form: the form of the medication, such as tablet, pill, capsule, etc.
Refills: number of refills the pharmacist should allow
National Drug Code: used to search and tie the NDC number to the current medication
RxNorm Code: used to search and tie the RxNorm code to the current medication
Form: toggles the paper form used for the prescription
May Substitute: indicates a pharmacist may substitute a generic medication for a brand name one
Freehand Sig: special instructions for the patient or additional information regarding the prescription; will appear on the prescription label
Special Instructions: further information for the pharmacist regarding the prescription or patient; will not appear on the prescription label, but will appear on the printed prescription
Info Tab
The Info tab contains text boxes for more information on a selected medication, such as drug interactions, side effects, significance of the selected medication, and so on. These fields are informational only and are not used by the patient's pharmacy.
Medication Route Reference
The Medication Route is a list of all medication routes and cannot be edited. The HL7 Route Code can be updated per the transfer needs of third party software.