Negative Adjustment Report

The Negative Adjustment report can be used to find negative adjustments associated with a given date range and/or type.

This documentation contains the following sections:

Filter Options

  • Select Providers/Offices: Filters the report by provider and/or office references. For applied adjustments, this will filter based on the provider/office selected in the charge of the adjustment. For unapplied adjustments, it will filter based on the provider listed on the adjustment.

  • Select Adjustment Types: Filters the report by adjustment type.

  • Date Range Settings: Filters the report filters by the date associated to the adjustment or the date the adjustment was applied. The Posted/Procedure Date radio buttons filters adjustments based on posted or procedure date of the adjustment itself, NOT of the procedure(s) it was applied to.

Results Columns

The initial view of the Negative Adjustment report breaks down the adjustments by type.



  • Adjustment Type: The first column lists the type of the negative adjustment.

  • Number of Accounts: The next column displays the number of patients associated with that adjustment type.

  • Applied: The Applied column displays the amount of the adjustments that have been applied to charges.

  • Unapplied: The Unapplied column lists the amount of the adjustments that are not applied to charges.

  • Adjustment Amount: The final column lists the total adjustment amounts associated to that type.

You can click the triangle next to any of the adjustment types to see more detail about the adjustments included on the report.

Expanded View


  • Account # & Primary Last, First: The first two columns on the expanded view list the account number and patient name associated with the adjustment.

  • Date: The next column lists the posted date of the adjustment.

  • Description: The Description column will always read "Negative Adj." on this report.

  • Applied: The Applied column displays the amount of the adjustment that has been applied to charges.

  • Unapplied: The Unapplied column lists the amount of of the adjustment that is not applied to charges.

  • Adjustment Amount: The final column lists the total amount of the adjustment.

You can click the triangle next to the patient's account number to view additional detail about the adjustments and the procedures they are applied to.

  • Patient# & Patient Last, First: The first two columns in the fully expanded view show the account number and patient name associated with the adjustment.

  • Posted Date: The Posted Date column displays the date the adjustment was entered into the computer.

  • Incident: The next column shows the incident the adjustment is listed under.

  • Description: The Description column will always read "Negative Adj." on this report.

  • Amount: The Amount column lists the amount of the adjustment applied to the charge.

  • Procedure Code: The next column shows the procedure code the adjustment is applied towards.

  • Procedure Description: The column give a brief description of what the procedure is.

  • PROV: The final column displays the user ID and office ID of the provider and office listed on the charge the adjustment is applied to.