Outstanding Claims By Company Report

The Outstanding Claims By Company report lists Insurance claims with an Outstanding status, sorted by the Insurance company which the claims are associated to.

This documentation contains the following sections:

Filter Options

  • Providers: Filters the report based on the provider listed on the Insurance claim.

  • Offices: Filters the report based on the office listed on the Insurance claim.

  • Insurances: Filters the report based on specific Insurances as listed in the Insurance Companies Reference.

  • Claim Creation Date/Date of Service drop down: Determines whether the start or end date fields filter by Claim Creation Date or the Date of Service.

  • Start/End Date: Filters the report based on a date range set and the Claim Creation Date or Date of Service, whichever is selected in the drop down above.

  • Show Aging Total Claim Balance: This option will adjust the aging table (30+ days, 60+ days, etc.) so it takes into account the Total Claim Balance (both paid and unpaid amounts).

  • Show Aging Open Claim Balance: This option will adjust the aging table (30+ days, 60+ days, etc.) so it takes into account the Open Claim Balance (the unpaid balance).

  • Claims to Include: Allows the selection of Both, Electronic, or Paper claims.

  • Plan Type: Filters results based on the Plan Type within the Insurance Reference.

Results Columns




  • Insurance Company: The Insurance Company associated to the outstanding claim.

  • Phone #: The phone number listed for the Insurance Company associated to the outstanding claim.

  • Claims: The total amount of claims outstanding for the Insurance Company result.

  • Current: The total amount outstanding on the claims for the Insurance Company result.

  • 30+ Days: The total amount which is 30+ days outstanding.

  • 60+ Days: The total amount which is 60+ days outstanding.

  • 90+ Days: The total amount which is 90+ days outstanding.

  • 120+ Days: The total amount which is 120+ days outstanding.

  • Total: The total aging amount per company.

  • Timely Filing Limit: The timely filing amount associated to the outstanding claims.

First Expansion


  • Plan Name: The Plan Name associated to the claim for the Insurance Company result.

  • Plan Type: The Plan Type associated to the Insurance Company.

  • Claims: The amount of claims associated to this Plan for the Insurance Company result.

  • Current: The total amount outstanding on the claims for the Insurance Company result.

  • 30+ Days: The total amount which is 30+ days outstanding.

  • 60+ Days: The total amount which is 60+ days outstanding.

  • 90+ Days: The total amount which is 90+ days outstanding.

  • 120+ Days: The total amount which is 120+ days outstanding.

Second Expansion


  • Patient #: The patient number associated to the outstanding claim.

  • Patient Last, First: The first and last name on the patient account.

  • Claim Charges: The amount of the charges on the outstanding claim.

  • Ins. Paid: The amount which has been paid by Insurance.

  • Pat. Paid: The amount which has been paid by the patient.

  • Write-Offs: The write-off amount on the outstanding claim for the patient.

  • Balance: The remaining balance on the outstanding claim.

  • Days Open: The amount of days in which the claim has been open.

  • Posted: The date on which the claim was posted.

  • Type: The type of claim (Paper or Electronic).

  • First Proc. Date: The first Procedure Date which is listed on the claim.

  • Birthday: The patient birthdate.

  • Subscriber: The patient's Insurance subscriber number.

  • Pr/Off: The Provider ID and Office ID that this claim is associated with.

  • Days to Timely File: The number of days to timely file the claim.

Third Expansion


  • Procedure Date: Lists the Procedure Date of the Procedure on the claim.

  • Procedure Code: Lists the Procedure Code on the claim.

  • Procedure Description: Lists the Procedure Description for the Procedure Code on the claim.

  • Procedure Fee: Lists the Procedure Fee for the Procedure Code on the claim.

  • Allowed: Lists the Allowed amount for the Procedure Code on the claim.

  • Pat. Portion: The amount which the claim defined as patient responsibility.

  • Ins. Portion: The amount which the claim defined as Insurance responsibility.

  • Pat. Paid: The amount which has been paid on the procedure by the patient.

  • Ins. Paid: The amount which has been paid on the procedure by the Insurance Company.

  • Write Off: Lists the Write-Off for the Procedure Code on the claim.

  • Balance: The remaining claim balance.