Patients By Age Report

The Patients by Age Report can be used to locate patients based on an age range.

As with many other reports, you can filter the report by Provider and Office, and Custom reference.


Additionally, you can filter the Patients by Age Report by New Patient Date, Sex and Age. You also have a checkbox that allows you to Include Inactive Patients.

By default, this report will sort patients by age from youngest to oldest. The patient's age will be displayed in the Age column, and the number of patients with the corresponding age will be provided in the # of Patients column. Patients who do not have a date of birth entered will be grouped into the blank row.



To view additional information, expand one of the ages by clicking the triangle to the left of the age. Doing so will provide details in the following columns:


  • Patient #: This column displays the patient ID, as displayed in the Patients ability.

  • Patient Last, First: The next column shows the patient's name (last name, first name).

  • Sex: This column shows the patient's sex (male, female or unknown), as set in the Patients ability.

  • Chart: The Chart column displays the patients chart number, if entered in the Patient tab.

  • New Patient Date: The next column provides the new patient date, as entered in the Patients ability.

  • Phone1: The Phone1 column shows the patient's first phone number listed.

  • Office/Provider: Finally, the Office/Provider column displays the office and provider, as set in the Patient tab. If one or both of these options is set to none in the Patient tab, the office and provider will be pulled from the Account tab.

You may also prefer to use the Expand All checkbox to see all details.

The bottom of the report provides a total number of ages.