Offices Reference Node

The Office Reference contains information about your office. It is tied explicitly to your MacPractice License. 

The uneditable fields can only be changed by the MacPractice Accounting Department; they are part of your license information. To make changes, please call our Support Line and ask to make changes to your Office Reference.


Multiple Office References

Multiple Office References function under the same MacPractice network and use the same MacPractice serial and licenses. Most practices need only a single office reference. However, you may need an additional office reference if:

  • You wish to track reporting separately for two entities within your practice (and it cannot be done solely on provider information), such as keeping two separate sets of Accounts Receivable information.

  • You need a different billing address on your claim form (Box 33 on the CMS-1500 form, box 48 on the ADA form).

  • If you have more than one TAX ID. For example, if your office has multiple offices, practices, or providers.

NOTE: Once you have a second office reference, it cannot be removed or transferred to another database.

If you are interested in purchasing a second office reference, please contact MacPractice Support for assistance. We can be reached by phone at 877-220-8418 or by email at

Mailing Address vs Physical Location


In the Office reference, you have two tabs: Mailing Address and Physical Location. The address stored in the Mailing Address tab is part of your license information and cannot be edited. The Physical Location tab is used with eClaims, and should only be used under the direction of the MacPractice EDI Department. Mailing Address is the address that the office chooses to use for their postal address. This can and is often the physical address of the office as well. The physical location should ONLY be used if the mailing address for the office is a P.O. Box. eClaims are required to show where services were rendered, and this is not possible from a P.O. Box. If the mailing address and the physical location are the SAME, then use of the physical location tab is not needed.

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