Notes Preferences
The Notes preference allows you to customize the Notes ability and actions, such as saving a note to the Ledger.
Format Date As: Allows you to set the kind of date format that is shown after creating patient notes with a Note Template that uses the date pull field; MM/DD/YYYY, MM/DD/YY, DD/MM/YYYY, DD/MM/YY, January 1, 2006 or Jan. 1, 2006.
Date Displayed in Sidebar: Allows you to display the Created Date of the note was or the Last Updated Date for the note in the sidebar.
Hide Notes From Archived Incidents: Allows notes to not show in the Notes ability if a patient note is tied to an archived incident; to get the notes to show up again, either uncheck this preference or retrieve the archived incident.
Display Notes Newer then XX Days Old: Allows you to hide past notes when in Many mode. When in One mode, all patient notes will always be shown.
Automatically Lock Notes After XX Days: Here you can set the number of days after which your notes will automatically lock.
Display Capture Date On Top Of Digital Radiography Images: You can check this if you would like to see the date the image was captured on the DR image.
Default Font: Allows you to set what font you'd like to use in Notes by default.
Default Printer: Allows you to set the default printer to which notes print.
Margins: Allow you to set your default margin settings for New Notes and Templates. You also can access Note or Template margin settings for individual notes/templates by going the Notes ability, selecting the Text menu, then choosing Margins.
Tab Jump To Next/Previous Space: Allows you to set the tab navigation behavior of notes.