Claims Preferences

The Claims preference contains preferences that impact the creation of Claims.

Using the Paper claim procedure order and eClaim procedure order pop-up menus allow you to set how you want patient charges to be ordered on claims.



  • Self-Refer Medicare Part B Claims:This option allows you to control whether a referral should be automatically placed on all claims created for insurances with the plan type set to Medicare Part B. The referral information will be populated from the provider's User reference. Please review the documentation on this feature for more information.

  • Automatically close new claim if provider does not Accept Assignment: With this option turned on, if Accepts Assignment is not checked on any given claim it will be automatically marked "Paid/Closed" as soon as it is created. This option should only be used by providers who do not accept payment from insurance and only file claims as a patient courtesy.

  • Paper Claim Procedure Order Drop Down: This drop down controls how procedures will be ordered on a paper claim form. You can choose to order procedures by the Procedure date or the Posted date from, or you can sort by the highest fee amount to lowest fee amount.

  • eClaim Procedure Order Drop Down: This drop down menu allows you to select how to handle the ordering of procedures on eClaims. You can set this to optimize for the fewest number of claims, or you can choose to use the ledger order by posted date, or you can choose to order by fee amount order from highest to lowest. 

  • Allow up to 12 Diagnoses per Charge: This box allows for up to 12 Diagnoses to be added to New Charges, EMR, EHR, and iEHR

  • Show Cross Overs in eClaims: When a crossover claim is generated when creating eClaims, this setting allows you to see the crossovers in the eClaims ability. The recommended setting is to have this unchecked for visual clarity.

  • Display eClaim counts on tabs: This option allows you to specify whether the total count of all claims of a given status is displayed on the tabs in the eClaims ability. Unchecking this preference may improve the performance of the eClaims ability for databases with large amounts of eClaims.

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