Perio - Glossary

The Perio Glossary defines terminology related to Perio features and user interface elements within the Feature Glossary and defines clinical terminology used throughout the Perio Ability in Clinical Terminology.

Perio Clinical Terminology: A thorough Glossary of Periodontal Terms and clinical guidelines is maintained by the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP). The definitions below are those used by the MacPractice Perio feature when notating a patient's Perio Chart and calculating Notation Point relationships.

Abscess (ABSC): An abscess is a localized collection of suppuration or purulent exudate (pus). An Abscess is noted as True or False (1 or 0) with a Keyboard Shortcut. It is a Tooth Notation Point.

Attached Gingiva (AG): Attached Gingiva is the amount of gingiva that is bound to the underlying tooth or bone. Attached Gingiva is noted by a range of 0-5 with a Keyboard Shortcut. Click the gear on the Notation Point pane and choose "Desc" to enter A, M, and I as descriptions. It is a Surface (Arch) Notation Point.

Bleeding (BLD): Bleeding on probing or gingival bleeding is the presence of probing induced bleeding. The number of bleeding sites is used to calculated the gingival bleeding score (see Notation Point Percentages). Bleeding is noted by  (1 or 0) or 0 - 4 with Keyboard Shortcut. It is a Surface (Arch) Notation Point.

Bone Loss (BLS): Bone Loss describes teeth bone loss (the loss of bone around teeth) or dental bone loss (the loss of bone not directly associated with teeth.) Bone loss is noted as True or False (1 or 0) with a Keyboard Shortcut. It is a Tooth Notation Point.

Calculus (CALC): Calculus is a calcified plaque formation on the teeth. Calculus is noted by True or False (1 or 0) with the Keyboard Shortcut. It is a Surface (Arch) Notation Point.

Clinical Attachment Loss (CAL): Clinical Attachment Loss is calculated by adding the Probing Depth to the Gingival Margin. Thus, Clinical Attachment Loss can be measured with a positive value when the gum line is below the CEJ and a negative value when the gum line is below the CEJ. Higher Clinical Attachment Loss measurements are associated with greater risk of losing a tooth. It is a Surface (Arch) Notation Point.

Furcation (FURC): Furcation is the amount of gingiva destruction around a tooth due to resorption of bone, which may be indicated by exposed roots. Furcation is noted as a positive value (1-4).

  • 1 = Developing bone loss

  • 2 = Partial bone loss

  • 3 = Variable loss that does not extend completely through the furcation

  • 4 = Visible bone loss and open furcation with exposed roots or bone

Furcation is noted by 1 - 4 with a Keyboard Shortcut. It is a Surface (Arch) Notation Point.

Gingival Margin/Recession (GM): The Gingival Margin is the top edge of the gingiva surrounding (but not attached to) a tooth. The Gingival Margin can be considered the recession of the gum line. Gingival Margin is measured from the Cemento-enamel Junction (CEJ), with a positive value (0-15) when the gum line is below the CEJ and a negative value (-1 to -5) when the gum line is below the CEJ. Gingival Margin/Recession (GM) is noted by -5 - 15 with Keyboard Shortcut . It is a Surface (Arch) Notation Point.

Mobility (MOB): Mobility is the level of tooth movement within a pocket.

  • 1 = Normal movement

  • 2 = Slight movement

  • 3 = Moderate movement

  • 4 = Significant movement

  • 5 = Severe movement or tooth displacement

Mobility is noted by 1 - 5 with Keyboard Shortcut. It is a Tooth Notation Point.

Plaque (PLQ): Plaque is colonized bacteria or food particles that form a sticky deposit on teeth. Plaque is noted by True or False (1 or 0) with Keyboard Shortcut. It is a Surface (Arch) Notation Point.

Probing Depth (PD): Probing Depth reflects the dislocation of attached gingiva by measuring the pocket depth. Probing Depth is measured as a positive value (1-15) based on the depth of the probe. Probing Depth is noted by 0 - 15 with Keyboard Shortcut. It is a Surface (Arch) Notation Point.

Prognosis (PROG): Prognosis is a prediction of the outcome based on the diagnosis and associated risk factors of disease. Prognosis is noted by 5-Good, 4-Fair, 3-Questionable, 2-Poor, and 1-Hopeless. It is a Tooth Notation Point.

Sensitivity to Cold (COLD): Sensitivity to Cold is dentinal (middle, dentin layer) or pulpal sensitivity, pain, or discomfort triggered by cold. Sensitivity to Cold is noted as True or False (1 or 0). It is a Tooth Notation Point.

Sensitivity to Heat (HEAT): Sensitivity to Heat is dentinal (middle, dentin layer) or pulpal sensitivity, pain, or discomfort triggered by heat. Sensitivity to Heat is noted as True or False (1 or 0). It is a Tooth Notation Point.

Sensitivity to Pressure (PRES): Sensitivity to Pressure is dentinal (middle, dentin layer) or pulpal sensitivity, pain, or discomfort triggered by pressure. Sensitivity to Pressure is noted as True or False (1 or 0). It is a Tooth Notation Point.

Suppuration (SUP): Suppuration is the presence of purulent exudate, discharge, or pus. The number of suppuration sites is used to calculated the gingival suppuration percentage (see Notation Point Percentages). Suppuration is noted by (1 or 0) with Keyboard Shortcut. It is a Surface (Arch) Notation Point.

Perio Feature GlossaryClinical Note Table: The Clinical Note Table in the Perio Ability displays the Clinical Notes.

Data Entry Panel: The Data Entry panel allows you to enter values in Perio view with a panel display on the screen, which is especially useful when using a hands free foot pedal peripheral, such as the Dental R.A.T.

Navigation Panel: The Navigation panel allows you to navigate amongst the teeth in Perio view.

Notation Points: Notation points are the clinical variable to be charted, such as Gingival Margin, Probing Depth, Bleeding, and so on.

Notation Point Percentages: To the left of the Perio Charting Toolbar, the Notation Point Percentages display the automatically calculated current percentages of pockets with positive findings for that notation point.

Notation Point Settings: The Notation Point Settings allow you to select which notation points (clinical attributes such as Gingival Margin, Probing Depth, Bleeding, and so on) will be included within the Patient Chart, as well as the order in which the notation points are charted. Notation Settings also allow you to use abbreviations for any notation, rather than the full name.

Perio Chart: The Perio Chart displays the teeth graphics along with the Perio data cells in which a patient's unique notation points are documented.

Perio Charting Toolbar: The Perio Charting Toolbar at the top of Perio View allows you to set the Perio Chart attributes.

Perio Control Panel: The Perio Control Panel hosts Notation Points, Data Entry, and Navigation of the Perio chart.

Perio Settings: The Perio Settings allow you to customize the visual display and input order of the patient's Perio Chart. See Perio Settings for documentation on each of these unique settings.

Perio View: Perio View displays the Perio Charting Toolbar and Perio Chart.