Incident Resource - Sending Attachment Information Electronically in a PWK Segment

This documentation will help you send attachment information on electronic claims using PWK segments.

The Resource tab on the incident level allows you to indicate additional paperwork on electronic claims. The paperwork area is most commonly used for Worker's Comp claims but can also be used to indicate other types of attachments corresponding to electronic claims. Payers have different requirements on how they want to receive paperwork, so any questions on how to send the information should be directed towards your carriers.

To add a record to the Resource tab, click the green plus button. This will cause a small sheet to drop from the top edge of the window. In this sheet, select Paperwork as the resource type and click Add.


Once a Paperwork record is added to the table below, twist it down by clicking on the triangle to the left of the record. This will bring down the Attachment Control Number, Attachment Transmission Code, and the Attachment Type Code fields.

The Attachment Control Number allows you to indicate an attachment trace number or confirmation number. To edit the attachment control number, double click in the Value area next to the attachment control number. The field will then be highlighted and you can begin typing your attachment control number.

The attachment control number is required if the attachment transmission code is anything other than "Available on Request". You will need to speak to the insurance carrier for instructions on how they wish to see any sent attachments.

On eClaims, this information populates the PWK06 element of the 2300 Loop. It is free form entry, and appears in the element just as it is entered in the Resource tab.


The Attachment Transmission Code indicates the method by which the attachment is being presented to the insurance carrier. Be sure to communicate with the insurance carrier to determine which method of transmission they wish to be used.

On eClaims, this information populates the PWK02 element of the 2300 Loop. This entry is not free form, and is relegated to specific selections, shown in the Attachment Transmission Codes table below.

The Attachment Type Code indicates the intended purpose of the attachment.

On eClaims, this information populates the PWK01 element of the 2300 Loop. This entry is not free form, and is relegated to specific selections, shown in the Attachment Type Codes table below.

The table below shows the valid Attachment Transmission Codes and the data indicator code as it appears on eClaims:

The table below shows the valid Attachment Type Codes and the data indicator code as it appears on eClaims: