EHR Preconfigured Section - Header

EHR Preconfigured Section - Header

The Header is the first section on an EHR form. The header section automatically populates at the top of every EHR patient form and, other than what is already included in the section, cannot be altered.

The contents of this section are as follows:

  • Section Title: Displays the title of the Patient Form (includes the Form Creation Date on the narrative view).

  • Patient Name, Gender, DOB, and Age: Patient demographics pull from what is entered in the Patient tab of the Patient ability. Demographics cannot be changed from the form.

The following fields can be edited by clicking the blue text (known as “hyperlinks”):

  • Provider: Automatically pulls from what is indicated in the Provider dropdown in the Patient tab. This can be changed to any other user in MacPractice marked as a Provider.

  • Incident: Automatically populates the name and date of the most recent incident. This can be changed to any other incident that has already been added to the patient’s Ledger or what appears under Incidents in the sidebar of EHR.

  • Office: Automatically pulls from what is indicated in the Office dropdown in the Patient tab. This can be changed to another Office Reference, if one exists.

  • Encounter Date: Automatically pulls “Today’s Date”. This can be changed to any other date.

From View

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Narrative View

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