ePrescribe - Pt. Details / Diagnoses

This page will address both the Pt. Details and Diagnoses tabs within the ePrescribe Ability. Features that can be accessed by these tabs are as follows:

  • Formulary Checking

  • Patient Pharmacies


Pt. Details
Patient demographic information that has been entered into MacPractice will appear under the Pt. Details tab in ePrescribe. This tab is where patient formulary information is set and can be configured for multiple insurance plans. Each patient can also have their preferred pharmacy set as a default to assist in the prescribing process.

Note: Patient demographic information cannot be edited from this page. Anything that needs changed will need to be done within the MacPractice Patient's Ability.  Patients are required to have a complete address (address/City/ST/Zip) for prescriptions to be transmitted electronically. Without this information the prescription will fail and may be sent via fax. 



Any active diagnosis from the MacPractice problem list will transfer over to ePrescribe. Current versions of MacPractice require all diagnosis to be sent to ePrescribe in the ICD-10 format. If there are any active ICD-9 diagnosis on the patient account, MacPractice will ask the user to map the ICD-9 code to the applicable ICD-10 equivalent.



Formulary Checking
Formulary checking with a patient's insurance benefits is possible with the Comprehensive (Advanced) version of ePrescribe. This displays coverage status for each drug, specific to the patient's insurance coverage. To accomplish this, Health plans must be listed for the account and assigned to each patient.

Before using formulary checking, a list of insurances and formularies must be established. Once selected, the Health plans and associated formularies are displayed as a drop-down list for each patient on the Patient Detail pages. Formularies are more specific than the insurance coverage. For instance, Blue Cross may provide a different formulary with each plan (i.e. PPO vs. HMO). In addition, coverage may differ by employer. Inspect the list of alternative formularies to find the one matching the patient's coverage as listed on their card or benefit information. Preferred drugs will generally be the same across formularies for a given Health plan. Contact employer benefit managers for additional information.

To build the formulary list, begin in the Admin tab within ePrescribe. Click on Account Health plan List.

Next, click on Add additional health plans.

NewCrop will load state specific choices. Check the box next to any desired plans and click the Add to List button. Search for specific plans with the search function. Type the name in the search bar and click the Search button.



Once the plans are added, they will display in the Current Account Health plan / Formulary List. Associate these plans to patients to begin using formulary checking. To assign a Health plan to a patient, click on the Pt. Details tab. Select the patient's formulary from the menus, which display the list of formularies added from the Admin page. Click the Save Insurance/Formulary button when finished.



The formulary status displays in the left hand column as medications are searched.




The formulary status also displays on each Pending Rx.

If a drug that is not in the formulary is selected, some formularies will display possible formulary alternatives when clicked.


Patient Pharmacies

Each patient can have their own set of default pharmacies that are tied to their individual account. When prescribing the pharmacies defaulted will be listed first so that the prescriber doesn't have to take any additional steps to find the patients preferred pharmacy.

Note: This is in addition to the Location Pharmacy List that is set in the Admin tab of the ePrescribe interface.

To add a pharmacy to a patient record, select Modify List.


Various search criteria will appear below. NewCrop recommends using a zip code or the best 2 search terms to best locate the pharmacy in question. Filling out too many fields may hinder the results given, and not enough may yield too many results.

Once search criteria has been entered, there are two ways to submit a search. Search Only Location List will only search though the Location Pharmacy List that the office has set in the Admin tab. If the specific pharmacy has not previously been added to the Location Pharmacy List, then it will not be searchable in this window.

Searching with Search All Pharmacies will look through every pharmacy in the database and display any matches. This option is best if the Location Pharmacy List hasn't been set up, or the patient is not from the local area.


Once the search results are shown a pharmacy can be selected by checking the box in the pink shaded area on the left-hand side of the screen. Clicking Save Changeswill add the pharmacy to the Pt. Details.Â