Objective 5: Patient Electronic Access To Health Information
This is an article in a series of articles describing each objective to meet the requirements for the 2019 Medicaid Promoting Interoperability Objectives. You can access the other objectives by clicking the corresponding links below.
Objective 5: Patient Electronic Access To Health Information <---
Objective 6: Coordination Of Care Through Patient Engagement
Objective 8: Public Health And Clinical Data Registry Reporting
Objective: The EP, eligible hospital or CAH provides patients (or patient-authorized representative) with timely electronic access to their health information and patient-specific education.
Measure 1: For more than 80 percent of all unique patients seen by the EP or discharged from the eligible hospital or CAH inpatient or emergency department (POS 21 or 23):
(1) The patient (or the patient-authorized representative) is provided timely access to view online, download, and transmit his or her health information; and
(2) The provider ensures the patient's health information is available for the patient (or patient-authorized representative) to access using any application of their choice that is configured to meet the technical specifications of the API in the provider's CEHRT.
Denominator: The number of unique patients seen by the EP or the number of unique patients discharged from an eligible hospital or CAH inpatient or emergency department (POS 21 or 23) during the EHR reporting period.
Numerator: The number of patients in the denominator (or patient-authorized representative) who are provided timely access to health information to view online, download, and transmit to a third party and to access using an application of their choice that is configured meet the technical specifications of the API in the provider's CEHRT.
Threshold: The resulting percentage must be more than 80 percent in order for a provider to meet this measure.
Measure 2: The EP, eligible hospital or CAH must use clinically relevant information from CEHRT to identify patient-specific educational resources and provide electronic access to those materials to more than 35 percent of unique patients seen by the EP or discharged from the eligible hospital or CAH inpatient or emergency department (POS 21 or 23) during the EHR reporting period.
Denominator: The number of unique patients seen by the EP or the number of unique patients discharged from an eligible hospital or CAH inpatient or emergency department (POS 21 or 23) during the EHR reporting period.
Numerator: The number of patients in the denominator who were provided electronic access to patient-specific educational resources using clinically relevant information identified from CEHRT during the EHR reporting period.
Threshold: The resulting percentage must be more than 35 percent in order for a provider to meet this measure.
Exclusions: A provider may exclude the measures if one of the following apply:
An EP may exclude from the measure if they have no office visits during the EHR reporting period.
Any EP that conducts 50 percent or more of his or her patient encounters in a county that does not have 50 percent or more of its housing units with 4Mbps broadband availability according to the latest information available from the FCC on the first day of the EHR reporting period may exclude the measure.
Any eligible hospital or CAH will be excluded from the measure if it is located in a county that does not have 50 percent or more of their housing units with 4Mbps broadband availability according to the latest information available from the FCC at the start of the EHR reporting period.
We are adopting Objective 5: Patient Electronic Access at § 495.24(d)(5)(i) for EPs and § 495.24(d)(5)(ii) for eligible hospitals and CAHs. We further specify that in order to meet this objective and measures, an EP, eligible hospital, or CAH must use the capabilities and standards of as defined for as defined CEHRT at § 495.4. We direct readers to section II.B.3 of this final rule with comment period for a discussion of the definition of CEHRT and a table referencing the capabilities and standards that must be used for each measure.
To meet Measure 1: You can do this with CCDA Export Manager/Exporting to Patient Portal. You can check your progress with Reports > Measure Calculations > Patient Electronic Access. This report must show at 80% or higher to pass.
To meet Measure 2: You can do this with providing patient education material. You can check your progress in Reports > Measure Calculation > Patient Education. This report must show 35% or higher to pass.