Patient Electronic Access Report
Note: This report may still help with meeting MIPS requirements, but is likely out of date.
The Patient Electronic Access Report is used to track whether your practice meets particular MIPS and Medicaid requirements for Promoting Interoperability. It measures whether patients have the proper access to a Patient Portal to access their health records. The requirements are stated by CMS are listed below:
More than 80% of all unique patients seen by the EP during the EHR reporting period are:
(1) Provided timely (within 4 business days after the information is available to the EP) online access to their health information subject to the EP's discretion to withhold certain information; and
(2) The provider ensures the patient’s health information is available for the patient (or patient-authorized representative) to access using any application of their choice that is configured to meet the technical specifications of the Application Programming Interface (API) in the provider’s certified electronic health record technology (CEHRT).
Among all patients seen by an EP, health information access is considered provided if the patients have exported incidents or have an exported continuity of care document within 4 business days to the Patient Portal. Any changes made to the problem list, procedures, lab and radiology/imaging orders, medications, prescriptions, allergies, vitals, smoking status, patient, goals, instructions, and care team members will result in another export to be made within 48 hours to continue to count as provided. Any failure to export within the 48 hours of any change made will result in the patient not counting as provided. The patient with at least one seen code (excluding POS 21 and 23) will be counted as being seen by an EP starting on the first seen code date (not having a POS of 21 or 23) through the end of the reporting period.
Functionally, this report behaves as many of our MacPractice Reports. The top half of the report is devoted to reports and setting your time range, and the bottom half displays the generated results from the report after clicking the "Apply' button.
Filter Providers: This filter allows you to narrow the generated data to include and exclude specific providers. When checked, any selected providers will be included in the results.
Filter Offices: This filter allows you to narrow the generated data to include and exclude specific Office references.
Filter Tax Identification Numbers: If you have multiple Tax ID numbers in your Office references, this filter allows you to narrow down by those Tax ID numbers.
Filter National Provider Identifiers: This filter allows you to narrow results by your provider's National Provider Identifiers (NPIs)
Start Date/End Date: These fields allow you to set the range for the information fetched by this report. Typically you will want this to default to the reporting year (in this case, 01/01/2019 to 12/31/2019)
Program (MIPS or Medicaid Promoting Interoperability): This pop up selection will allow you to set whether this report is utilizing the MIPS or Medicaid standards for Promoting Interoperability. Use the one that applies to your situation.
Like many Measure Calculation Reports, the Patient Electronic Access report divides up our patient pool by a numerator and a denominator.
Patients fall into the denominator when they have an office code on their patient ledger. These codes can be found at the bottom of the generated results of the report.
Patients fall into the numerator when they have met two requirements:
The patient's CCDA records have been exported to the Patient Portal within timely access guidelines. These guidelines are 48 hours for Medicaid, 4 business days for MIPS, and are calculated from the First Encounter Date.
The patient has been granted access to the Patient Portal by creating a Patient Portal User for the patient.
Numerator: The number of patient that meet the numerator requirements described above.
Denominator: The number of patients that meet the denominator requirements described above.
Percentage: The percentage of patients meeting both the numerator and denominator requirements.
First Expansion
Patient #: The Patient Account Number for the Patient in question.
Patient Name: The name of the patient in question, formatted as last name/first name.
Office/Provider: The Office ID and the Provider ID set in References for the Office and Provider in question.
Counts in Numerator: Clarifies whether this particular patient belongs in the Numerator. If not, this field will be blank.
Last Modified Date: This field indicates the last time this patient's data has been modified.
First Encounter Date: This is determined by the procedure date of the first ledger item in the patient's ledger.
Provided Timely Access: (YES/NO) This field determines whether the patient in question has been provided timely access to the Patient Portal. This should be done within 48 hours of the First Encounter Date if qualifying for Medicaid, or 4 days if qualifying for MIPS. Click this link to learn how to export a single CCDA for a patient.
Has Patient Portal User: (YES/NO) This field indicates whether the patient in question has an assigned Patient Portal User. You can locate a patient's Portal Users by navigating to the Patients Ability > Patient Tab > Portal Access sub-tab.
Additional Information: This column exists to cover any other relevant information for special cases.
Recorded Patient Generated Health Data: This field will either report a YES or a NO depending on whether an Order is present with the "Patient Generated Health Data" type set. This should typically match up with "Counts in Numerator" in most circumstances.
Second Expansion
Change on Date: This column indicates whether the data for the First Encounter Date has been changed. This is used for audit purposes to provide a log of the patient's changed data.
Incident: This column identifies the Incident and combined with the Summary Provided column, allows you to identify whether the incident in question has been exported.
Summary Provided: (YES/NO) This column tells you whether an incident has been exported or not.
Had Patient Portal User: This column states whether the Patient had Patient Portal Access at the time of the change date.