Health Information Exchange (Receive and Reconcile) Report

Note: This report may still help with meeting MIPS requirements, but is likely out of date. 


The Heath Information Exchange (Receive and Reconcile) report is utilized to track information that has been downloaded from a Health Information Exchange that has been connected to MacPractice, but has also had medications, allergies, and problem list items reconciled. This is used specifically to meet MIPS program requirements.

Importing CCDAs and Reconciling Results

This report requires that your office is able to upload and download CCDAs from an eligible Health Information Exchange. You could also import a CCDA file from a Direct Message by:

  1. First, select the patient you wish to import a CCDA for.

  2. Drag and drop the CCDA file (normally as an .XML file) into an Incident in the EHR Ability sidebar as shown below:


Once you have ingested the CCDA in question, you'll need a patient form with the Allergy, Medications, and Problem List sections present in the form.

Finally, you will need to reconcile the Allergy, Medications, and Problem List sections in the EHR Ability's patient form to accept their contents.

You can do this by using the Reconcile drop down in those sections.



Once you have performed these steps, the report will then capture these results.

This report functions like many other MacPractice Reports. The top half of the window is devoted to filters where you can narrow down specific sets of information. When those filters are configured to your liking, click the "Apply" button to generate results in the bottom half.

For this report, the denominator captures imported CCDAs, while the numerator captures whether that CCDA has been properly reconciled or not. In order for results to be counted, you MUST have an office visit code on the patient's ledger for the calendar year in question, AND a Transition From Referral, also for the calendar year in question.


  • Filter Providers: This filter allows you to narrow the generated data to include and exclude specific providers. When checked, any selected providers will be included in the results.

  • Filter Offices: This filter allows you to narrow the generated data to include and exclude specific Office references.

  • Filter Tax Identification Numbers: If you have multiple Tax ID numbers in your Office references, this filter allows you to narrow down by those Tax ID numbers.

  • Filter National Provider Identifiers: This filter allows you to narrow results by your provider's National Provider Identifiers (NPIs)

  • Start Date/End Date: These fields allow you to set the range for the information fetched by this report. Typically you will want this to default to the reporting year (in this case, 01/01/2019 to 12/31/2019)

  • Program (MIPS): This option is set to MIPS (Promoting Interoperability), and is the only option available.


The bottom half of the report will display all information received and incorporated from a Health Information Exchange. 

Unexpanded Columns

  • Numerator: The number of patient that meet the numerator requirements described above. For this report, the numerator captures reconciled CCDA records.

  • Denominator: The number of patients that meet the denominator requirements described above. For this report, the denominator captures imported CCDAs for your patients.

  • Percentage: The percentage of patients meeting both the numerator and denominator requirements.

  • Notes: This column will denote whether the provider had less than 100 transitions and new patients.

First Expansion

  • Patient #: The Patient Account Number for the Patient in question.

  • Patient Name: The name of the patient in question, formatted as last name/first name.

  • Office/Provider: The Office ID and the Provider ID set in References for the Office and Provider in question.

  • Denominator/Numerator: These cover how many numerator and denominator results are for this particular patient.

Second Expansion

  • Document Incident: This indicates which Incident these results apply for.

  • Counts in Numerator: Clarifies whether this particular patient belongs in the Numerator. If not, this field will be blank.

  • Recorded Medication Reconciliation (Yes/No): This field indicates whether the Medication section of their EHR Form was reconciled or not. 

  • Recorded Allergy Reconciliation (Yes/No): This field indicates whether the Allergy section of their EHR Form was reconciled or not. 

  • Recorded Problem Reconciliation (Yes/No): This field indicates whether the Problem List section of their EHR Form was reconciled or not. 
