Electronic Prescribing Measure

Electronic Prescribing Measure

Note: This report may still help with meeting MIPS requirements, but is likely out of date. 


The objective of this measure is the same for both the Medicare Quality Payment Program MIPS and the Medicaid Meaningful Use program, however the required threshold is different. Be sure to select the appropriate program at the top before running the report. Every Medicare provider will be attesting to MIPS and every Medicaid provider will be attesting to Modified Stage 2 of Meaningful Use for 2017. (MacPractice still maintains the Stage 1 and Stage 2 report options here for our users that require them for Meaningful Use audits.)



At least one permissible prescription written by the MIPS eligible clinician is queried for a drug formulary and transmitted electronically using certified EHR technology. 

Exclusions- Any provider who writes fewer than 100 permissible prescriptions during the EHR reporting period

  • Any provider who does not have a pharmacy within their organization and there are no pharmacies that accept electronic prescriptions within 10 miles of the provider's practice location at the start of his/her EHR reporting period.


Modified Stage 2Objective

Generate and transmit permissible prescriptions electronically (eRx).


More than 50% of all permissible prescriptions, or all prescriptions, written by the provider are queried for a drug formulary and transmitted electronically using CEHRT.

Exclusions- Any provider who writes fewer than 100 permissible prescriptions during the EHR reporting period

  • Any provider who does not have a pharmacy within their organization and there are no pharmacies that accept electronic prescriptions within 10 miles of the provider's practice location at the start of his/her EHR reporting period.


MacPractice Report (for MIPS and Meaningful Use)

Electronic Prescribing Measure

HowThe use of ePrescribe in MacPractice will help you record and send these prescriptions as required.

Denominator: All prescriptions written by the provider that meet one of the following conditions: a) Destination type is Electronic Retail or Electronic Mail Order and the DEA Schedule is None b) Destination type is Print and the DEA Schedule is None c) Destination type is Print, Fax or None and the pharmacy type is Electronic.

Numerator: Total prescriptions with the destination type of Electronic Retail or Electronic Mail Order.

There are two reporting options for Modified Stage 2. Providers will choose to attest with numbers from either report, and are not required nor permitted to submit both. The first report will only count permissible prescriptions. The second report counts controlled substances in the denominator. Even if you prescribe controlled substances, you are still allowed to attest with numbers from the first report that does not include them.