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An Export Preset is a selection of pull fields that be used to extract information out of a created List, typically generated from a Report. These are typically used to include additional information that isn't precent in the report or in the list. 

The Export Preset Reference contains all Export Presets that have been created. Like many other References, click on the green plus (+)in the sidebar to add a new Preset, or you can delete them by selecting an existing Preset in the sidebar and clicking the red minus (-).

Once created, select one out of the eight data lists available on the right. Each data list contains pull fields that can be extrapolated from reports. Within a list, you can select as many items as you would like to pull from a generated report, but from only one data list. Once finished, Command + S (or Edit menu > Save Record) to save. 


Note: While you can add Export Presets from the References Ability, we strongly recommend that you use this Reference category to EDIT an existing preset. Creating a preset on the fly is usually preferred, as not all List items will apply to each report. By performing this action on the fly, you are guaranteed to be presented options that will apply to that specific report.

From there you can open the List Window and apply that freshly created Export Preset to a List. You'll need to make sure you have the List available. To generate a List from a Report, navigate to the Reports Ability, select a Report which you would like to run that captures the list of patients you wish to pull more data from, and click the "Make List" button once you have generated that Report. 

Below is a list of all the available preset options available.

Patient List

  • Person

    • Salute

    • Suffix

    • Last

    • First

    • Middle

    • Nickname

    • Maiden

    • Ssn

    • Medicare Exp Date

    • Address

    • Pop Sex: Patient > Sex Menu. This results in a "Gender" column where the listed number reflects the selected menu option. 0 for Male, 1 for Female, 2 for Unknown.

    • Pop Phone 1, 2, or 3: Patient > First, Second, or Third Phone Menu option in Patients. The listed number reflects the selected menu option. 0 for Home Phone, 1 for Work Phone, 2 for Mobile Phone, 3 for Other Phone.

    • Phone 1, 2, or 3: Patient > First, Second, or Third Phone Field

    • Phone 1, 2, or 3 Ext: Patient > First, Second, or Third Phone Extension Field

    • Email

    • Employer 1, 2, or 3: The Employer as listed in Primary / Secondary > Employers, where the number corresponds to the order of the Employer record within the Employers table.

    • Employer 1, 2, or 3 Phone: The Employer Phone as listed in Primary / Secondary > Employers > Phone, where the number corresponds to the order of the Employer record within the Employers table.

    • Employer 1, 2, or 3 Ext: The Employer Extension as listed in Primary / Secondary > Employers > Extension, where the number corresponds to the order of the Employer record within the Employers table.

    • Employer 1, 2, or 3 Group: The Employer Group as listed in Primary / Secondary > Employers > Group, where the number corresponds to the order of the Employer record within the Employers table.

    • Flag Signature On File

    • Flag Release Of Info

    • Pop Native Language

    • Birthtime

    • Birth Order

    • Birth State

    • Birth Facility

    • Cause of Death Umls

    • Flag Consents Data Release

    • Deathtime

    • Age For Person

    • Age For Person Year Only

    • First Space Last For Person

    • Formatted Sex For Person

    • Formatted Sex For Person Lowercase

    • Blank Space

  • Account

    • Primary Person / Secondary Person: Contains the same fields as in the Person category

    • Send Statements

    • Financial Status


Account Display: The Patient Number which displays on the MacPractice Toolbar when the patient is selected.

Chart Num: Patient > Chart Number Field


Provider: Patient > Pop-Ups > Provider

Office: Patient > Pop-Ups > Office

Fee Schedule: Patient > Pop-Ups > Fee Schedule

Pop Marital Status: Patient > Pop-Ups > Marital Status menu. The resulting number reflects the selected menu option.

  • 0: Single

  • 1: Married

  • 2: Legally Separated

  • 3: Divorced

  • 4: Widowed

  • 5: Unknown

  • 6: Partner

Pop Employment: Patient > Pop-Ups > Employment. The resulting number reflects the selected menu option.

  • 0: Full-time Student

  • 1: Part-time Student

  • 2: Employed

  • 3: Not Employed

  • 4: Self-Employed

  • 5: Retired

  • 6: Active Military

  • 7: Unknown

New Patient Date: Patient > New Patient Date Field

Flag Special Insurance: Patient > Insurance > Special Insurance Checkbox

  • 0: Unchecked

  • 1: Checked

Flag Family Planning: Patient > Insurance > Family Planning (MacPractice MD)

  • 0: Unchecked

  • 1: Checked

Flag Epstd: Patient > Insurance > EPSDT Checkbox

  • 0: Unchecked

  • 1: Checked

Primary Patient Relationship: Patient > Pop-Ups > Relationship to Primary menu

Secondary Patient Relationship: Patient > Pop-Ups > Relationship to Secondary menu

Pop Hipaa Release: Patient > Insurance > HIPAA Release menu. The resulting number reflects the selected menu option.

  • 0: None

  • 1: Appropriate Release of Information on File

  • 2: Informed Consent to Release Medical Information

  • 3: The Provider has limited or Restricted Ability

  • 4: No, Provider is Not Allowed to Release Data

  • 5: On file at Payor or at Plan Sponsor

  • 6: Yes, Provider has a Signed Statement Permitting Release

Hipaa Release Date: Patient > Insurance > HIPAA Release Date field

Patient Status: The result will be "1" where the patient is archived and "0" where the patient is not archived.

Bridge Num: Patient > Pop-Ups > Bridge Number

Pop Patient Exception Code: Patients > CDA > Patient Exception Menu. The resulting number reflects the selected menu option.

  • 0: None

  • 1: Full Time Student

  • 2: Disabled

  • 3: Disabled Student

Pop Native Language: Patients > CDA > Language. The resulting number reflects the selected menu option.

  • 0: English

  • 1: French

School Name: Patients > CDA > School Name

Hygienist: Patient > Pop-Ups > Preferred Hygienist (MacPractice DDS)

School Address: Patient > CDA > Street Address

Autoremind Notification Type: Patient > Reminders > AutoRemind Notification

Profile Language: Patient > Pop-Ups > Preferred Language

Ethnicity: Patient > Reporting > Ethnicity

Graduation Date: Patient > CDA > Expected Graduation

Date Pop Preferred Recall Method: Patient > Reminders > Preferred Follow-Up / Recall Method

Flag No Allergies: Clinical > Allergy > No Active Allergies

  • 0: Unchecked

  • 1: Checked

Allergy Updated Date: Clinical > Allergy > Last Checked Field

Flag No Problems: Clinical> Problem List > No Problems Checkbox.

  • 0: Unchecked

  • 1: Checked

Problem List Updated Date: Clinical > Problem List > Last Checked field

Total Payment Number For Patient: The total number of payments in the Patient's Ledger.

Total Payment Amount For Patient: The total amount of payments in the Patient's Ledger.

Total Charge Number For Patient: The total number of charges in the Patient's Ledger.

Total Charge Amount For Patient: The total amount of charges in the Patient's Ledger.

Emergency Contact: Patient > Emergency Contact

  • First: Patient > Emergency Contact > First Name

  • Last: Patient > Emergency Contact > Last Name

  • Phone: Patient > Emergency Contact > Phone

  • Emergency Relationship: Patient > Emergency Contact > Relationship to Patient

    • A Description: Displays the selected menu option, such as Child, Employee, Father, and so on.

  • Emergency Num: The number of the Emergency Contact item within the Emergency Contact table in Patient > Emergency, where 1 is the first Emergency Contact list item, 2 is the second Emergency Contact list item, and so on.

  • Next of Kin Flag: Patient > Emergency Contact > Next of Kin.

    • 0: Unchecked

    • 1: Checked

Patient Alert Tie

  • Patient Alert

    • A Description: Patient > Alerts > Patient Alert

  • Alert Num: The number of the Alert item within the Alert table in Patient > Alerts, where 1 is the first Alert list item, 2 is the second Alert list item, and so on.

  • Created Date: Patient > Alerts > Created

Patient Allergy Tie

  • Allergy

    • A Description: Clinical > Allergy > Patient Allergy

    • Notes: Clinical > Allergy > Notes

    • External: The FDB Allergy Code. This field is codified within the ePrescribe FDB database.

    • External (1): Where the Allergy has been pulled from the ePrescribe FDB database, this field will contain the phrase "FDB." Where the Allergy was manually added, this field will be blank as there is no matching field in MacPractice.

    • Status: Clinical > Allergy > Status

  • Severity: Clinical > Allergy > Severity Menu. The resulting number reflects the selected menu option.

    • 0: Unspecified

    • 1: Mild

    • 2: Moderate

    • 3: Severe

  • Notes: Patient > Clinical > Allergy > Notes

  • Allergy Num: The number of the Allergy within the Allergy table in Clinical > Allergy, where 1 is the first listed Allergy, 2 is the second listed Allergy, and so on.

  • Posted Date: Clinical > Allergy > Created Date

  • Identified Date: Clinical > Allergy > Date Identified field

  • Reaction Desc: Clinical > Allergy > Reaction
    Inactive: Clinical > Allergy > Status. The resulting number reflects the selected menu option.
    0: Active
    1: Inactive

    Patient Custom Tie

  • Custom

    • A Description: Patient > Custom > Custom List

  • Custom Num: The number of the Custom List item within the Custom table in Patient > Custom, where 1 is the first Custom list item, 2 is the second Custom list item, and so on.

Patient Diagnosis Tie

  • Diagnosis: Clinical > Problem List

    • Code: Clinical > Problem List > Diagnosis Code

    • Alias: Clinical > Problem List > Alias

    • A Description: Clinical > Problem List > Description

    • Long description: References > Diagnosis > Long Description

    • Diagnosis Type: The Diagnosis Type, such as Infectious and Parasitic Diseases, Neoplasms, or Mental Disorders. These Types are dictated by the Master Diagnosis Codes List, maintained by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

    • Inactive: References > Diagnosis > Inactive Checkbox

    • Nonbillable: References > Diagnosis > Non-Billable

  • Flag Use Diag: Clinical > Problem List > Use in Procedures

  • Diagnosis Num: The number of the Problem List item within the Problem List table in Patient > Problem List, where 1 is the first Problem List item, 2 is the second Problem List item, and so on.

  • Onset Date: Clinical > Problem List > Onset Date

  • Status: Clinical > Problem List > Status

  • Type: Clinical > Problem List > Type

  • Resolved Date: Clinical > Problem List > Resolved Date

  • Created Date: Clinical > Problem List > Created Date

  • Updated Date: Clinical > Problem List > Updated Date

  • Notes: Clinical > Problem List > Notes

  • Value: Clinical > Problem List > Value

Patient Immunization Tie

  • Immunization

    • A Description: Clinical > Immunizations > Patient Immunization

    • Cvx Code: References > Immunization > CVX Code

    • Rx Code: References > Immunization > Rx Code

    • Cpt Code: References > Immunization > CPT Code

    • Manufacturer: Clinical > Immunizations > Manufacturer

    • Route Code: References > Immunization > Route Code

    • Total Number in Series: References > Immunization > No. Administered in Series

    • Number in Sequence: References > Immunization > No. Administered in Series

    • Recommend Start Month: References > Immunization > Recommended Age To Administer Immunization > From ___ Months

    • Recommend End Month: References > Immunization > Recommended Age To Administer Immunization > To ___ Months

    • Manufacturer Code: References > Immunization > Manufacturer Code

  • Start Date: Clinical > Immunizations > Start Date

  • Immunization Num: The number of the Immunization List item within the Immunization table in Patient > Immunization, where 1 is the first Immunization list item, 2 is the second Immunization list item, and so on.

  • Incident: Clinical > Immunizations > Incident

    • Incident Date: Ledger > Incident > Incident Date

    • Pop First Symptom: Ledger > Incident > Claims > First Symptom menu

    • First Symptom Date: Ledger > Incident > Claims > First Symptom field

    • Similar Symptom Date: Ledger > Incident > Claims > Similar Symptom field

    • First Consultation Date: Ledger > Incident > Claims > First Consultation field

    • Accident: Ledger > Incident > Condition Related To menu

    • Accident Date: Ledger > Incident > Reason For Treatment > Accident Date

    • Pop Accident State: Ledger > Incident > Reason For Treatment > Accident State menu

    • Pop Condition Related To: Ledger > Incident > Reason For Treatment > Condition Related To menu

    • Flag Prothesis: Ledger > Incident > Reason For Treatment > Prosthesis checkbox (MacPractice DDS)

    • Flag Initial Placement: Ledger > Incident > Reason For Treatment > Initial Placement checkbox (MacPractice DDS)

    • Flag Orthodontics: Ledger > Incident > Reason For Treatment > Orthodontics checkbox (MacPractice DDS)

    • Flag Occupational Illness: Ledger > Incident > Reason For Treatment > Occupational Illness/Injury (MacPractice DDS)

      • Referrals: Ledger > Incident > Referral Source

      • Additional Demographics as entered on the record within References > Referrals

    • Referral Date: Ledger > Incident > Referral Date

    • Attorney: Ledger > Incident > Attorney > Attorney Name

    • Attorney Notes: Ledger > Incident > Attorney > Attorney Notes

    • Attorney Report Sent: Ledger > Incident > Attorney > Report Sent Date field

    • Attorney Deposition Date: Ledger > Incident > Attorney > Deposition Date field

    • Attorney Trial Date: Ledger > Incident > Attorney > Hearing / Trial Date

    • Attorney Notice Filing: Ledger > Incident > Attorney > Notice of Filing checkbox

    • Attorney Final Settlement: Ledger > Incident > Attorney > Final Settlement checkbox

    • Effective Date: Ledger > Incident > Military > Effective Date

    • Termination Date: Ledger > Incident > Military > Termination Date

    • Date: Ledger > Incident > Military > Date

    • Pop Branch: Ledger > Incident > Military > Branch menu

    • Pop Status: Ledger > Incident > Military > Status menu

    • Pop Eligibility: Ledger > Incident > Military > Eligibility menu

    • Partial Begin Date: Ledger > Incident > Claims > Partial Disability > Begin Date

    • Partial End Date: Ledger > Incident > Claims > Partial Disability > End Date

    • Partial Return To Work Date: Ledger > Incident > Claims > Partial Disability > Return To Work Date

    • Flag Archived: The result will be "0" where the Incident is not archived and "1" where the incident is archived.

    • Box 19: Ledger > Incident > Box 19 on Insurance Form

    • Incident name: Ledger > Incident > Incident Name field

    • Radiographs: Ledger > Incident > Claims > Box 39 Number of Enclosures (00 to 99) > Radiographs (MacPractice DDS)

    • Oral Images: Ledger > Incident > Claims > Box 39 Number of Enclosures (00 to 99) > Oral Images (MacPractice DDS)

    • Models: Ledger > Incident > Claims > Box 39 Number of Enclosures (00 to 99) > Models (MacPractice DDS)

    • Date Appliance Placed: Ledger > Incident > Claims > Box 41 Date Appliance Placed (MacPractice DDS)

    • Date Prior Placement: Ledger > Incident > Claims > Box 41 Date Prior Placement (MacPractice DDS)

    • Facility: Ledger > Incident > Facility

    • Is Extraction: Ledger > Incident > Resource > Extraction

    • Extraction Tooth: Ledger > Incident > Resource > Extraction > Tooth Number

    • Initial Placement Date: Ledger > Incident > Resource > Prosthesis > Initial Placement Date

    • Initial Placement Location: Ledger > Incident > Resource > Prosthesis > Upper / Lower

    • Prosthesis Material: Ledger > Incident > Resource > Prosthesis > Prothesis Material

    • Pop Admission Source: Ledger > Claims > Admission Source menu

    • Pop Admission Type: Ledger > Claims > Admission Type menu

  • Created User: The number of the Created User within References > Users, where 1 is the first Created User, 2 is the second Created User, and so on.

  • Created: The date and time which the Immunization record for the patient was created.

  • Updated User: The number of the Updated User within References > Users, where 1 is the first Created User, 2 is the second Created User, and so on.

  • Updated: The date and time which the Immunization record for the patient was last updated.

  • Lot Number: Clinical > Immunizations > Lot Number

  • Reaction: Clinical > Immunizations > Reaction

  • Notes: Clinical > Immunizations > Notes

  • Status Flag: Clinical > Immunizations > Status

  • Dosage: Clinical > Immunizations > Dosage

  • Unit: Clinical > Immunizations > Unit

  • Office: Clinical > Immunizations > Office

  • Provider: Clinical > Immunizations > Provider

  • End Date: Clinical > Immunizations > End Date

  • Patient Race Tie: Patient > Reporting > Race

  • Patient Recall Tie: Patient > Follow-Ups / Recalls

  • Patient Referrals Tie: Patient > Referrals

  • Patient Person Ins Tie: Patient > Insurance

Appointment List

Account List

Referrals List

Insurance List

Patient Medication Tie List

Person List

Notes List

Attorney List

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