Last Procedures Report

The Last Procedures report displays the last time a patient had a procedure performed. This report does not search for appointments, just procedures on their ledger.

As with most reports, this can be filtered by Provider and Office. In this report, these filters are based on the Provider and Office listed in the patient tab, as illustrated below.

The first pop up menu below the filters has three different options for how to handle the date range.

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  • Last Procedure Between Range: This option views patients that have had a procedure between two dates set in the From and To fields.

  • No Procedure Within (x) Days: This option views patients that have not had a procedure in x days. You can choose between 30/60/90/120/180/270 days or 1-5 years.

  • No Procedure Since Date: This option allows you to manually set a date to search for patients with no procedure since that date.
    For example, if you want to capture all patients who have not had a procedure since the end of 2016, you can set the date for 12/31/2016.

There is also a menu to the left of the Apply button that can be used to filter the results to show only those patients with appointments scheduled in the future, only those without, or both. By default, this is set to "Show All".When you have set the desired options, click the "Apply" button to generate the report. The results are sorted by the account number for each patient.

  • Patient# & Patient Last, First: The first two columns on the report display the patient ID number and patient's name (last name first).

  • Chart: The next column shows the chart number if one is entered in the Patient tab.

  • Last Visit: The Last Visit column displays the most recent procedure date on the patient's ledger.

  • Days Ago: The next column displays how many days it has been since that procedure date.

  • Code: The code column displays the most recent procedure code entered in the patient's ledger.

  • Last Procedure: The Last Procedure column displays the short description of the most recent procedure in the patient's ledger.

  • Next Appt.: The Next Appt. column shows the date of the nearest future appointment, if the patient has one. Clicking this link will take you to that appointment.

  • Primary Phone: The next column lists the first phone number from the Primary tab of the account.

  • Patient Phone: The Patient Phone column lists the first phone number from the Patient tab.

  • Pr/Of: The Pr/Of column shows the user ID of the provider and office listed in the patient screen.

  • Account Bal.: Finally, the Account Bal. column displays the current account balance. Keep in mind, if there are multiple patients on the same account, the outstanding balance listed in this column will reflect the entire account, not just the balance for the patient listed on the report.

The bottom of the report displays the number of patients represented on the report.