Patient Ability Preferences

The Patient Ability Preferences category contains options that customize behaviors in the Patients Ability.

The Patients Ability Preferences are separated into five tabs. Let's explain the options in each tab in turn.

General Tab

  • Automatically Save Address and Phone Changes: This checkbox, if enabled, will allow saved changes to the Address or Phone Number to carry over and also save in the Patient Tab to the Primary and Secondary Tab. This will only occur IF the patient has the same name, AND the relationship is set to Self.

  • Include Patient SSN on Patient Demographic Printout: If checked, this option will include the Patient's SSN on a printed Demographic Sheet. This option only applies if there's no Patient Form set in Preferences > Forms.

  • Include Account Balance on Patient Demographic Printout: If checked, this option will include the Patient's Account Balance on a printed Demographic Sheet. This option only applies if there's no Patient Form set in Preferences > Forms.

  • Set provider and office when entering new patient: This toggle allows you to adjust the behavior for the Provider/Office fields when creating a new patient. You can either choose to have the new patient pull from the Account's set Provider and Office if this is an existing account, or you can choose to have these fields pull from the Default Patient Record.

  • Automatically Update Names: This checkbox, if enabled, will carry over a saved name from the Patient Tab into the Primary or Secondary Tab if the relationship for the patient is set to self.

  • Automatically Load Patients in Sidebar:  When checked, the patients will load when the Patients node is selected in the sidebar. With this unchecked, you would normally have to use the Patient Selector to search for a given patient.

  • Default Referral Category: This drop down will allow you to select the default Referral Category when adding a new Referral to the Patient Tab > Referrals Sub Tab. 


Alerts Tab

  • No Alert on Procedure Type Selection: When checked, this will suppress the alert that will appear when selecting a procedure type with no coverage set in the patient's Insurance Plan.

  • Confirm Switching Insurance Plans: This option, when checked, will prompt the user to confirm whenever they change a patient's Insurance Plan in the Primary or Secondary Tab.

  • Alert on Incomplete Coverage in Insurance plans:  This option, when checked, will display an alert when selecting a plan that has not had insurance coverage completely filled in.

  • Show created date for patient alerts and allergies: This option, when checked, will show the created date of any patient alerts or allergy alerts in the alert window.

Insurance Tab


  • Show Related Insurance After Entering Employer: When this option is enabled, after entering an employer, any related insurance carriers will be shown automatically. When only one plan is tied with the employer and selected insurance, the plan will be set.

Misc Tab

  • Search for Patients With Names: This toggle allows you to adjust how the Patient Search feature functions. You can choose to have the search entry search for any instance where the entry matches a portion of a patient's name, or you can search for patients with a name that begins with the entry.

  • On Patient Double Click: This toggle customizes the behavior when double clicking a patient in the sidebar. You can choose to have the Sidebar load all Patients in the same Account as the double clicked patient, you can have the Default Ability load up (which is set in Preferences > Window), or you can have the Inspector open on double click.

  • Sidebar Views - Show Archived Patient Node in Sidebar: If checked, this option will display the Archived Patients node in the Sidebar.

  • Sidebar Views: Show New Patients (Patients Without Charges/Treatments): This option, if checked, will display patients in the sidebar. that do not have charges or treatments on their ledger.

  • Chart Number - Automatically Assign Chart Numbers: When checked, this option will assign a suffix chart number to the patient's Chart # field in the Patients Tab. This does require you enter a text suffix into the Use Suffix field. 

  • Don't Delete Archived Patient Appointments: If checked, if a patient is archived, the patient appointments associated with that patient will instead be archived instead of outright deleted.

  • New Patient Date for New Referrals and Insurances: When adding a new referral or insurance in a Patient or an Incident, the Referral Date, Initial Incident Date, or Insurance Start Date will fill with the New Patient Date.

Duplicate Patients

  • Show Duplicate Patient Warning: This option, if checked, displays a Duplicate Patient warning, based on which of the next three options are checked:

    • Social Security Number: This option, if checked, will display a warning if there are multiple patients with the same SSN when adding a new patient.

    • Birthday:This option, if checked, will display a warning if there are multiple patients with the same Birthday when adding a new patient.

    • Name: This option, if checked, will display a warning if there are multiple patients with the same Name when adding a new patient.