Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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To access the Payment Window go to the patient's Ledger > Payment menu at the top of the ledger, then select the desired Patient or Insurance payment type. You can also add Co-Pays and EFTs to a ledger, as well as create custom Patient and Insurance Payment Types

You can also use keyboard shortcuts to the right of the payment types, en lieu of the Payment menu, to access the payment window. You also have the option to access the Payment Window automatically after entering a charge (Preferences > Ledger > New Charge tab > Check"Show Payment Window").


Table of Content Zone

Payment Type

To enter a payment, select the Payments menu, then choose the type of payment you wish to enter. The default patient payment types are Check, Cash, Card, and Other. When entering an insurance payment, choose either .



Patient Payment Types (Check, Cash, Card, ACH, and Other)

Once in the Payment Window, you can change the type of payment through the drop-down menu in the top left corner of the window. The options available correspond to those in the Payments menu in the ledger. Using the Credit Card option will also allow you to process Credit Cards via TSYS's integration.


Note: In 12.21 we've added the Patient Payment Type of ACH to categorize ACH payments. This can be used for EFT payments as well. For one-time ACH payments you'll still need to process these outside of MacPractice, but you can process Recurring ACH Payments with our TSYS Integration. Click here for more information on our TSYS Integration.

Insurance Payment (Check, Credit Card, or Other)

MacPractice recommends highlighting the corresponding outstanding insurance claim in the patient's ledger before selecting New Insurance Payment from the Payments menu. This will ensure that the payment is tied to the proper insurance claim in the event that there are multiple open claims for this patient. You may also use the Payment From and Outstanding Claims drop-down menus to associate the appropriate insurance company and claim after the fact.

Selecting the New Insurance Payment type enables more fields in addition to those available when choosing a patient payment type.

Insurance payments include the these additional fields:

  • Payment From

  • Outstanding Claims

menus as well as a checkbox
  • Checkbox for EOB Columns.

Allowed, Save Allowed,

In addition, the following columns are included in the Procedure Summary Table:

  • Allowed

  • Save Allowed

  • Write-Off

, and
  • Negative Adjustment

columns are added to the Procedure Summary Table at the bottom of the window.

Using the Insurance Credit Card option will also allow you to process Insurance Credit Cards via TSYS's integrationour Card Processing Solutions.


Reference Number

The Reference Number field is an alpha-numeric free-text field. When selecting Patient or Insurance Check from the Payments menu, the Reference Number field will be labeled "Check #" and can be used to document the check number for your internal tracking purposes.

When a non-check type of payment is selected, the field will be labeled "Reference #" and can be used to document additional information about the payment. "VISA1234" could be used for a Credit Card payment type to document the type of card and the last four digits on the credit card, for instance. This is one common example, but you can use the Reference Number field in a way that fits the needs of your office.

The Reference Number field may be located before or after the Amount field in the Payment Window, depending on your settings in Preferences.




Enter the total amount of the payment in the Amount field, both dollars and cents. MacPractice will automatically format the entry as you type; there is no need to enter the decimal point. E.g., typing "12345" in the Amount field will be saved in MacPractice as "$123.45."

The Amount field may be located before or after the Reference Number field in the Payment Window, depending on your settings in Preferences.




After hitting the tab key or otherwise leaving the Amount field, the Remaining Amount will be populated with the full amount of the payment. The Remaining area will update as the Amount is applied towards open charges, and reflect how much of the payment is currently unapplied.



Procedure Date

The Procedure Date field will show today's date by default, but this can be changed. When entering the date, you can enter the two-digit month, two-digit day, and two-digit year, and MacPractice will auto-format this field for you. E.g., entering "010117" will display as "01/01/2017" in MacPractice. If you prefer to enter and view the date before the month or use dashes instead of slashes, you can change the format in your Localization Preferences. When typing in a date field, you can also type T for today, Y for yesterday, and M for tomorrow, and the corresponding date with be filled in.

The Procedure Date field is useful if you are entering payments late and need to backdate the payment to the real date that it was received, or if you'd like for the payment to reflect the date on a check.

MacPractice tracks both the Procedure Date (the one that you can edit) and the Posted Date (the day that you posted the transaction in the ledger). The Posted Date is not editable.

Both dates are shown in columns in the ledger, and the ledger can be organized by either the posted or procedure date by changing the Preference accordingly. Likewise, many reports can be run based on the procedure date or the posted date.



Attach File Button

Clicking the Attach File button in the top right corner of the Payment Window will open a Finder window. You may then select a file from your computer to attach to this payment in MacPractice. Choose the file and click the Open button in the bottom right corner of the Finder window. The Finder window will close. Save the payment to add the file.

To view the attached file, double-click on the payment in the ledger, then click on the drop-down menu that has replaced the Attach File button in the top right corner of the payment window. Choose Open. Keep in mind Payment attachments can only be accessed via the payment window; they cannot be accessed using the Images or Attachments ability.

The Attach File button is most commonly used to attach a copy of the EOB to an insurance payment, although the option to attach a file is available in a patient payment as well.



Card Entry Method 


These fields are only used with our Card Payment Processing Solutions, such as TSYS or MacPractice Integrated Payments.

If your office has the TSYS feature purchased on your MacPractice license, a valid Credit Card Machine is connected, and you have selected the Credit Card payment type, you should see a  a Card Entry Method menu and Transmit to Device button on the payment window. 

The Card Entry Method menu is used to select the method of processing the credit card payment.

Once you make your selection, click the Transmit to Device button, and the payment window will have a spinning indication that says "Waiting for Device". Once you see this indicator, you can swipe the credit or debit card.




Use the Provider and Office menus to change the provider or office associated to the payment. The provider and office in the Payment Window will default based on the the corresponding Preference.

The payment provider affects receipts and deposit reports in MacPractice. The payment provider is not credited with earning the money applied to charges; this is instead based on the charge provider. The payment provider is credited for earning any unapplied amounts. The payment provider will be printed on statements as the recipient provider for payment and will be displayed in such reports as the Day Sheets and Deposit Slip.

  • If using a statement that details provider information per item, the payment provider will be shown next to payments, and refunds.

  • Filters the Day Month Year report for gross and unapplied payments.

  • Filters the Gross Receipts report for unapplied payments only.

  • Filters the following Accounting/Financial reports: Negative Adjustments, Refunds, and Unapplied (Credit) Balance.

  • Filters the Posted Date Day Sheet and the Procedure Date Day Sheet reports for payments, negative adjustments, deposits, refunds, and unapplied amounts.

  • Wherever the payment provider is used, the office listed in the Payment Window will be used as well.



Co-Pay Checkbox

*Patient Payments*

If the payment is a copayment mandated by the patient's insurance, check the Co-Pay checkbox. If a copay is entered in the Insurance sub-tab of the Patient tab in the Patients Ability, the Amount field will be automatically populated with the copay amount upon checking this box.

Please visit our Copay article for more information. 




*Patient Payments*

The patient menu contains a list of all patients in the account. When set to "All," MacPractice will display all open charges in the family account (provided that no Incident is selected), allowing you to apply the payment to any open charge. You can use the Patient menu to filter the list of procedures to show only charges associated with that patient. This can be useful if you are applying a payment on an account with multiple patients and you want the whole payment to go towards a single patient's balance.



The Incident menu will display all incidents in the account. It will display all incidents for the individual patient if you have a patient selected in a patient payment window, or if you are in the new insurance payment window.

In the patient payment window, you can use the Incident menu to filter the list of procedures to show only open charges within that incident. This can be useful if you are applying a payment for a patient with multiple open incidents.

In the new insurance payment window, the Incident menu will filter the list of claims available in the Outstanding Claims menu. This can be useful if there are many outstanding claims in the patient's account.



Payment From

*Insurance Payments*

Use the Payment From menu to select the insurance company making the payment. Generally, this will be the same company that you sent the outstanding claim to. Remember that selecting the insurance claim in the ledger before entering the insurance payment will cause this menu to default to that insurance company automatically.

Selecting an insurance company from this menu that does not match the insurance company selected in the Outstanding Claims menu will cause MacPractice to create a crossover claim. The crossover claim will be generated for the insurance company listed in the Payment From menu. You will see the words "Crossover Payment" appear below the Payment From menu, if a crossover claim is to be created.


Deposit Account

Any Bank Accounts setup in References will be present as options when posting insurance or patient payments in a ledger. All payments associated with a Deposit Account will be listed in a new column in the Trace Payment Manager.

The Posted/Procedure Date Day Sheets will use the Deposit Account and Allocation Accounts information when viewing the Deposit Slip. The Deposit Account and Allocation Account can be set in Preferences > Financial > Banking tab.



Outstanding Claims

*Insurance Payments*

The Outstanding Claims menu will list the date and insurance company for all the selected patient's outstanding claims (any status besides Paid/Closed is considered outstanding). When you select a claim, the list of procedures in the payment window will change to display the procedures on that claim. Insurance payments can only be applied to charges on the claim they are tied to. If you wish to apply an insurance payment across multiple claims, you will need to use the Bulk Insurance Payment within the Managers ability.

Once any portion of the insurance payment has been applied, the Outstanding Claims menu will be grayed out, and you will no longer be able to change your selection unless the payment is fully unapplied once more. Remember that MacPractice recommends selecting the claim in the ledger before creating a new insurance payment. This will ensure that the payment is tied to the appropriate claim.


Electronic Funds Transfer Checkbox

If the payment is an electronic funds transfer (or EFT), meaning your office will not be physically depositing the money into your account, check the Electronic Funds Transfer checkbox. On your Deposit Slip, you can choose to exclude EFT payments. 



Use EOB Checkbox

*Insurance Payments*

Check "Use EOB Columns" to add additional fields to the payment window (Deductible, Co-Insurance, Copay, Disallowed, Reason Code and ICN). These fields are generally used on primary payments, before generating a Secondary eClaim. Secondary eClaims require that the EOB information is included on the claim, similar to sending a copy of a paper EOB with a secondary paper claim.

If the insurance payment is applied to the open charge(s) and there is a portion of the charge(s) that has not yet been paid, the payment line will turn red. This is because the Reason Code is now a required field, and you will be unable to save the payment until all applicable reason code fields have been filled out. The remaining EOB columns may be filled out as well, although this is not required in order to save the payment in MacPractice.



Make Provider Adjustments Checkbox

*Insurance Payments*

A Provider Level Adjustment is an option in MacPractice when addressing Insurance Payments where you can credit some or all of an insurance payment to a specific Provider. This is useful in situations where the Insurance may overpay due to being late in remitting payment, or other similar reasons. In this situation, you wouldn't want to credit the patient the additional insurance funds, as it is a payment intended to go to the provider.

In order for this option to be available within the insurance payment window, you will need to make sure the Provider Adjustments are enabled in Preferences > Ledger > Payment > Insurance Payments > Enable Provider Adjustment in insurance payment window.

Once this option is checked within the insurance payment window, a new lines will appear as options to apply the payment to with the procedure code "Ins. Credit To Provider". You can then apply the Insurance Payment to those providers.

You can find more information about Provider Level Adjustments here

