Trace Payment Number Manager

The Trace Payment Number is a manager designed to pull all payments that have been entered into patients' ledgers and allow for searching by column, date or check/reference numbers.

The manager can be used to find a particular check number when researching a payment, or to confirm a payment has been received. In order to track payments successfully, office staff should enter information in the Check/Reference # field. Even though the this is not a required field in the payment window, it can assist in searching for information. This reference number is entered in the Patient Payment or Insurance Payment windows in the patient's ledger.

Filters & Searching
The Trace Payment Number manager allows for advanced tracking by using one or more filters:

  • Payment: Search for Insurance, Patient, or All Payments

  • Provider and Offices: Search for payments associated to particular providers and/or offices

  • Date Range: Enter a date range or select a range from the Today popup menu.


  • Column To Search: Search within the following columns: Posted Date, Check/Reference #, Amount, Procedure Date, Description, Posted By, Memo

  • Search: Search for specific information, such as patient name, dollar amount of the payment, or payment description

After the desired filters are set, confirm the search parameters and click the Load Payments button to run the search. All payments that match the selected criteria will be displayed.

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