Versions Compared


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This article will review the functionality of the Clinical Ability. If you are looking for details about a particular widget, you can click here to view our List of Widgets article.

If you prefer to learn from a video, this link will take you to a video summary on the changes to the Clinical Ability


Note: In this article, we will refer to Clinical Summaries and CCDA records interchangeably, as they are referring to the same thing.

Table of Contents



The Clinical Ability houses a summary of all clinical information stored within MacPractice.  You can access the Clinical Ability by either adding the Clinical Ability to your MacPractice toolbar, or by pressing Command-7 by default on your keyboard.  


You can quickly navigate to the Clinical Ability by setting a keyboard shortcut. You can do this by navigating to the Menu Commands Reference in the References Ability and setting up the keyboard shortcut there. The Clinical Shortcut is located in the View Menu.

If you need to export a single Clinical Summary for a given patient, you can utilize the "Export Incident" drop down. If you need to export multiple CCDAs for all of your patients, the CCDA Export Manager can assist you with this.


If you are set up with a Health Information Exchange, the HIE Manager section will detail how to export and download data from your HIE.


There are five Reference categories that you can manage. You can use the Green Plus and Red Minus in the sidebar to add and remove entries as needed.

  • ImmunizationThis Reference node ties directly to the Immunizations widget. It allows you to define the immunizations that your practice conducts.
    Immunization records are codified; you cannot create custom immunizations.

  • Info Button Resources: The Info Button Resources Reference contains links to websites that utilize the InfoButton standard to pull contextual information for particular clinical widgets that have an Info Button.
    For example, when a user clicks the Info Button by the Allergies widget, a window will populate that will pull information regarding this patient's allergies. The source of said information will be the Info Button Resources references entered here in this node.
    Only links that use the InfoButton standard can be used to pull information.

  • Patient Education ResourcesThis reference node allows you to add and manage any Patient Education Resources. The resources added here will be able to be added to a patient's clinical summary under the  Patient Education Resources widget.

  • Preventive Routine CaresThis reference contains any Preventive Routine Cares for use in the Preventive Care widget. That widget is used to track Preventive Care that has been conducted by another practice, typically via referrals.

  • Smoking Status: This reference allows you to define the options you can select in the Smoking Status widget. 


You can adjust what Clinical sections are included on their CCDA export by clicking the "Included Sections" buttons. You can define what CCDA Sections are included by default in Clinical Preferences.

The Map Codes button in the Needs Mapping column allows you to map any codes that require mapping to the proper codes.


At the bottom of the Data History view, you can use the Open File(s) button to open and view any data that was requested and received in the Requested Data tab. You can also click the "Go To Patient Clinical" button to be taken to that patient's chart in the Clinical Ability.

Customizing the Clinical



First and foremost, you can adjust the zoom level of the Clinical Summary by pressing Command-Plus or Command-Minus on your keyboard. If you're having trouble reading the text, this can help you make the text size larger.


For a detailed list of all widgets and their functionality, please refer to the List of Widgets article.


Each widget behaves a little differently depending on the purpose behind it. Some widgets, such as the Medications widget will have a blue link on the name. These, when clicked, will directly take you to the Rx Ability in MacPractice.
