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The Orders tab and ability are used to enter information about a patient's care and to coordinate tasks and workflow with other MacPractice users within the Office. It's a great tool that, when used correctly, can streamline your office's workflow.

Protip: Orders can be accessed from the Orders tab within the Patient ability or the Orders ability icon on the toolbar (Customize Toolbar if the ability is hidden).


Order Filters

The settings of these filters determines what Orders appear in the Order Table. Each order record is associated to an office, provider, user, type and status. An order must match all of the selected filters, or it will be omitted from the order table. After selecting the filters, click the Reload button to the right of the order window to update the table so it reflects the new information.

By default, with a patient selected, these filters will be set to All Offices, All Providers, All Users, All Order Types, and status Open. This will display all open orders for the selected patient. Without a patient selected, the filters will default to All Offices, All Providers, the logged in user, All Order Types, and Open. This will display all open orders assigned to the logged in user.


Order Table

The upper portion of the Orders tab/ability contains the orders table. This area displays a list of orders based on the above filters, and is used to create new order records.

Click the green plus button to create a new order. More information on creating orders can be found in the article Creating Orders. Click the red minus button to archive an order. 

The order table contains a number of columns that display some details of the order at a glance. The table can be sorted by any column - just click on the column header to toggle between ascending and descending order.


Order Column

The order number will display in this column. This number is automatically assigned by the program once the order has been created. There is not a way to edit this number.


Type Column

This column displays the type of order that has been assigned within the Order Type menu of the Order Detail pane. This should be used to describe the order in a couple words. In most Orders, this information can be edited.



Status Column

This will describe the status of the order selected in the bottom portion of the Order type/ability. This can be actively changed within the Status menu in Order Details as the patient moves through your office or charges have been posted.


Scheduled/Due Date Column

If there is an order that needs to be completed or has been scheduled to be completed by a specific date, it will show up within this column if the Due Date field has been filled out within the Order Details. This field can be left blank as well. 


Subject Column

This column will pull the Short Description within the Order Details. This should be used to summarize the reason the order was created.


Patient Column

This column will display the patient's name who the Order is assigned to. Orders can be created without being tied to a patient, this column will be left blank if that is the case.


Provider Column

The Provider's full name that has been selected in the Provider menu in the Order Details will be listed in this column.


Lab Results Column

If "Laboratory" is selected as the Order Type, the Lab Result will read "Normal" when a new order is created. If the requisition is setup correctly and the lab company sends the result back with correct information in PID.2, the Lab Results will update in the Order Details.

Otherwise, if the lab does not send back the results in PID.2, the Order Result menu will need to be updated manually. 


Lab Status Column

If "Laboratory" is selected as the Order Type, the Lab Status will read "Sent" when a new order is created. If the requisition is setup correctly and the lab company sends the result back with correct information in PID.2, the Lab Status will update the results in the Order Details and the Lab Status column to "Results Available".

Otherwise, if the lab does not send back the results in PID.2, the Order Status will need to be updated manually. 


Pr/Of Column

This column will show the User ID and Office ID of the Provider/Office selected in the Order Details.


Created By and Created Time Column

These two columns will show the name of the user and the date/time the order was created. This information cannot be edited.


Updated By and Updated Time Column

The Updated By will show the user who last updated the order, and the Updated Time column will display the time and date the order was last updated. This will change each time a user saves the order.


Closed By and Closed Time Column

This column will display the name of the user and the date/time the order status was changed to "Closed" in the Order Details pane.


Assigned To Column

Within the Order Details a user can be selected under the Assigned To menu, which will be featured in this column as well.


Signed Column

"Signed" or "Unsigned" will display in this column depending on if the "Sign..." button was selected in the Order Details, and the user's password was entered.


Order Details Pane

The Order Detail pane will display all of the information pertaining to the order including the Patient information, Careslip information, Lab information, Notes, Status, Assignees, etc.


Order Demographics

At the very top of the Order Detail pane, is the patient demographics. If there is a patient tied to the selected order, their name, ID, Age, Sex, Weight, Phone Number, and Insurance information will be displayed. All of the demographic information will be pulled from the Patient tab of the Patient ability.

If a blank order is created without a patient, this area will be left blank after saving the record.


Order Tab

The Order tab houses the details regarding the selected order. 


Order Type

Order Types are used to organize and categorize orders within the Orders Table. By default MacPractice has eighteen (18) order types. Users can create custom types by going to References > Order Types

The default Order Type for new orders can also be updated within the Orders Preference as well.

Use this drop down to select the type of order the selection pertains to. Unless otherwise changed in the Orders Preference the default order will be "General".

Users can choose from these following Order Types:

  • Correction - This type can be used when a patient requested demographic corrections from the Portal, or MacPractice user created patient information corrections. 

  • General - This is used for non-specific type for any purpose.

  • Health Information Request: This type is used for tracking and fulfilling patient health record requests.

  • Laboratory - Can be used for received HL7 lab results or for the manual input of ordered lab tests and results. When selected, a Lab Name menu and Ordered Date field will appear, as well as a Test tab and/or Lab Results tab. This Order Type may require additional configuration. For more information visit our Lab Workflow article. 

  • Medications - This type is used when a patient or provider request prescription or renewals of medication. 

  • Provider Referrals - This is used for tracking the progress of a patient referred to an outside provider or entity.

  • Radiology/Imaging - This can be used when tracking radiology or imaging requests from other users or offices. When selected, an Interpretation of Results Available Checkbox and Ordered Date field will appear.

  • Reminder - This option can be used for a reminder-focused order, though any order type can have reminders.

Note: With the exception of Laboratory, the above types are informational only. That is, while the type is displayed in the order list, it does not affect the way the order record functions.

The other Order Types are reserved by the system, generally used with an additional purchased option:

  • Careslip Charge - This option will appear after a billing order is created from either the EMR Ability, EHR Ability, or iEHR App, a Careslip Charges order will appear in the patient's Orders tab. The area that would normally contain the short and long description will display information about the previously selected charges and diagnoses.

  • HL7 Imported Patient (A04) - This type will show in the field when a new patient is added via HL7 message (such as importing from SpringCharts or via the iPad interface), an order of this type will be created. Additional setup will be required, For more information visit our HL7 Import article.

  • HL7 Imported Transactions (P03) - This option is automatically selected for transactions imported via HL7 (for example, from the iPhone interface or from SpringCharts) create an order with an HL7 Imported Transactions (P03) type. Additional setup may be required, for more information visit our HL7 Import article.

  • Preventive Care - This option can be used for tracking Preventive Care Measures generated from the Clinical tab. For more information, visit our Preventive Care article.

  • TCE - This will be selected for records imported from The Complete Exam charting bridge.

  • Web Appointment Request - This option will show when a patient appointment is requested via the Patient Portal (without Online Scheduling purchased).

  • Web Comment from Patient - This type will appear when a patient comments from the Portal. (discontinued)

  • Web Patient Demographic Update - This option will be available automatically when a patient requested demographic updates from the Patient Portal.

  • Web Patient Password Update - This will appear when a patient requested password update for and from the Portal. (discontinued)

  • Web Patient Registration - When a new patient record is created via the Portal this option will appear. (discontinued)

Note: All of the above order types except for Correction and General can be hidden from view, the default user for a given order type can be established, and additional custom order types can be created and managed in References > Order Types.


Lab Name

*Present when "Laboratory" Order Type is Selected*

This menu can be used to select the name of the lab the results will be sent to/received from. In order for this to work properly additional purchase and setup will be required. 


Interpretation of Results Available Checkbox

*Present when "Radiology/Imaging" Order Type is Selected*


Provider and Office

These two drop down menus will pull the Provider and Office listed in the Patient tab. Of course this can edited if the order should be associated to a different provider/office. "None" can also be selected if there are no specific provider or office tied to the order/patient.



The Incident menu associated the order to an incident in the patient's overall record. "None" can also be selected if there is no specific Incident that needs to be tied to the order.


Short Description

The Short Description field is a brief overview of the order and its purpose. This field is required in order to save.


Long Description

The Long Description is a freeform text field where additional information, details, and notes about the order can be entered.


Ordered Date

*Present when "Laboratory" or "Radiography/Imaging" is selected*

This field will appear at the bottom of the Order Details. The date of the Lab or Radiography was ordered can be listed here.


Send Demographics Button

When selected, an updated demographic sheet will be sent to the selected lab. Keep in mind, this will only work if the requisition is setup correctly.


Tests | Lab Results Tabs

The Lab ability (including the "Laboratory" Order Type and the additional tabs) are a purchased option. If the Lab ability is not purchased, offices can also track labs manually. For more information visit our How To Use the Labs Ability article, and/or Generic Labs for Tracking tutorial video.

Test Tab

When the "Laboratory" Order Type is selected in the first drop down, a new drop down will appear, automatically selecting "Other Labs". Making these selections will also add a Tests tab to the right of the Orders tab.

Within this tab, codes can be added for the tests that were ordered. The codes available have been provided by CMS, and cannot be changed.

For more information on manual lab entry, visit our How To Use the Labs Ability article, and/or our Manual Laboratories with Structured Data tutorial video.


Lab Results Tab

The Lab Results tab will appear when the "Laboratory" Order Type is selected in the first drop down, and an integrated lab name is selected in the second drop down. The results of the tests will be imported into this tab via the integration. 

For more information on lab results and lab integration, visit our How To Use the Labs Ability article, and/or our Laboratory Integrationstutorial video.


Attachment Tab

This is a simple tab, which can be used to add files or images pertaining to the order. The user will have the option to "Add From File..." or "Add From MacPractice Attachments..." when selecting the green plus. 

After an attachment has been added, double-click on it to open it outside of MacPractice. Right-clicking on an attachment will display some additional actions:

  • Open Attachment - This will open the attachment outside of MacPractice (also done by double clicking on it).

  • Go to Attachment - This option will open the attachment within the Attachment ability inside MacPractice. 

  • Import - This will give the user the option to import another attachment from outside of MacPractice into the Order (similar to the green plus function).

  • Export - Will allow the user to save the selected attachment onto their computer.

  • Archive - This will remove the attachment from the Order as well as the Attachment ability. Archived attachments can be retrieved using the File menu > Retrieve Archived > Attachments.

Add From File...

Adding from file will open a second window where the user can choose the file on your computer to be added to the Attachment tab in Order.

Once added, a Description, Date, Status, and Type can be added to the file. After saving the attachment will also be added to the patient's file in the Attachment ability. 

Add From MacPractice Attachments...

Choosing to add an attachment from the Attachment ability will also bring up a second window allowing the user to choose from a list of attachments that already exist for the patient within MacPractice. 

Once selected, MacPractice will pull the Description, Date, Status, and Type that was previously entered via the Attachment ability. If this information is edited within the order and saved, the changes will carry over to the original file in the Attachment Ability. 


Assignment & Status Pane

On the right in the middle portion of the Order Detail area, there are several menus and checkboxes that will help assign An order can be assigned to any MacPractice user and this field is used as a filter above the Order Table. An order can only be assigned to one user at a time, but it can be transferred between users. For example, a provider may create an order, requesting a front office worker call a referral regarding a patient. The provider creates the order and assigns it to the front office worker. The front office worker calls the referral, gets the necessary information, notes it in the order, and assigns the order back to the provider. The provider can then review the information and close the order to indicate its completion.


Assigned To

The Assigned To popup will delegate the order to a particular user, and is used as a filter in the Orders Table.



The Status menu is used both as a filter and as a method of tracking orders. An order can be assigned one of the following statuses:

  • Open - This status is used when new and active orders are created.

  • Closed - This is used when an order has been resolved.

  • Canceled - This can be used when an order is started but deemed unnecessary before the order is resolved. 

  • Discontinued - This status is generally used when the order has been stopped for whatever reason.

  • Hold - This status is used when an order still needs to be completed but is waiting on something to happen first.

  • Archived - This option is used when the order is no longer needed or it was created by accident.


Due Date | Scheduled Date

*The Scheduled Date field will be present when "Laboratory" or "Radiology/Imaging" is selected as the Order Type.*

Below the Status menu is a Due Date field. While this is not required, it allows a user to specify the date by which the order should be completed. The Due Date is displayed in the Order Table.


Urgent Order Checkbox

Checking this box will display the order in red in the Order Table indicating to Users or the Assignee that this task needs to be taken care of quickly.


Lab Review Status

*Present when "Laboratory" is selected as the Order Type.*

The Unreviewed menu is an additional flag that can be associated to the lab result. A user can choose from:

  • Unreviewed - This will be automatically selected when a lab order is created, and indicates that the lab has not been reviewed yet.

  • Normal - This option should be selected if the lab comes back as Normal.

  • Abnormal - Select this status to indicate that the lab came back as Abnormal.


Preliminary Review Checkbox

*Present when "Laboratory" is selected as the Order Type.*

Use this checkbox to indicate that someone other then a provider has reviewed the lab result.


Final Review Checkbox

*Present when "Laboratory" is selected as the Order Type.*

This box indicates that the Provider of the office has reviewed the lab result and made a determination on the patient's care. When Final Review is enabled, the above options are grayed out, preventing them from being changed.


Locked Checkbox

*Present when "Laboratory" is selected as the Order Type.*

When checked, this prevents any further changes to be made to the order. 


First Record of Order Checkbox

*Present when "Laboratory" or "Radiology/Imaging" is selected as the Order Type.*

This checkbox is generally used to indicate this is the first record of an order being written for the patient.


Appended Lab Order Checkbox

*Present when "Laboratory" is selected as the Order Type.*

When checked, MacPractice will bring up a list of other orders associated to the patient. Select one of the listed orders to append/tie to the selected order. 


Assign Patient | Change Patient Button

*Present when "Laboratory" is selected as the Order Type.*

If an imported lab result comes in to MacPractice as a blank result or auto is associated incorrectly to a patient, use the Assign Patient or Change Patient buttons to move the result.


Post Charges Button

*Present when "Careslip Charges" is selected as the Order Type.*

After a billing order is created from either the EMR Ability, EHR Ability, or iEHR App, a Careslip Charges order will appear in the patient's Orders tab. The area that would normally contain the short and long description will display information about the previously selected charges and diagnoses.

Click Post Charges to post the transactions to the patient's ledger.


Sign Button

Clicking the Sign button will prompt the user to enter their MacPractice username and password. Once this is done, the order will lock, preventing any further changes.


Reminders Button

The Reminders button allows the user to set reminders for an order. More information on using the Reminders feature can be found here.


Notes Pane

The right side of the order detail pane holds the Notes field for free-form notes on the order. Click the Add Note button to post the note to the order. Once a note is posted it is displayed below the note field and cannot be edited. Each note includes a date and time stamp, the user that posted the note, and the user the order was assigned to at the time.

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