Accounts by Financial Status Report

The Accounts by Financial Status Report displays accounts on which a Financial Status has been set within the Account tab of the Patients ability. It is located in the Accounting/Financial folder of the Reports Ability.

Filter Options

  • Providers: Filters the report by the Provider to which the patient with a Financial Status is associated.

  • Offices: Filters the report by the Office to which the patient with a Financial Status is associated.

  • Financial Statuses: Filters the report by the Financial Status applied to the patient.

  • Include archived and deleted patients' accounts: Includes archived and deleted patients' accounts with a Financial Status applied.

  • Include accounts with zero balances: Includes accounts with a Financial Status applied and a zero balance.

  • Include the Last Payment Date and Amount: Includes the Last Payment Date and Amount columns within the report results.

Results Columns


  • Account #: The account number of the account result with a Financial Status.

  • Primary Last, First: The first and last name of the primary of the account result with a Financial Status.

  • Statement Status: The Statement Status of the account result with a Financial Status.

  • Finance Charge: If the account is set to be exempt, it will say so here.

  • Account Balance: The Account Balance of the account result with a Financial Status.

  • Financial Status: The Financial Status of the account result.

  • Days Overdue: The number of days which the account is overdue.

  • Statement Message: The Statement Message applied to the account result with a Financial Status.



  • Posted Date: The date on which the charge was posted.

  • Patient Last, First: The first and last name of the patient with the charge.

  • Code: The code of the posted charge.

  • Description: The description of the code that was charged.

  • Days Overdue: The number of the days which the charge is overdue.

  • Balance Due: The balance amount due for the charge.