Day Month Year Report

The Day Month Year report gives you an overview of your office's financial activity for a selected day, month, and year. This report is located in the Accounting/Financial folder of the Reports Ability.

This documentation contains the following sections:

Filter Options

As with most reports, this can be filtered by a provider and a date range. The provider filter works slightly differently for the various areas of the report. Some sections may be filtered by charge provider, some by payment provider, or even the account provider. Details of how the provider filter affects any given section of the report are covered in that section.


You cannot run this report for more than a 1 year date range.

Results Explanation

The Day Month Year report is broken down into several sections that cover the various types of financial transactions in your MacPractice data.

Each section is further broken into three columns. The first (left) column displays the information for the end date only (for example, May 27th). The center column shows information for the month of the end date (for example, May 1 - May 27th). The right-most column shows the information for the year to date (either start date - end date, or January 1 - end date). The dates are listed at the top of each column.



The Charges section of the Day Month Year report shows you an overview of all charges made in your MacPractice database for the selected time period.

  • Total Production: All procedures entered during the selected time period, excluding those that have a Lab entered for the charge. This section filters based on the provider listed in the Charge window. This number plus the "Lab Charge" number should match your Production Analysis reports for the same time period/provider filters.

  • Tax: All tax charged for the selected time period. This filters by the provider listed in the Charge window. This number should match the total in the Sales Tax report, if the Day Month Year report is run by Posted date, and you are using the same provider filters.

  • Finance Charge: Finance charges accrued during the selected time period. Filters by the provider listed on the account tab of the Patient ability, unless edited on the finance charge itself in the patient's Account Ledger. 

  • Lab Charge: Lab Charges will tally all procedures entered during the selected time period that are associated with a Lab. Lab Charges will only appear if the procedures during the time-frame had a lab associated with the procedure in the New Charge Window.
    This line item will total up the eligible procedure's fees. The Lab Cost and Material Cost are not included.

Positive Adjustments

The Positive Adjustment section of the report lists each Adjustment Type in your system, and the positive adjustments associated with that type. This filters based on the provider listed on the charge associated with the adjustment. The number in this area will match the number in the Positive Adjustment report, assuming you are running the reports for the same date range/providers. 

Applied Payments

The Applied Payments section of the report displays payments posted in the selected date range that have been applied to charges, broken down by payment. It is filtered based on the provider listed on the charge the payment is applied to. This number should match the "Applied" area of the Gross Receipts report, if your date and provider filters are consistent.

Gross Payments

The Gross Payments area of the report lists all payments posted for the selected date range, regardless of whether or not they are applied to charges. This category is filtered by the provider listed on the payment. This area is broken down by payment type.
NOTE: This category will not match your Gross Receipts report, as that report has different provider filter criteria.

Unapplied Payments

The Unapplied Payments section shows all payments posted during the selected date range that have not yet been applied to procedures. This is filtered by the provider listed in the payment window. This number should match the "Unapplied" amount on the Gross Receipts report, assuming all filters are consistent between the reports.



The Refunds section shows all refunds and reversed payments that were issued during the selected time period. It is filtered by the date of the refund/reversal, not the date of the payment. The total Refunds number should match the total of Patient Payment refunds, and Insurance Payment Refunds to Insurance on the Refund report, assuming filters are consistent between the reports, and you have selected "Use Refund Date" as the date range criteria for the report. The refund figure on the Day Month Year report does not include refunds of insurance payments to patients or providers, only to the insurance company. These figures are filtered by the provider listed on the payment that was refunded.


Applied Negative Adjustments

This section lists each Adjustment Type in your system, and the negative adjustments associated with that type that have been applied toward charges. This filters based on the provider listed on the charge the adjustment is applied to. This will match the Applied amount on the Negative Adjustments report, if the report is run for all providers, and the same date range.


Gross Negative Adjustments

The Gross Negative Adjustment section lists all negative adjustments with a posted/procedure date during the selected date range, regardless of whether they are applied or not. This is filtered by the provider listed on the adjustment. The number in this area will match the total for the Applied column in the Negative Adjustment report, assuming you are running the reports for the same date range/providers, and are using the "Show only negative adjustments that were initially posted in the date range" option for the date filter. This area is broken down by adjustment type.


Unapplied Negative Adjustments

This area of the report shows all negative adjustments with a posted/procedure date during the selected range that have not yet been applied to procedures. This is filtered by the provider listed in the adjustment window. This number should match the "Unapplied" amount on the Negative Adjustment report, assuming you are running the reports for the same date range/providers, and are using the "Show only negative adjustments that were initially posted in the date range" option for the date filter.



The Write-offs section shows all write-offs that were applied to insurance payments during the selected date range. They are filtered by the provider listed on the insurance payment that the write-off is applied to. This area should match the Insurance Write-Off report, if you run the reports for the same providers and date range, with all insurance companies selected on the report. The write-offs are broken down by plan type.


Production Analysis

The Production Analysis by Type and Production Analysis by Category sections break down production amounts by the procedure type and category associated to the charge. These numbers should match the Production Analysis reports of the same names, as long as the date and provider filters are consistent between the reports.