Patients By Medication Report

The Patients by Medication report generates lists of patients with selected medications.

Filter Options

The Patients by Medication report can be filtered by Provider, Office, and Medications.

  • Select Providers/Select Offices: Allows you to filter the report to show only patients associated with the selected providers and offices. In this case, the list is filtered by the provider and office listed on the patient's medication record, as shown below.

    • You can disable these filters by unchecking the checkbox above the list of providers/offices. You may wish to disable the filters if you have some patients in your database that have these fields set to (None) in the medication record.

  • Filter Medications: Filters the report to only show patients with at least one of the selected medications. You can disable this filter by unchecking the checkbox by the title, but disabling the filter will give you all patients with and without medications.

  • Group By: This radio button allows you to choose whether you would prefer to see a list of medications and the number of patients associated to them (that can be expanded to show individual patients), or a list of patients and the number of medications associated to them (that can be expanded to show individual medications).

After selecting your filters, click Apply to see your results.

Results Columns

The Results differ depending on whether you’ve selected “Medication, Patient”, or “Patient, Medication”.

Medication, Patient

If you chose to view your results by medication, then patient, the initial view of the report will simply list all medications that have been prescribed in your database, and the number of patients that are associated to that medication. You can click the triangle next to a medication record to see the list of patients with that medication.


The expanded results will list the patients name with basic demographic information, followed by their name, phone number, and the provider and office listed on their medication.

Patient, Medication

If you chose to view your results by patient, then medication, the initial view of the report will show a list of your patients with the selected medications.

  • Patient Last, First (Age, Sex): The first column lists the patient's name and basic demographic information.

  • Address: The second column lists the patient's address.

  • Phone: The next column lists the first phone number from the patient's record.

  • Office/provider - The fourth column lists the office and provider associated with the patient's medication records. If the patient has multiple medications associated with multiple providers/offices, the provider and office will pull from the most recent medication entered.

  • Medication Count - The final column displays a total count of the patient's medication records. If the patient has multiple medication records for the same drug, they will be counted separately.

You can click the triangle next to the patient's name to see a list of their medication records.

  • Medication: The first column lists the information from the Brand field of the medication reference.

  • Dosage: The second column lists the dosage of the medication.

  • Take: The Take column lists the information from the "Take" field of the medication record.

  • Frequency: The fourth column lists the frequency listed on the prescription.

  • Duration: The final column lists the duration from the medication record.