Patients By Zip Code Report

The Patients by Zip Code Report locates patients based on zip codes.

Filter Options

  • Providers: Filters the report based on the Provider listed in the Patient tab.

  • Offices: Filters the report based on the Office listed in the Patient tab.

  • Custom: Filters the report based on any Custom Reference listed in the Patient tab.

  • Zip Codes: Filters the report based on the zip code listed in the Patient tab.

  • Show zip codes having a number of patients: Filters the report results to Show All results, or results with Less Than or More Than the number entered within the accompanying field.

Results Columns


  • Zip Code: The zip code result as listed in the Patients tab.

  • City: The City associated to the zip code.

  • State: The State associated to the zip code.

  • # of Patients: The number of patients within this zip code result.


  • Patient #: The Patient number of the patient with the zip code result.

  • Patient Last, First: The first and last name of the Patient with the zip code result.

  • Address: The address of the Patient with the zip code result.

  • Suite: The suite number (if applicable) of the patient's address.

  • Phone: The phone number of the Patient with the zip code result.