Resources Report

The Resource Report allows you to view statistics about your appointments and production, broken down by Resource.

The upper portion of the report shows a breakdown of appointments, and the lower half shows a break down of treatments (anticipated production) and production information.

In the Appointments section, you will see a list of your resources. Clicking a resource name will take you to the Schedule ability.

For each resource, you will see the following columns:

  • Appointments: Number of appointments scheduled for the resource during the date range. Click the link to view the Appointments report, filtered to show only those appointments.

  • Cancelled/Missed/Rescheduled: These three columns will tally the number of appointments that have been cancelled, missed, or rescheduled. Click the link to view the Appointments report, filtered to show only those appointments.
    It is important to clarify that appointments that have been cancelled/missed that were then rescheduled are still counted as cancelled and missed.

  • Followup: This column indicates how many appointments in the date range were associated with a recall or follow-up record.

  • Deleted: Total number of deleted appointments originally scheduled during the selected date range, for the corresponding resource.

  • Total: Total number of appointments scheduled under the resource for the selected time period.

  • Patients: Number of unique patients with appointments. If a patient has multiple appointments that meet the date/resource criteria, they will only be counted once.

  • Appointment Time (hrs): The total time for all appointments that meet the resource and date criteria, in hours.

  • Time/Appointment(hrs): The average time per appointment, in hours.

  • Time/Patient(hrs): The average time the resource spent per patient, in hours.

At the bottom of the section is a Summary line, which lists the statistics for all resources.

in the Treatments/Transactions section, you will see a similar breakdown by resource, but instead of breaking information down by appointments, it is primarily focused on production or estimated production information.NOTE: Transactions will only be counted on this report if they are entered via the Advanced View of an appointment. Charges entered via the Patients ability will not be counted in this report.



  • Patients: Number of unique patients with appointments. If a patient has multiple appointments that meet the date/resource criteria, they will only be counted once.

  • Treatment amount: Total of all treatment plan transactions associated to appointments for the selected resource and date range. Click the link to view the Appointments report, filtered to show only those appointments.

  • Transaction amount: Total of all charges entered through the Advanced View of appointments scheduled for the selected resource/date range. It is important to note that this information filters by the date of the appointment, not the date of the procedure.

  • Total: Total of Treatments and Transactions.

  • Amount/Appointment: Average amount per appointment. This average will count both treatments and transactions.

  • Amount/Patient: Average amount charged per patient. Like the appointment average, this will count both treatments and transactions.

At the bottom of the section is a Summary line, which lists the statistics for all resources.