HL7 - ComChart and HL7

HL7 messaging between MacPractice and ComChart uses a local folder to send and receive HL7 data. A Certified Local Network Technician can assist with this design.

Note: The HIE (Health Information Exchange) Consent Checkbox should be checked to send HL7 messages for any patient.

Set Up

Create a MacPractice In/ComChart Out folder in a location such as the desktop or in the shared directory. This folder will act as the file path by which HL7 messages are exchanged between MacPractice and ComCharts.

Point the MacPractice In/ComChart Out folder to MacPractice in the HL7 panel of Preferences. Click the plus button to create and confirm a new HL7 entry. Enable the new HL7 entry with the Enabled checkbox then double click the Description field to add a new name. In the Format menu, select the General Format.

Continue below the new HL7 entry within the Transport tab. Click the Folder radio button then click the Choose button next to the Incoming HL7 Message field to add the MacPractice In/ComChart Out in the resulting window. The path for Outgoing HL7 Messages does not need to be set.

  • Within the General tab, enable both checkboxes:

    • Use Default Incident When Importing Charges: Enabling this checkbox adds CPT codes imported into MacPractice to the default incident within the patient's ledger. When unchecked, MacPractice will prompt to select which incident to add the incoming CPT codes where multiple incidents are present.

    • Match Middle Name When Importing: Enabling this checkbox matches the HL7 message to the patient's account using patient's middle name.

  • Within the Outgoing tab, check any applicable checkboxes to enable MacPractice to send the corresponding information as an HL7 message to SpringCharts.

Click the Lock icon to save the new HL7 entry. The lock will need to be clicked again to edit the entry. 

Next, enable the EMR bridge for data exchange. In Preferences, select the EMR Bridge panel and set the Bridge Type to ComChart.ComChart will provide an installer script, installation instructions, and installation support of ComChart. The ComChartMD.scpt will display in the Library folder, under MacPracticeClient > Databases > MacPractice >Plug-Ins.

You can send scheduling messages from MacPractice to SpringCharts using the HL7 bridge. Before you begin using this feature, you will want to make sure that SpringCharts is set up to use MacPractice's scheduling system rather than its own. Log on as an administrator to the SpringCharts server application and click on HL7 Link. Make sure that the Use Appointment System radio button is set to PMS.

In MacPractice, you will want to make sure that New Appointments, Modify Appointment, Cancel Appointment and Delete Appointment in the MacPractice HL7 Preferences window are enabled.

Scheduling messages will be sent from MacPractice when you create, save or update your appointments. The appointments should appear in SpringCharts within a few moments. They do not need to be imported. The appointments will be organized by the appointment provider's MacPractice user ID and appointment date. Click on Change Schedule to change to a different appointment provider's schedule or to a different date.

If the patient already exists in SpringCharts you will be able to access the patient chart and patient information by clicking on the appointment. If the patient does not exist in SpringCharts yet, the patient will be listed as an Unregistered Patient. Patients listed as unregistered can be imported from MacPractice later if needed.

In SpringCharts, the appointment time will be listed, followed by the patient name and date of birth. The next field is considered a note in SpringCharts but is pulled from the appointment type field in the MacPractice schedule. Lastly, the appointment date and appointment provider user ID are listed.