Report Recommendations

This article is intended to provide recommendations for what reports you can generate when trying to gather specific information. These categories (and some of the reports themselves) tend to overlap in terms of purpose, but this article should provide you a toolset for tracking and analyzing information in MacPractice so you can make informed, data-driven decisions.

That being said, we highly encourage you to review all of the reports to determine what would be best for your practice. And as always, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact MacPractice Support.

You may find it helpful to print your reports out, or save them as PDFs for future reference. This is particularly useful with the Accounts Receivable report, as this is updated in real time, but printing off your monthly reports is an excellent way to generate a paper trail should you need to ever need to refer to older information. 
You can print reports by pressing Command+P on the keyboard or navigating to the File Menu > Print. You can create a PDF by going to the PDF menu in the print window and selecting to "Save As PDF".
We also strongly recommend that you create an external backup for the end of the year. If you needed a report and forgot to run it you could restore this dataset on a separate computer and then run the report and obtain your year end information. If you need assistance with restoring a database, please refer to the Restoring a Backup article.


Daily Report Recommendations 

MacPractice recommends running the following reports every day:

  • Daily A/R: This report, located in the Daily category, provides an easily referenced summary of the day's impacts on your Accounts Receivable.

  • Posted or Procedure Date Day Sheets: These two reports, also located in your Daily category, track all transactions on a day to day basis. All charges, payments, write offs, adjustments, and refunds are present in this report. You can also use these reports to generate a deposit slip so you know how much you have collected on for the day.
    They will either utilize the Posted Date (The day an item was entered in MacPractice) or the Procedure Date (The date you set for each transaction).
    Whichever report you decide on, we at MacPractice strongly recommend that you use only one of them for consistency's sake.

  • Gross Receipts: Located in the Accounting/Financial category, this report tracks all payment types that have recorded in MacPractice over the set date range. By expanding the payment types you can locate any individual payment over the date range.

Monthly Recommendations

MacPractice recommends running the following reports on a monthly basis:

  • Accounts Receivable: The Accounts Receivable report is a live report that generates the current status of all of your Accounts Receivable information in the MacPractice database at the moment it is run. You cannot set a date range in this report, therefore we recommend running and printing off this report every month and at the end of every year to maintain a helpful paper trail.

  • Earned Receipts: The Earned Receipts report tracks applied payments and associates them to charges conducted by each provider, creating a running tally of the received payments for each Provider. This is most useful for identifying how much each Provider is generating.

  • Gross Receipts: This report tracks all payment types that have recorded in MacPractice over the set date range. By expanding the payment types you can locate any individual payment over the date range.

  • Production By Month: This report shows information for charges posted during the selected time period, broken down by month, as well as the transactions associate with those procedures. Payment information will not match any other report in MacPractice. Based on the information listed in the charge window.

  • Statements Manager: The Statements Manager is used to generate statements for all of your patient accounts. It is highly configurable, allowing you to control which accounts need to receive statements. It also has functionality to assess finance charges for late fees should you need.

  • Unapplied (Credit) Balance Report: The Unapplied Balance report is a great tool to track what accounts have an unapplied balance (or credit) on them, and whether the account also has a balance that you could potentially apply that unapplied amount to.

As always these reports are only a recommendation; each office will be different in the reports they will need to run to meet their needs.

Administrative Reports

  • Backups Report: This report can be found in the Management category. It logs every backup attempt generated by MacPractice, whether it was an Automatic or a Manual Backup. Beyond the log in prompt that will occur if a backup has failed, this should be your go to resource to ensure your backups are running properly.
    We advise running this report once a week.

  • Production Analysis Reports: There are several Production Analysis Reports that are available to assist you with tracking trends where you're seeing the most production. Many of them generate the same information, but are organized differently.

    • Production By Month compiles all of your production and organizes it by month. This is a good tool to identify your busy months vs. your lighter months. By setting the date range for a year, you can also use this report to determine overall production for the year. This will default to using the Procedure Date, unless you check the "Use Posted Date" checkbox.

    • Production Detailed by Procedure breaks down your production by the Procedure code used. Useful for identifying which procedures are making your practice the most money.

Billing Reports

  • Accounts Receivable: The Accounts Receivable report is a live report that generates the current status of all of your Accounts Receivable information in the MacPractice database at the moment it is run. You cannot set a date range in this report, therefore we recommend running and printing off this report every month and at the end of every year to maintain a helpful paper trail.

  • Claims Manager: While not a report specifically, the Claims Manager in the Managers Ability is great for reviewing your current claims, and can help with identifying procedures that have not had claims created for them.

  • Insurance Claims Outstanding: This report will help with tracking any outstanding insurance claims. It is located in the Reports Ability under the Insurance folder.

  • Insurance Collections: In a similar vein, the Insurance Collections report is more focused on the actual value of outstanding insurance claims.

Scheduling and Marketing Reports

End of Year Recommendations

While every office will differ slightly in their needs, MacPractice recommends running the following reports at the end of your fiscal year:

  • Accounts Receivable: The Accounts Receivable report is a live report that generates the current status of all of your Accounts Receivable information in the MacPractice database at the moment it is run. You cannot set a date range in this report, therefore we recommend running and printing off this report every month and at the end of every year to maintain a helpful paper trail.

  • Day Month Year: will list all charges, payments, refunds, everything financial in MacPractice for the entered date range.

  • Earned Receipts: displays payments applied to a Provider in the Charge window. This report does not take into account any unapplied amounts. This report is the best report to show what the providers have earned.

  • Gross Receipts:  This report tracks all payment types that have recorded in MacPractice over the set date range. By expanding the payment types you can locate any individual payment over the date range.

  • Production By Month: allowing you to see all production that was conducted during the year.

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