User Group Privileges

The User Group Privileges Reference contains all of your User Groups.

User Groups are designed to broadly determine privileges by the role the User Group fills within the office. For example, you can define a User Group to represent the level of access a Front Desk user would need, and then another User Group to determine what level of access a Provider should have. This way, you can simply assign a User Group to a User via the Users Reference.


Default User Groups

By default, we have four pre-set User Groups:

  • Administrator: By default, all privileges for an Administrator are enabled. You can edit this group to include fewer privileges.

  • Kiosk User: A set of permissions ideal for a Kiosk User. A User can only select this group if if "Is Kiosk Machine User" is enabled under their User Information tab of the Users Reference.

  • Others: The default setting for all users. "Others" has the minimum privileges for an employee to functionally use MacPractice.

  • SuperAdm: Stands for "Super Admin". This group has all privileges enabled, but cannot be edited. This group is usually reserved for the owner of the practice or their office manager, and should not be granted to normal users.

Specific privilege sets for certain groups can be designed to suit any needs outside of the default User Groups.

Note: By default, only the Administrator and SuperAdmin User Groups have the privileges to adjust User Group Privileges. At least one User in the office should belong to one of these groups so that privileges can be adjusted should an unusual function need to be performed. MacPractice Support is not able to adjust User Group Privileges for any office.Edit this section Add a section Delete this section Add a question to this section Show / Hide section information.

Creating User Groups

User Group Privilege set can be designed for each group. In the References ability, select the User Group Privileges node and click the plus button to create a new record.

Enter the name into the Group Name field and select the privileges the group will have.

  • The Ability column lists all the abilities that can be given to a Group.

  • The Privileges column lists all the privileges under the selected ability.

  • The Description column lists a brief explanation of the function of the selected privilege.

Duplicating an Existing User Group

User Group Privileges, with the exception of the SuperAdmin and Kiosk User groups, can be duplicated and modified to fit the needs of a new User Group. To duplicate a user group, select the group, then select Edit > Duplicate Record.

Select Duplicate Record to create a new record. Enter the new Group Name, then select or deselect any privileges as needed.

  • The Ability column lists all the abilities that can be given to a Group.

  • The Privileges column lists all the privileges under the selected ability.

  • The box to the right lists a brief description of the function of the selected privilege.

Once finished, save the new User Group Privilege and assign it to the User. In the Users node, select the User and the Privilege tab. From the Group Name menu, select the newly created group.

User Privilege List

This document outlines the privileges available in MacPractice, and what they control. Each privilege lists the function or feature that you gain access to when the privilege is enabled.

All privileges are listed in the same order as in the References Ability > User Group Privileges Node.


  • View Accounting Ability: Enable the user to view the Accounting Ability.


  • View Account Alert Popups: Allows the user to see the green Account Alert pop-up when you click on a patient with an account alert, or when clicking the green triangle in the upper left corner by the search field.

  • View Allergy Popups: Allows the user to see the yellow Allergy pop-up when you click on a patient with an allergy, or when clicking the yellow triangle in the upper left corner by the search field.

  • View Patient Alert Popups: Allows the user to see the yellow Patient Alert pop-up when you click on a patient with a patient alert, or when clicking the yellow triangle in the upper left corner by the search field.

  • View Account Alert Table: Access the Alert tab of the Account screen.

  • View Patient Alert Table: Access the Alert tab of the Patient screen.


  • Add/Edit Charting Shortcuts: This grants the ability to create or edit Charting Shortcuts in Restorative Charting.


  • Create CCDA Documents: Enable the user to create, print and export CCDA documents.

  • Edit Clinical Data: Enable the user to edit the clinical information in the Clinical ability.

  • View CCDA Export Manager: Enable the user to view the ccda export manager in the Clinical ability.

  • View Clinical Ability: Enable the user to access the Clinical ability.

  • View HIE Manager: Enable the user to view the hie manager in the Clinical ability.

  • View/Edit Clinical References: Enable the user to view or edit references in the Clinical ability.


  • Backup Database: Allows the user to make a manual backup of your MacPractice database. You can back up your database in Preferences > Server Backup.

  • Edit Backup Preferences: Allows the user to edit settings in Preferences > Server Backup.

  • Kill Processes: View/use the Kill Process button in the Database Processes window.

  • Remove Logged On Users: This option allows the user to forcibly remove a currently logged in MacPractice User. You can do this from the Window Menu > Online Users. Any unsaved changes made by the user will be discarded.

  • Save/Load User Preferences to Database: Enables the user to save and load Preferences to the database. You can do this from Preferences > General. This ability is used to transfer Preferences to another computer, or to restore your Preferences on a fresh reinstall.

  • View/Edit Preferences: Allows the user to view and make changes in the Preference window in MacPractice.

Digital Radiography

  • Add Images: This privilege allows the user to add new images to an existing visit. Without this privilege, whenever the user is logged in, items will not be imported from the auto-import folder.

  • Create Image Types: Allows the user to create new Image Types.

  • Create Layouts: Allows the user to create new Imaging layouts.

  • Create Patient Visits: Allows the user to create new patient Visit records.

  • Delete Image Types: Allows the user to delete existing Image Type records.

  • Delete Layouts: Allows the user to delete existing layout records.

  • Delete Visits & Images: Allows the user to delete patient Visit records, and images contained within them.

  • Edit Image Type: Allows the user to edit existing Image Type records.

  • Edit Layout: Allows the user to edit existing layout images.

  • Edit Visits & Images: Allows the user to edit patient Visit records and images.

  • View Digital Radiography/Imaging: Allows the user to access the Imaging ability.


  • Delete eClaims Reports: Allows the user to delete records from the Reports node of the eClaims ability.

  • Edit eClaims: Allows the user to edit the data of a claim through the eClaims ability.

  • Submit eClaims: Allows the user to submit eClaims. The office requires an active internet connection to submit eClaims, and "View eClaims Ability" must be enabled as well.

  • View eClaims Ability: Allows the user to access the eClaims ability. Without this privilege enabled, a user will not be able to submit eClaims.

  • View eClaims Reports: Allows the user to Access/view the Reports node of the eClaims ability.


If the office is running MacPractice DDS, you will see EDR, and all privileges will relate to the EDR Ability.

With MacPractice MD, DC, and 20/20, you will see EMR, and all privileges will relate to the EMR Ability.

  • Archive Locked EMR/EDR Patient Forms: Allows the user to archive Patient Forms that have been locked.

  • Create EMR/EDR Form Sections: Allows the user to create EMR/EDR Form Sections.

  • Create EMR/EDR Patient Forms: Allows the user to create Patient Forms.

  • Create EMR/EDR Templates: Allows the user to create Templates.

  • Delete EMR/EDR Patient Forms: Allows the user to delete EMR/EDR Patient Forms.

  • Delete EMR/EDR Templates and Form Sections: Allows the user to delete EMR/EDR Templates and Form Sections.

  • Edit EMR/EDR Form Sections: Allows the user to edit EMR/EDR Form Sections.

  • Edit EMR/EDR Patient Forms: Allows the user to edit EMR/EDR Patient Forms. In order to edit forms created by another Provider, you'll also need to have "View and Edit By Provider" enabled.

  • Edit EMR/EDR References: Allows the user to edit EMR/EDR References. This only relates to References stored WITHIN the EMR/EDR Ability, not directly from the References Ability.

  • Edit EMR/EDR Templates: Allows the user to edit EMR/EDR Templates.

  • Import/Download EMR/EDR Templates: Allows the user to import or download EMR/EDR Templates. These are located in the Shared Template node in the EMR/EDR Ability.

  • Lock EMR/EDR Patient Forms:  Allows the user to lock EMR/EDR Patient Forms.

  • Unlock Locked EMR/EDR Patient Forms: Allows the user to unlock EMR/EDR Patient Forms that have been locked. This will archive the original locked form to retain a copy of it, then duplicate that form so you can make changes. 

  • Unlock Used EMR/EDR Form Sections: Allows the user to unlock and edit an EMR/EDR Form Section. 

  • Upload EMR/EDR Templates: Allows the user to upload EMR/EDR templates to the Shared Template Library. All uploaded Shared Templates are subject to review by MacPractice.

  • View and Edit By Provider: Allows the user to view EMR/EDR and EHR Patient Forms records that are tied to a particular provider. If the "Edit Patient Forms" privilege is unchecked, the user will only be able to view, not edit.

  • View EMR/EDR Ability: Allows the user to access the EMR/EDR Ability.

  • View EMR/EDR Form Sections: Allows the user to view EMR/EDR Form Sections.

  • View EMR/EDR Patient Forms: Allows the user to view EMR/EDR Patient Forms. If a user doesn't have the "View and Edit By Provider" privilege enabled, they'll only be able to view forms they've created.

  • View EMR/EDR References: Allows the user to view the References in the EMR/EDR Ability.

  • View EMR/EDR Templates: Allows the user to view EMR/EDR Templates.


  • Create EHR Patient Forms: Enables the user to create EHR forms for a patient.

  • Delete EHR Patient Forms: Enables the user to delete patient EHR forms.

  • Download EHR Templates: Enables the user to download and install new EHR Templates from the Template Library.

  • Edit EHR Patient Forms: Enables the user to edit EHR patient forms. In order for this privilege to fully function, you'll also need to have "View and Edit by Provider" enabled, in this same section. Otherwise you'll only be able to edit forms that you've created.

  • Lock EHR Patient Forms: Enables the user to lock EHR patient forms to prevent further changes.

  • View and Edit by Provider: Enables the user to view EHR and EMR/EDR Patient form records tied to a particular provider.

  • View Clipboard Ability:

  • View EHR Ability: Access the EHR ability within the MacPractice Toolbar.


  • Add Attachment: Allows the user to add new records to the Attachments ability. If this privilege is not enabled, items will not be imported from the Auto-Import folder while the user is logged in.

  • Archive Attachment: Allows the user to archive a Patient Attachment or Attachment record.

  • Archive Locked Patient Attachment: Allows the user to archive a patient attachment from the Locked Patient Attachments node. In order for this privilege to work properly, the "Archive Attachment" privilege must also be enabled.

  • Create/Edit Attachment References: Allows the user to create, edit, and delete References in the Images/Attachment Ability. You'll still need to have the "View Attachment References" privilege enabled to view those References.

  • Edit Attachment: Allows the user to edit Patient Attachments and Attachment records.

  • Lock Attachment: Allows a user to lock Patient Attachments.

  • View Attachment Ability: Allows a user to view/access the Attachments ability.

  • View Attachment References: Allows a user to View References within the Images/Attachment Ability.


  • View Drawer Reports: Allows the user to view and use the Reports tab of the drawer.

  • View User Actions Report: Allows the user to view/use the History tab of the drawer when a user is selected in the Users node of the References ability. The History tab contains a list of that user's actions.


  • Adjust Item Quantities in Inventory Management View: Enables the user to adjust item quantities in the Inventory Management View.

  • Adjust Item Quantities in Item View: Enables the user to adjust item quantities in Inventory Items View.

  • Complete Inventory Audits: Enables user to complete Inventory Audits and update stock levels.

  • Create Inventory Audits: Enables the user to create and start Inventory Audits.

  • Create Inventory Purchase Orders: Enables the user to create Inventory Purchase Orders.

  • Create/Edit Inventory Brands: Enables the user to create and edit items in the Inventory Brands Reference, located in the Inventory Ability.

  • Create/Edit Inventory Categories: Enables the user to create and edit items in the Inventory Categories Reference, located in the Inventory Ability.

  • Create/Edit Inventory Items: Enables the user to create and edit Inventory Items References, located in the Inventory Ability.

  • Create/Edit Inventory Vendors: Enables the user to create and edit Inventory Vendors References, located in the Inventory Ability.

  • Delete Inventory Audits: Enables the user to delete Inventory Audits.

  • Delete/Archive Inventory Items: Enables the user to archive and delete Inventory Items References from the Inventory Ability.

  • Edit Ordered Inventory Purchase Orders: Enables the user to edit ordered Inventory Purchase Orders.

  • Edit Pending Inventory Purchase Orders: Enables the user to edit pending Inventory Purchase Orders.

  • Fill Inventory Audits: Enables the user to fill data in Inventory Audits.

  • Unlock/Edit Fulfilled Inventory Purchase Orders: Enables the user to unlock and edit fulfilled Inventory Purchase Orders.

  • View Expected Stock in Inventory: Enables the user to view Expected Stock.

  • View Inventory Items: Enables the user to view Inventory Items.

  • View Inventory Management: Enables the user to view Inventory Management.

  • View Inventory Purchase Orders: Enables the user to view Inventory Purchase Orders.

  • View Inventory Reports: Enables the user to view Inventory Reports.

  • View Inventory Retail Item Management: Enables the user to view Inventory Retail Item Management.


  • Create Lab Records: Enables user to add lab records. In order to create a lab, a user must also have the Orders Privilege "Create Orders" enabled.

  • Edit Lab Preferences: Enables user to edit lab preferences. A user must have the Database Privilege "Access Preferences" enabled in order to edit Lab Preferences.

  • Lock Lab Records: Enables user to lock lab records. A user must have the Orders privilege "Edit Orders" enabled to lock lab records.

  • Set Final Review Status: Enables user to set labs to "Final Review" status.

  • Set Preliminary Review Status: Enables user to set labs to "Preliminary Review" status.

  • Unlock Lab Records: Enables user to unlock lab records. A user must have the Orders privilege "Edit Orders" enabled to unlock Lab records.

  • View Lab Records: Enables user to view lab records. A user must have the Orders privilege "View Orders" enabled to view lab records.

For more information on Labs privileges, see the Labs - User Group Privileges documentation.


  • Apply Payments to Charges: Allows a user to apply existing payments to charges. This functionality will work even if the "Edit Transactions" and "Edit Same Day Transactions" privileges are disabled.

  • Create Billing Contracts: Allows a user to add new Billing Contracts in the ledger.

  • Create Ledger Comments: Allows a user to create new Comments on the Ledger.

  • Create New Codes from Charge: Allows a user to add new codes to a fee schedule from the New Charge window.

  • Create Transactions: Allows a user to create new ledger transactions, such as charges and payments.

  • Create Treatments and Transactions: Allows a user to add new ledger items, such as charges, treatments, and payments into the transaction ledger and treatment plans. We recommend that any user needing to add new line items to a ledger or treatment plan should have both "Create Transactions" and this privilege enabled.

  • Create/Edit Incidents: Allows a user to create and edit Incidents in the Ledger sidebar.

  • Delete Billing Contracts: Allows a user to delete Billing Contracts in the ledger.

  • Delete Claims: Allows a user to delete insurance claims from the ledger.

  • Delete Payment: Allows a user to delete payment records from the ledger. A user must have the "Delete Transactions" privilege enabled in order to delete payments. 

  • Delete Same Day Payments: Allows a user to delete payment records from the ledger, provided they were posted on the same day they are deleted. The "Delete Payment" privilege overrides this privilege.

  • Delete Same Day Transaction: Allows a user to delete transactions from the ledger, provided they were posted on the same day they are deleted. The "Delete Transactions" privilege overrides this privilege.

  • Delete Statements: Allows a user to delete Statement line items from the ledger.

  • Delete Transactions: Allows a user to delete line items from the ledger.

  • Delete Treatments: Allows a user to delete items from a Treatment Plan.

  • Edit Same Day Transaction: Allows a user to edit transactions, provided the edit is made on the same day the transaction was posted. The "Edit Transactions" privilege overwrites this privilege.

  • Edit Transactions: Allows a user to edit ledger transactions and claim statuses.

  • Edit Treatments: Allows a user to edit existing Treatment Plan records.

  • View Ledger: Allows the user to access the Ledger tab of the Patient ability. Without this privilege active, a user won't be able to perform any function within the Ledger.


  • Edit Lists Of Other Users: Allows a user to create, edit, and delete lists, even if they were not created by this user.

  • Export Lists: Allows a user to export a list out of MacPractice.

  • View Lists: Allows a user to view the List Tab of the Drawer. This privilege must be enabled in order to do anything with Lists.lists and the Lists tab in the drawer.


  • Change Encounter Form Status: Allows the user to change the status of Encounter Forms in the Encounter Tracker. Automatic status changes can still occur even if a user doesn't have this privilege enabled.

  • Delete Encounter Tracker Record: Allows a user to delete unprinted records or archive printed records in the Encounter Tracker list.

  • Import Charting Code Map: Allows the user to import a Charting Code Map.

  • View Charting Code Map: Allows the user to Access the Charting Code Map feature in Managers.

  • View Collections Manager: Allows the user to access the Collections Manager. This privilege will also allow the user to send and edit transactions in the Collections Manager.

  • View Database Utilities: Allows the user to view and perform Database Utilities on the Server Computer, located in the Managers Ability. Database Utilities can have a huge impact on your database, so a user should always ensure that they have a recent backup available before using a Database Utility.

  • View Encounter Tracker: Allows the user to view and generate encounters in the Encounter Tracker. 

  • View Ledger Audit Trail: Allows the user to view the Ledger Audit Trail. 

  • View Managers Ability: Allows the user to view and utilize the Managers Ability.

  • View Statement Manager: Allows the user to view and use the Statements Manager. 

  • View Trace Payment Number Manager : Allows the user to access the Trace Payment Number manager.


  • Archive Locked Notes: Allows a user to archive patient notes that have been locked.

  • Archive New Notes: Allows a user to archive unlocked patient notes.

  • Archive/Delete Note Templates: Allows a user to archive or delete note templates.

  • Create Notes: Allows a user to create new patient notes, either from a template, or a new blank note.

  • Create/Edit Note Templates: Allows a user to add new Note Templates, or edit existing patient Note Templates.

  • Edit Notes References: Allows the user to edit References in the Notes Ability, such as Notes Template Group.

  • Edit Notes: Allows the user to edit existing patient note records.

  • Import/Download Note Templates: Allows the user to add new Note Templates by importing them, or downloading them from the Shared Templates node.

  • Lock Notes: Allows the user to lock notes.

  • Upload Notes Template: Allows the user to upload note templates to the MacPractice Shared Template library. All uploaded templates are subject to review by MacPractice before they will appear in the Shared Template list.

  • View Locked Notes: Allows the user to view notes that have been locked.

  • View Notes References: Allows the user to view references in the Notes Ability, such as Note Templates Group.

  • View Notes Ability: Allows the user to access the Notes Ability.


  • Create/Edit Optical Prescriptions: Allows users to create and edit Optical prescriptions. 

  • Delete Optical Prescriptions: Allows a user to delete existing Optical prescriptions from the Optical ability.

  • View Optical Ability: Allows the user to access the Optical ability.

  • View/Edit Optical References: Allows the user to view and edit Optical References located in the Optical ability. 


  • Add Order Notes: Allows a user to add notes to an existing order.

  • Archive Orders: Allows a user to archive existing orders, including Lab orders.

  • Create Orders: Allows a user to create new Order records.

  • Edit Orders: Allows a user to edit the fields and pop-up menus on an order. Users without this privilege can still add notes and reminders to orders.

  • Import Charges: Allows a user to import charges from an order, including EMR Careslip charges).

  • Import Patient: Allows a user to import patients from external sources. In order for this privilege to work properly, the "Edit Orders" privilege must also be enabled.

  • Sign Orders: Allows a user to use the Sign button in the Orders Ability.

  • View Orders Ability: Allows a user to access the Orders Ability.


  • Archive/Retrieve Patients: Allows the user to Archive or retrieve archived patient records.

  • Delete Patients: Allows a user to delete patient records.

  • Edit Patient Demographics And Account Information: Allows the user to create patient records and edit patient demographics and account information.

  • Edit References from the Patients Ability: This privilege allows the user to create, edit, and delete References that interact with data in the Patients Ability.

  • View Patient Ability: Allows a user to view the Patients ability.

  • View/Edit Clinical Data: Allows the user to view and edit information in the Clinical tab of the Patient ability.


  • Create Perio Charts: Enables user to add Perio Charts.

  • Delete Perio Charts: Enables user to delete Perio Charts.

  • Edit Perio Charts: Enables user to edit Perio Charts.

  • Lock/Unlock Perio Records: Enable user to lock Perio records.

  • View Perio Charts: Enables user to view Perio Charts.


  • Archive Insurance Companies: Allows the user to archive Insurance Company references.

  • Create Patient Portal Users: Allows the user to create new Patient Portal Users in the Patient Portal User Reference.

  • Delete Forms: Allows the user to delete forms from the Forms node.

  • Delete Patient Portal Users: Allows the user to delete references in the Patient Portal User section.

  • Edit Cash Accounts References:

  • Edit Clinical Decision Rules: Allows the user to edit alerts for Clinical Decision Rules.

  • Edit Fee Schedules, Fees and Supercodes: Allows a user to Edit Fee Schedules, individual codes within the fee schedule, and Super Codes.

  • Edit Insurance Companies: Allows a user to edit Insurance Company records.

  • Edit Offices: Allows the user to edit  Office References.

    Some Office Reference fields are tied to your license information demographics can only be edited by the MacPractice Accounting Department. If you need these changed, feel free to give us a call!

  • Edit Patient Portal Users: Enables the user to edit references in the Patient Portal User section.

  • Edit References in References Ability: Allows the user to edit References in the References ability.

    This privilege applies for most general References. It does not apply to References that have their own unique privilege (Fee Schedules, Insurance, Office, Supercodes, Users and User Group Privileges).

  • Edit Users and Group Privileges: Allows a user to create and edit references for Users and User Group Privileges.

  • Edit Users' Direct Message Settings: Allows the user to edit Direct Message settings for a user.

  • View Cash Accounts References: Allows a user to view and edit the Cash Account References that interact with the Ledger and the Accounting Ability.

  • View Patient Portal User References: Enables the user to view references in the Patient Portal User section.


  • Run Auto Reports: Allows the user to use the Auto Reports feature in the Reports Ability.

  • Set Report Filter Defaults: Allows the user to adjust settings in the Report Filter Defaults node in the Reports Ability. 

  • View Reports (for each category): Each category of Reports has a separate privilege which allows the user to access the reports contained in that category.

Reputation Marketing (Reputation Loop)

  • View Reputation Marketing Ability: Allows the user to access the Reputation Marketing Ability.


  • Change Prescription Status in Rx Ability: Allows a user to move prescriptions between the Active Meds list and the Inactive Meds list. This privilege only impacts the Rx Ability.

  • Create Prescriptions: Allows a user to create prescriptions.

  • Delete Printed Prescriptions: Allows a user to delete printed prescriptions.

  • Edit Prescriptions: Allows the user to edit created prescriptions.

  • Print Prescriptions: Allows the user to print paper prescriptions. This privilege does not effect printing prescriptions from ePrescribe.

  • View ePrescribe Manager: Allows the user to access the ePrescribe Manager. 

  • View Rx Ability: Allows access to view the Rx ability.


  • Add Transparencies to Sidebar: Add new Transparency categories in the sidebar.

  • Add Transparency Block to Calendar: Add new Transparencies to the schedule, using an existing Transparency category.

  • Add/Edit/Delete Online Scheduling Rules: Enable adding, editing, or deleting of Online Scheduling Rules.

  • Create New Appointment Statuses From Appointment Detail View: Enable the user to add new appointment statuses from the appointment detail view. This is independent of the Edit Scheduling References Privilege.

  • Create New Appointment Types From Appointment Detail View: Enable user to add new appointment types from the appointment detail view. This is independent of the Edit Scheduling References Privilege.

  • Delete Transparencies in Sidebar: Delete Transparency categories.

  • Delete Transparency Blocks on Calendar: Delete Transparency blocks on the schedule.

  • Edit Scheduling Goals: Edit the Scheduling Goals, either in the Calendar view, or in Preferences > Scheduling > Goals.

  • Edit Scheduling References: Edit the References in the Scheduling ability, such as Appointment Display, Appointment Type, and Appointment Status. Users without this privilege can still add new statuses and types through the Appointment Window, if they have the Add Appointment Statuses/Types in Scheduling privilege.

  • Enable Add/Modify Appointments: Enable user to add or modify appointments.

  • Enable Delete Appointments: Delete existing appointment records.

  • Export Appointments to iCal: Enables the user to export appointments to iCal from the print window in the Schedule. WARNING: MacPractice cannot guarantee the security of patient information exported outside of the MacPractice application.

  • Update Transparencies in Sidebar: Edit existing Transparency categories in the sidebar.

  • Update Transparency Blocks on Calendar: Edit existing Transparency blocks on the schedule.

  • View Goals: View Scheduling Goal information in the Calendar view.

  • View Scheduling Ability: View/Access the Scheduling ability.

  • View Scheduling References: View the References related to the Scheduling ability, such as Appointment Display, Appointment Type, and Appointment Status.


  • Authorize Remote PIN: Allows a user to authorize remote connection PINs from any computer.

  • Create Support Tickets via the Bubble: Allows the user to submit a support ticket using the support bubble. This is enabled by default. The Support bubble is available in MacPractice Version 4.2 and above.

  • Receive Security Alert Notifications: Allows a user to see Security Alerts when they log in.

  • Set Emergency Password: Set the Emergency Password in Preferences > Security.

  • Unlock Record Locked by Others: Allows a user to unlock a record another user is accessing.

  • Unlock Screen Locked by Others: Unlock a computer another user has put into HIPAA-mode. MacPractice recommends enabling this privilege only for administrators, managers, or those of similar authority. Users can always unlock computers which they have locked.

  • Allow Emergency Access: User can use the Emergency Password to gain full privileges in MacPractice.

  • Access Security Preferences: Access the Security section of MacPractice Preferences.


  • View Internet Ability: Allows a user to access the Internet ability.


  • Create/Edit Time Clock Records: Allows the user to add, modify, or delete time clock records.

  • View Global Time Clock Preferences: Allows the user to view and adjust Time Clock Preferences.

  • View Time Clock Batch Record Creator Manager: View the Time Clock Batch Record Creator Manager in the Managers ability.

  • View Time Clock Resources: Allows a user to view the Time Clock Resources node.