Users Reference Node

The User Reference is where all of the information for your office's MacPractice Users are held. This is where you can control a user's login information and any relevant credentials. You can also control which users will appear as a Provider. Provider-specific fields will automatically be pulled into relevant boxes on their insurance claim forms.

Creating a User

To begin, you can either select a User from the User node in the References Ability, or you can click the Plus icon with the User node selected to add a new User record.


 Any fields labeled in red are required fields. You'll need to fill out the following fields:

  • Last: User's Last Name.

  • First: User's First Name.

  • User ID: A User ID is a shorthand code to identify a user on ledger entries and reports.

  • Username: The Username is what is used to log in to MacPractice.

The Title, Middle, and Suffix fields can be used in Notes pull fields.

Check the Is Provider checkbox is the user is a Provider.

The Is Hygienist checkbox relates to Dental practices, particularly Perio records.


Next, click the Set Password button to open the Set Password window. Enter the Password in the New Password and Verify New Password fields.

Your password must be at least 8 characters long. A strong password uses a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special characters.

You can click the Generate and Print Password button to automatically create a secure password.

If the user qualifies for Certified Provider Order Entry, check the Is CPOE checkbox. If this box is checked, all medications entered by the provider will show as "By CPOE" on the Patient Medications by CPOE Measure. The report determines whether or not a medication is CPOE based on the state of this checkbox at the time the report is generated. If a provider was not marked correctly, check Is CPOE and run the report again to get the correct information.

Once you have set a password and filled out the required fields, all you need to do is save the record. You can do this by pressing Command-S or by navigating to the Edit Menu and selecting "Save Record". This will save the record, but you'll still want to review the remaining fields and set a User Group to establish which privileges the new user will need.

The remainder of this article will discuss additional fields and functions.

Removing a User

Please refer to the article for how to address removing a user.  

Changing a User's Password

To change a user's password, there are two methods you can use.

If your user has privileges to access and change User References, you can change any user's password by navigating to the Users node within the References Ability.

With a user selected, you can click the "Set Password" button. This will bring up a window where you can change the password for the user. You'll need the previously set password, or you can use the checkbox if you don't know the old password to set a new password for the user, typically used if the user had forgotten their password.



If your User does NOT have privileges to access the User Reference, you can still change your currently signed in user's password from anywhere in the software by clicking the "Welcome, (User)" message in the lower right of the MacPractice Window. A pop-up menu will appear with an option to Change Password. Clicking this will open up a window where you can change your password.

Keep in mind when using this method that you can ONLY change the password for the signed-in user, and you will need to have the old password available in order to complete the change.

User Information Tab

This tab contains the basic information for the selected User. From here, you can populate any information regarding the user, and configure their username and password to log into MacPractice with.

If a user is logged in on another terminal when a change to their user record is made, the user will have to log out and log back in before any changes take full effect.

The Title, Last, First, Middle, and Suffix fields, along with "Is Provider" and "Is Hygienist" checkboxes are always displayed at the top of the User window.
The "Is Provider" checkbox controls whether the User is considered a Provider. Providers will appear in relevant selection box fields in several areas of the software, and can be assigned to patients, charges, and payments. 
"Is Hygienist" doesn't have any effect other than for your personal use.

If the Phone and/or Extension fields are filled out, then whenever this user pops the Support Bubble, the phone number and extension will automatically populate when you send a problem or suggestion to MacPractice Support.

If you enter a Phone, Extension, and Email address, they will be able to be accessed from pull fields in Notes.

You can also designate a Default Office that will be associated to this user, if your license has multiple Offices.

The User ID is an alphanumeric code that identifies the provider throughout the software in reports and the ledger.

The rest of the User Information tab is split into sections.

User Login

  • Username is what is required for logging in as this user, this can be changed at any time but you can not have any duplicate user names.

  • Set Password allows you to change the password for a user at any time. You can create anything you'd like as long as it is at least 8 characters long and is not the word "password".

  • User is Inactive checkbox controls if a user is currently active or not. This box is typically checked if a user is no longer employed by the office. This checkbox is present in MacPractice Builds 12.11 and earlier. In later builds, the Actions Drop Down replaces this functionality.

  • Actions Drop Down (MacPractice Build 12.15 and up): In later builds of MacPractice, the Actions drop down menu contains an option to Disable a User's Login. When clicked, a prompt will appear confirming that you wish to disable this user's Login.

  • Is Kiosk Machine User checkbox designates if this user login is intended to be used as a Kiosk Login. You can read more about MacPractice's Kiosk mode and how it interacts with the EMR Ability here.

Time Clock Management

  • Reports to Manager selects which Manager sees this user's Time Clock information.

  • Is Manager is a checkbox which designates the user as a Manager who can view users' Time Clock information.

Patient Portal Messaging

  • Available to Receive Patient Messages is a checkbox that gives this user the ability to receive messages from a Patient's portal.

Direct Messaging

This section will only appear if your office's license has Direct Messaging active.

Configuring Direct Messaging will require the assistance of MacPractice Support. You can contact them at (877) 220-8418. 

With a user selected, the Direct Messaging section will either display "User is currently not a Direct User", or it will display that user's Direct E-mail address. You can click Edit to set up this user's Direct Email Address.

Checking the "Active Direct User" checkbox will activate that user's Direct Email Address.
The Direct Email Address field allows you to input your desired address. This will be previewed as you type it in to display the full Direct Email Address.

Warning: Once you set your Direct Email Address, you won't be able to change it!

User Privileges

In the Privileges Tab, you can review this user's current privileges, which control what the user has access to in MacPractice. You cannot adjust individual privileges here, but you can choose which Group a User belongs to.

The Group Name drop down is where you can designate which User Group you would like to assign to the user. You can adjust User Group Privileges by navigating to the User Group Privileges node in the References Ability.

The bottom section gives the user access to ePrescribe. In order to activate ePrescribe, you will need to contact Support for additional assistance.

Provider Tab

The Provider tab contains information that relates specifically to Providers. Many of these fields will pull automatically onto relevant Claims fields.

Once you have finished entering any information, be sure to save your changes by going up to the Edit menu and selecting Save Record, or using the Command-S keyboard shortcut.

  • Provider Shown on Claim: Used so you can enter charges under one provider to track production, but have another provider appear on the insurance claims.

  • Patient's Provider Checkbox: Checkbox is designed to be used in situations where an employee (nurse, hygienist or otherwise) works under more than one provider. When this box is checked the provider printed on the claim will pull from the provider set on the Patient tab of the Patient ability.

  • Name Printed in Box 33 HCFA/Name Printed in Box 53 of Insurance Form: This field will be different depending on if you are using MacPractice MD/DC or MacPractice DDS. This is the name that will appear in the noted fields on the claims. Enter the provider's name (including titles and degrees), as the insurance companies will expect to see it.

  • Name on Line 1 of ADA Box 48 (DDS Only): This allows you to override the name printed on the first line of box 48, and is generally used with specific claim situations.

Claim Credentials Sub-Tab

The rest of the screen contains information that pull to insurance claims, and may vary between MacPractice MD/DC/2020 and MacPractice DDS. Not all of these fields need to be filled out, only the ones relevant to your practice.

National Provider ID (NPI): The Provider's NPI can be entered here. This information will pull into Box 24j of the CMS Claim Form.

Group National Provider ID (NPI): Like the Group Taxonomy, this field allows you to enter a Group (Organizational) NPI that will override the NPI listed in the Office reference. Generally, it will only be used under the direction of MacPractice EDI Support.

Provider Taxonomy (Specialty Code): Click the Choose button and select the relevant Taxonomy code. This field is used with eClaims, and can also pull onto ADA Claim forms on Box 56a.

Group Taxonomy (Specialty Code): This allows you to set a Group Taxonomy that will override the Group Taxonomy selected in the Office reference. Under normal circumstances, you will only need to enter this field if directed by MacPractice EDI Support.

Provider Tax ID On Claims: This drop down selector allows you to determine whether to use the Provider's Federal ID Number, or their SSN for the purposes of submitting claims.

Federal: The Provider's Federal ID Number, which is used for the Provider's Tax ID on claims.

SSN: The Provider's SSN, which is used fro the Provider's Tax ID on claims.

State License: The Provider's License Number. This pulls into Box 55 of an ADA Claim form.

CLIA: A Provider's CLIA number will print in Box 23 of the CMS claim form if the Type of Service in the New Charge Window is set to "Diagnostic Lab". The Plan Type for the Insurance company must also be set to Medicare Part B in the Patient's Insurance Company Reference > Claims Tab.

Title XIX SA Exception Code Box 25D: This field and number is only used for New York Medicaid claims.

Sub ID: The Sub ID (Subscriber ID) number should only be entered if specifically instructed to do so during your eClaims training or by the EDI department.

Trading Partner Number: The Trading Partner Number should only be entered if specifically instructed to by the EDI department.

Mammography Certification: The Mammography Certification number should only be entered as needed for eClaims.

Additional Credentials Sub-Tab

Not all of these fields do not interact with claim forms directly, and are intended to be a place to store this Provider's information.

DEA: The DEA number is used in relation to prescriptions.

DPS: The DPS number is only used by prescriptions.

UPIN: This field is informational only and does not affect claims.

Provider: This field is informational only and does not affect claims.

Hospital: This field is informational only and does not affect claims.

ABN: The Australian Business number is only used by Australian offices.

Unique: On CDA forms (Canadian Dental Association), the Unique field will pull into the CDA Part 1 "Unique No." field.

Other 1-5: These fields are informational only and do not affect claims.

Customizing User Group Privileges

Click here for more information on working with User Group Privileges.