Charting Menu Annotate Options

The Charting Menu can be accessed by right clicking on a tooth within the patients chart. Notice that the tooth will be highlighted to confirm that the correct selection was made. The charting menu will act as the platform for entering any procedures or annotations to the patient's record. Before using the charting menu, select the correct view within the dental tab. Procedures that were completed outside of the office should be recorded in the Patient Chart. Procedures completed in the office should be charted within the Completed Procedures. Items that are planned for the future should be recorded under the treatment plan chart. 

The annotate menu will allow the user to draw custom graphics on a tooth.

Select ToolThe Selection tool selects annotations that have been previously drawn on the tooth. The Selection tool may be used to select any shape in order to delete, move, or resize the shape. For example, to delete a shape, activate the Selection tool and click the shape. Next, press the delete key on the keyboard.

Shape ToolThe Shape tools create predefined shapes such as a: star, left arrow, right arrow, test, square, open hexagon, eclipse, hexagon, dot, and text bubble. To draw a shape, select the desired Shape tool from any of the icons in the Annotations toolbar and click, hold, and drag the shape to the desired size. Once a shape has been created, the shape will have nodes that can be selected to stretch the shape. To move a shape, select the shape from the center, rather than the node. 

Magnifying LensThe Zoom tool increases the size of the tooth within the Annotation Window view. Select the Zoom tool from the Annotations toolbar and click directly on the tooth to zoom in. Once the Zoom tool has been used, scrollbars will appear in the Annotation Window. These scrollbars can be used to center the tooth or otherwise move the view horizontally or vertically. The Zoom tool only works to increase the zoom, however once the maximum level is exceeded, the zoom will cycle back to the original state.

Text ToolThe Text tool adds text to the image. Select the Text tool and click, hold, and drag a text box with the cursor. Within the resulting text box, type the desired text. To change the color of text, highlight the text and select the color from the Color Palette in the Color Selection tool. The size of the text my be changed by holding down command and using the plus or minus keys.

Line ToolThe Line tool creates a line between two nodes. Select the Line tool and click, hold, and drag the cursor to create a line between two nodes. The initial click point will mark the first node, while the second node will be placed in the location in which the cursor is released.

RulerThe Ruler tool creates measurements between plotted nodes. Select the Ruler tool and click the image to plot an initial node. Click in another location to plot an additional node and a measurement line is created between the two nodes. Multiple nodes can be plotted to create a series of measurements. This can be used to show exact measurements on the chart. Keep in mind that the graphic is just a representation and does not match the patient's tooth. 

PaintbrushThe Paintbrush tool allows the freehand creation of any shape. Select the Paintbrush tool and click, hold, and drag the cursor to draw any image. Once the cursor is released, the resulting drawing will be a shape. As a shape, it can be moved or stretched from the nodes. However, once the cursor is released, the drawing cannot be edited. If additional detail is needed, the freehand tool can be used to create an additional shape, or the freehand shape can be redrawn.

Protractor The Protractor tool measures the angle created by the intersection of three plotted nodes. Select the Protractor tool and plot three nodes by clicking any three points on the image. The measurement of the resulting angle will display. Keep in mind that the graphic is just a representation and does not match the patient's tooth.  

Color SelectionThe Color Selection tool opens the Colors Palette from which an annotation color choice can be made. Within the Colors Palette, colors can be selected from the spectrum window. The selected color will display in the color selection box. To add a custom color to the palette, drag the color from the color selection box to one of the custom palette boxes on the bottom of the Color Palette. The color selected in the Color Selection box will apply to any annotations made in the Annotation Window.

External ImageThe Image Import tool imports and displays small images. Click the Image Import tool and select the image file from the current location in the resulting menu. Click the Open button to import the image.

The imported image will display in an image preview box with two sets of segmented buttons. On the image preview window, the left set of segmented buttons can be used to change the zoom and fit, while the right set of segmented buttons can be used to adjust the position, size, and rotation of the image. Click the Ok button to add the image to the tooth.

The imported image can be resized, repositioned, or deleted as any other Annotate shape in the Charting Options Menu. Click the Save button to add the image to the tooth in Charting view.
Note: The image will be resized to 16 by 16 pixels. Images may be uploaded as .jpg, .tiff., and .png, however Image Import does not support transparency. Images with transparency channels may appear with artifacts.

WeightThe Weight box is used to define the outline weight in which a shape is drawn. A weight of "1.00" would result in a 1 pixel outline. If a different outline weight is desired, the weight should be set prior to creating the shape.

FillChecking the Fill checkbox prior to creating shapes will result in solid shapes, filled in with the current color selection. This is opposed to shapes created as outlines without the Fill checkbox enabled. An existing shape can be filled by using the selection tool and checking the fill box. 

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