Perio - Compare Visits

When multiple perio records are present, the Perio Chart node will display a perio visit comparison which displays the differences within the charts. Within the menus, the view can be modified to display the perio records.

  • Comparison Type

    • Report: In the Comparison Type menu, select Report to display the perio visit comparison as a table based report, where notations are displayed within the corresponding pocket.

      Compare Perio Visits: In the Compare Perio Visits menu, select the visits to display. Select Last 2 Visits, Last 3 Visits, Last 4 Visits, Last 5 Visits, or All Visits to compare those visits.Notation Type: In the Notation Type Menu, select the Notation Type to display.

    • Graph: In the Comparison Type menu, select Graph to display a line graph with Teeth graphics.

      Notation Type: In the Notation Type menu, select the Notation Type to display. The options will include only those which have been previously charted for a patient.Initial Date (Dotted Line): Within the initial Date menu, select the perio record date to act as the graph's initial, represented graphically as a dotted line.End Date (Solid Line): Within the end Date menu, select the perio record date to act as the graph's end date, represented graphically as a solid line.