Fee Tab

The Fee tab within a Fee Schedule determines the code, item name, alias (or model number), etc. for retail items. As items are added to a Fee Schedule through the Retail Items node, the item details are mapped within the Fee Schedule automatically.

Item details are mapped from the Item node to the Fee tab within the Fee Schedule as follows:

  • Code: The code is created automatically after adding an item to a Fee Schedule (INV01, INV02, INV02, and so on). The code can be updated manually through the Fee Schedule node in References.

  • Item Name: Short Description field

  • Brand: Added to the Short Description field in parenthesis

  • Model: Alias field. This can be used to add an item in the New Charge Window.

  • Description: Long Description field

  • Notes: Notes field

  • Procedure Type: As set in Preferences > Inventory

  • Procedure Category: As set in Preferences > Inventory

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