Purchase Orders

The Purchase Orders interface within the Inventory node is used to create orders from the Inventory Management table. Collapse or show the Purchase Orders interface with the triangle button, which displays in an inverted or upright position.

Purchase Orders contains the orders list on the left and order details on the right. As purchase orders are created through the Cost Matrix, they will appear within the orders list from newest to oldest by order date and are organized by vendor. Highlight any order within the orders list to display the order details.

Orders appear in the order list within three tabs: Pending, Ordered, and Fulfilled. The status of a purchase order affects the interactions possible within the order details.

  • Pending: The default status for new orders

  • Ordered: A status set in the Status menu to indicate the order was placed

  • Fulfilled: A status set in the Status menu to indicate an order has been received

The Purchase Order Details table is used to change information about the order, including the Reference #, Office, Status, Order Date, Expected Date, and Received Date. The menu options above the table set information for the order as a whole, while the columns within the table set information for the individual items within a purchase order.

The Order Menu sets information for the entire order:

  • Reference #: An alphanumeric field which can be manually updated to reflect a unique identifying or tracking number.

  • Office: The office for which the purchase order was created.

  • Order Date: The date on which the order was created.

  • Status: The menu in which an order's status can be changed to Pending, Ordered, or Fulfilled.

  • Expected Date: The date on which the purchase order is expected. Enter the expected date of the items to update expected dates for all items in the order without expected dates (previously entered dates are retained.) New items will be added to the order with this expected date.

  • Received Date: The date on which the item from the order is received. Setting an Expected Date will disable the Received and Received Date fields and vice versa.

  • +/-: Adds or removes the highlighted item from the order. Items can be deleted until an order is placed.

The Order Columns set information for individual items within the order:

  • Item: The name of the item as set in the Items node. Double click an item to view the item reference.

  • Brand: The brand of the item as set in the Items node.

  • In Stock: The amount of the item in stock as set in the Items node.

  • 30/60/90: The amount of the item consumed in the past 30, 60, and 90 days.

  • Ordered: The amount of the item which has been ordered.

  • Expected Date: The date on which the item is expected. Setting an Expected Date will disable the Received and Received Date fields and vice versa.

  • Cost/Unit: The cost of a single unit per number ordered, automatically populated with the vendor default price

  • Model: The model of the item.

  • Total Cost: The total cost for all of this item ordered. The total cost of the order is automatically calculated by the amount ordered and price per unit of each item. The adjustment field or total cost field can each be adjusted and one will update the other.

  • Close: The button is enabled when an order is set to the Fulfilled status and the Received Amount and Received Date have been set. Closing an order updates an item's stock and the line item will be disabled in the order. Once an order is closed, a prompt to confirm that the order is complete and can be locked will display. A closed order cannot be deleted but can be archived.

  • Received: The amount of an item received on the order. Setting an Expected Date will disable the Received and Received Date fields and vice versa.

  • Received Date: The date on which the item from the order is received. Setting an Expected Date will disable the Received and Received Date fields and vice versa.

Additional Functions

  • Lock: When an order is locked, all fields are disabled and the stock levels are updated with the received quantities. Within a locked order, an Unlock button appears in the bottom left corner of the order details. An order can be unlocked to correct the details of the order, but any adjustment to stock levels must be performed manually.

  • Modify: Click the plus sign to add a new item to the order, or drag items from the Inventory Management table to an order. Drag an item from an order details table into another order in the orders sidebar to transfer it to another order. If an item does not have the vendor listed in the order, a prompt to add the vendor will display.

  • Delete: Orders can be deleted until they are fulfilled. Delete an order by highlighting the order and pressing the Delete key. Confirm the delete on the resulting prompt.

  • Print: Highlight an order and print the order's details with File > Print or the command+P shortcut.

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