iPad Interface - Schedule

When you log in to your MacPractice iPad Interface, you will see the schedule. The default schedule view will display a List of all appointments that are scheduled for the selected date.


When you tap the Calendar button, a view of the calendar view will appear similar to the appointment view in MacPractice. TapList to return to list view.



The blocks in the Calendar view will use your start and end times that have been set up in the MacPractice Scheduling preferences and be in time slot increments of 15 minute.

On either the Calendar or List view:

  • You can select a different day tapping it in the small calendar. The date will stay selected until you pick another date. Switching between Calendar and List views does not change the date you are viewing.

  • Tap an appointment to view that patient's record.

  • If you have the All Resources preference enabled, you can choose which resources' appointments to view by checking them in the sidebar.

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