iPad Interface - Post Charges

You can post charges via the iPad interface under the Post Charges tab.



By default the fee schedule listed in the patient's record in MacPractice will be selected. You can tap the Fee Schedule menu to select a different schedule. Enter the Date (tap the calendar to select a date from the calendar). When you tap the Code field, a list of codes in the selected fee schedule will appear. You can use the search field to locate a code, or find it manually in the list. Tap a code to select it. The Description and Unit Fee fields will populate automatically, based on the information stored in the fee schedule for the code. The Modifiers will only be visible if you enabled them in the iPad interface preferences. Select the Provider from the menu (this will default to the provider listed in the Patient tab in MacPractice). Tap Post Charge when you are done entering your information.

The procedure will not be added to the patient's ledger immediately. A HL7 Imported Transactions (P03) order will be created for the patient. Click here for information on posting charges from an order.