Payment Window
To access the Payment Window go to the patient's Ledger > Payment menu at the top of the ledger, then select the desired Patient or Insurance payment type. You can also add Co-Pays and EFTs to a ledger, as well as create custom Patient and Insurance Payment Types.
You can also use keyboard shortcuts to the right of the payment types, en lieu of the Payment menu, to access the payment window. You also have the option to access the Payment Window automatically after entering a charge (Preferences > Ledger > New Charge tab > Check"Show Payment Window").
Payment Information
The information within the top portion of the window is specific to the payment you are attempting to apply. A majority of the information entered/selected here will also pull onto many financial reports within the Reports ability. This window may look slightly different depending on the Build of MacPractice your office is currently running.
Procedure Summary Table
This portion of the window displays information regarding the charges which the payment is or can be applied to.
The columns in the procedure summary table in the bottom half of the Payment Window can be lengthened to fully display the information or shortened to make room for other columns in the display. You can also reorder columns by clicking the dragging.
Apply To...
This area of the window will allow you to apply payments to the charges that appear in the Procedure Summary Table. The payment may be applied differently depending on your selection and available options.
Unapplied Payments
If you would like to create a payment, but not apply it to anything at that moment, simply fill out the payment window, and choose 'Save' at the bottom right. This will leave the payment Unapplied.
An unapplied payment will appear in all incidents and patients on an account in red to indicate that at least part of the payment has not been applied to the account balance.
When you are ready, you can apply an unapplied amount by double-clicking on the payment to open the payment window. Within the payment window, you will see the open charges on the patient's account listed in the procedure summary table. The payment can be applied as it would if it were a new payment.
Later, if you realize you need to unapply a payment from some charges, you can do this manually by opening the Payment window, and deleting the amount within the Payment column for the charges, then Save the payment. You can also select the payment or charge within the ledger, and go to the Other menu > Unapply Selected....
You may also refund an unapplied amount, if you wish.
If you wish to apply an unapplied insurance payment, and the charges on the claim it is tied to are already fully paid, please click here to reference our Insurance Overpayment documentation.