Helpful Guide - Timing Filing Limit

MacPractice has the built-in capability to help track the timely filing limits for your insurance companies, and alert you when outstanding claims begin to approach the timely filing limits.


Before you can start tracking timely filing limits, you must first enter the timely filing information under the insurance references. To do this, go to References and select Insurance Companies in the sidebar. Click the triangle to the left of the node to expand it, then select the insurance company you wish to work with. Under the Claims tab, you will see a Timely Filing Limit (Days) field.


Enter the company's timely filing limit in this field. MacPractice will calculate timely filing based on the earliest date of service on the claim.

After entering the Timely Filing information, you will need to set how far before the timely filing date you wish to be alerted. Go to the MacPractice menu and select Preferences, then select Insurance in the preference window sidebar. Select the Other tab.

You can enter the number of days before the timely filing limit you wish to be alerted in the eClaims ability, Claims Manager and the outstanding claims reports. By default this will be set to 30.
Note: If the timely filing limit is not entered for a given insurance company, claims created under that company will not receive timely filing alerts, regardless of the setting in Preferences.



Once you have entered the timely filing limit on the insurance reference, and set the alert time in preferences, you will now see a Days Until Overdue column in the following locations:

  • All of the eClaims bins

  • New and Outstanding Claims managers (By default, this column is at the far right of the claim table, but you can drag it to the another position. Once you have moved the column, MacPractice should remember its new location, even after quitting the program.)

  • All Outstanding Claims and Outstanding Claims by Company Reports.

If the claim has not yet reached the Timely Filing limit set in the insurance reference, you will see a positive number in the Days Until Overdue column. This indicates the number of days until the Timely Filing limit is reached.

If the Days Until Overdue number is greater than the alert period set in preferences, the claims will be displayed normally -- black text on a white background. If the Days Until Overdue is within the alert period, but not yet overdue, the claim will be shown with a light red (pink) highlight (outline in the Outstanding Claims reports).
If the claim has passed the timely filing limit -- that is, the oldest procedure date on the claim is outside the timely filing limit set on the insurance reference -- the Days Until Overdue will show a negative number, and the claim will be shown with a red highlight (outline in the Outstanding Claims reports).