Charting Options

Restorative Charting options can be changed by selecting the gear in the top right corner. These options are usually set up during the initial stages of implementing MacPractice. This menu will most often be used to Set Teeth to Primary/Permanent. 

The first portion of the options will display the Highlight Settings. Colors can be adjusted to make the display easier to view. Simply click the color that is needing to be changed to select a better color from the OS color palette. It is recommended to check the box allowing the Clinical Note Text to be color coded. 

The next items in the options will allow the user to switch the teeth to primary or permanent. The chart will automatically display permanent teeth if the patient is older than 13 when entered into MacPractice. If the patient is younger than 13, the primary teeth will be the default display. 

The remaining checkboxes in the office will change based on the flow and preferences of the office staff. MacPractice Training does not recommend enabling Only Show Chartings for Current Incident. This could be used when a treatment plan is being shown to a patient. This will disable all other charting that was completed in a different ledger. Only advanced users should enable this feature. 

It is recommended to Hide Material Colors when implementing MacPractice for the first time. This will simplify the display and only show three colors, Completed, Planned, and Existing. As the office staff gets familiar with the system this preference can be enabled to show different colors based on the materials.

The user can also Hide Incisal View on the charting display. This simply hides the incisal view of the teeth in the chart. 

Draw an 'X' on Extracted Teeth is a highly recommended option. This will display an X on top of any teeth that have been extracted or are planned to be extracted. This X will match the color of the chart that it was recored in; Patient Chart, Completed Procedures, or Treatment Plan.Â