How To Use The Accounting Ability

The Accounting Ability displays an overview of the financial transactions within the MacPractice database. It is designed for users that need to review the financial status of their practice. This is also where you will be able to access the TSYS transaction log. You can read more on our TSYS Integration here.

The Accounting Ability is available in MacPractice Gen 9 (Builds 9.0 and later).

Adding Accounting to the Toolbar

The Accounting Ability will appear as a new icon that you can add to the toolbar. To add the Accounting icon, simply right click on the toolbar, select "Customize Toolbar",  then drag and drop the Accounting Icon onto the toolbar.


The Accounting Ability is split into multiple nodes, located in the sidebar on the left. Let's go into the function of each of these nodes.

General Node

The General node contains the General Ledger and the Journal.

General Ledger

The General Ledger provides a breakdown of all ledger transactions over a defined period of time, organized into types of transactions. These are referred to as Financial Accounts. You can set the date range that the General Ledger pulls transactions from.


The Date drop down in the upper left allows you to choose set date ranges, such as Today, Week to Date, Month to Date, Quarter to Date, Year to Date, and All Dates. You can also manually set the date range by selecting "Custom" in the drop down and inputting your desired date range into the Start Date and End Date fields. Once your desired dates are entered, click the "Apply" button in the upper right. Results will populate as shown in the above screenshot.
You can always determine which Financial Account you are viewing by observing the opaque header right below the "Transaction Date" column header. You can expand or contract a Financial Account by double clicking on the Account's header (shown in the highlighted section of the screenshot below). You can also mouse over the name of the header, and a "Show/Hide" button will display.

The drop down in the upper right allows you to jump to any Financial Account contained within the date range. 
Before using this drop down, you'll need to Apply the date range first. Only the transactions that exist in the date range will be displayed.
At the bottom of each Financial Account, there is a total line that adds up the total for the time period and lists it in the Amount column.
By clicking on a transaction, related charges will be highlighted as well.
Double-clicking on a line item will take you to that line item on the appropriate Ledger. If you are taken nowhere, this typically indicates the item in question was deleted
By design, you cannot sort by the column headers by clicking on them. The order is always set by Account/Transaction type.

You can use the Jump To drop down to quickly take you to a type of transaction. The following types are:

  • Patient A/R: Contains all Patient Accounts Receivable transactions.

  • Insurance A/R: Contains all Insurance Accounts Receivable transactions, such as new insurance portions added to a ledger due to new charges/claims filed, applied or unapplied insurance payments, etc.

  • Cash: Contains all Cash transactions, such as patient payments and refunds.

  • Unapplied Payment: Contains all transactions touching on unapplied payments, whether they are payments that were unapplied, or taking unapplied amounts and applying them.

  • Unapplied Negative Adj: Contains all unapplied negative adjustments, or newly made negative adjustments.

  • Positive Adj: Contains all Positive Adjustments. Positive Adjustments will display as a debit in the general ledger.

  • Write Off: Contains all write off interactions, whether a write off was applied or removed.

  • Finance Charge: Contains all interactions with Finance Charges assessed to an account for late payment.

  • Gross Production: Contains all transactions that impact the Gross Production for the date period. These always show up as debits in the General Ledger.

  • Gross Negative Adjustment: Contains all negative adjustments.

  • Contract Late Fee: Contains any late fee transactions assessed from Contract Billing.

  • Provider Adj: Contains any provider-level adjustments that have been made.

  • Patient Credit: Displays any transactions involving patient credits.

Finally, an Export button is present in the lower right of the General Ledger. This Export button will export the entire contents of the General Ledger into a .csv file, which most third party accounting softwares will use. We've designed this feature to export into a format readily accessible by Quickbooks.

General Ledger Columns

  • Transaction Date: The date of the transaction in question.

  • Transaction: What kind of transaction this is.

  • Name: The name of the patient this transaction is tied to.

  • Code: The Charge Code associated with this transaction.

  • Description: The description of the Charge Code associated with this transaction.

  • Split: The Split indicates the related transaction's impact in other sections of the financial accounts. Patient payments and charges will impact the Patient A/R, insurance payments will impact the Insurance A/R, etc.

  • Amount: The amount of this transaction. 

  • Balance: The running balance for the account after this transaction.

  • Audit ID: The User ID of the User signed in who conducted this transaction. A User's User ID can be located in References > Users > User Information.


The Journal lists all financial transactions within the date range in chronological order from oldest to newest.

This view is very similar to many of our reports in the Reports Ability. At the top, you can find User and Transaction Type filters to narrow down your results. You can use the date drop down in the upper left to select pre-set date ranges, or you can use the start and end date fields to set your own to further limit the results to your liking.

The following Transaction Types that you can filter down to are:

  • New Patient Portion

  • Decrease Patient Portion

  • Add Tax

  • Remove Tax

  • Change Charge Provider (Patient Portion)

  • Move Patient Portion to Insurance

  • New Insurance Portion

  • Decrease Insurance Portion

  • Change Charge Provider (Insurance Portion)

  • Move Insurance Portion To Patient

  • New Patient Payment

  • Increase Patient Payment

  • Decrease Patient Payment

  • Apply Patient Payment

  • Unapply Patient Payment

  • Refund To Patient

  • Reverse Patient Refund

  • New Insurance Payment

  • Increase Insurance Payment

  • Decrease Insurance Payment

  • Apply Insurance Payment

  • Unapply Insurance Payment

  • Refund To Insurance

  • Delete Insurance Refund

  • Insurance Payment Take Back

  • New Positive Adjustment

  • Reverse Positive Adjustment

  • New Negative Adjustment

  • Delete Negative Adjustment

  • Apply Negative Adjustment

  • Unapply Negative Adjustment

  • WriteOff Insurance Portion

  • WriteOff Patient Portion

  • Delete WriteOff Insurance Portion

  • Delete WriteOff Patient Portion

  • Provider Adjustment

  • Delete Provider Adjustment

  • New Patient Credit

  • Negative Adjustment For Patient Credit

  • Delete Patient Credit

  • Delete Negative Adjustment for Patient Credit

  • New Finance Charge

  • Delete Finance Charge

  • Closing

  • Start new Debt Collection

  • Stop/update Debt Collection

  • Initial Contract Charge

  • Delete Initial Contract Charge

  • Payoff Charge

  • Delete Payoff Charge

  • Contract Billing Late Fee

  • Delete Contract Late Fee

  • Office Credit

  • Delete Office Credit

  • Adjustment on Patient Unapplied 

  • Delete Adjustment on Patient Unapplied

  • Adjustment on Insurance Unapplied

  • Delete Adjustment on Insurance Unapplied

The Patient/Account field allows you to select a particular patient to review transactions for. By clicking the magnifying glass icon, you can search for a particular patient. 

The Transactions/Treatments toggle allows you to further break down your results by actions applied to Transactions in a Ledger, or actions applied to Treatments in a Treatment Plan. 

Clicking Apply generates the results based on the filter criteria you set above.

You can double click any entry here to take you to that transaction in the applicable ledger.
By design, you cannot sort by column headers. It will always be in the order of oldest transaction to newest transaction.

Each line item will show one transaction, as shown in the Transaction column, and then it will list two Accounts in the Account column. These indicate the accounts that are impacted by any Transaction within the Ledger.
For example, if a patient payment is posted on an account and then applied to a charge, the New Patient Payment Transaction will show a debit on a placeholder Cash Account. The same transaction will then show a credit to the "Unapplied Payment" account. Then, the Apply Patient Payment Transaction will show a debit to the "Unapplied Payment" Account, and then post that amount as a credit to the "Patient A/R" Account.



Cash Node

This node contains the Cash Accounts category, which displays all payments associated to a Bank Accounts reference. 

Alongside the Accounting Ability release, we've also added the ability to associate payments with a deposit or Bank account.
Bank Accounts give you another tool to organize and track the income your practice is receiving.
By expanding the Bank Accounts category, you will see all of your listed Bank Accounts.
As in the General Ledger and Journal, you can set a date range to review. When you click apply, the software will generate a list of all payments made to the selected Bank Account for the defined date range. 

You'll note that some columns will have an asterisk on them. On any row with an amount in a column with the Asterisk present, you can do a "long click". Simply left click and hold, and this will open up an audit history for the clicked transaction.


Insurance Node

The Insurance Node contains the Insurance Companies category. This category contains all Insurance Company References with transactions on file.

At the top, you'll see some basic filter options. The first drop down on the left allows you to choose a preset date range, or you can enter your own date range into the Start/End Date fields.

The Print drop down allows you to print an Insurance Tracer for any claim transaction that is selected.

The View All drop down can help you filter down displayed results further by displaying either all results, Outstanding Claims Only, or Unapplied Payments only.

Once you've set the filters appropriately and clicked the Apply button, you can see all transactions connected to the selected insurance company in the sidebar. Clicking on a line item will highlight connected items, as shown in the screenshot above.

You can also double-click a line to take you to that line item in the relevant ledger.

You can also expand Insurance Companies to see all plans listed underneath an insurance company. You can click on a plan to filter by that plan.

The bottom half of this view displays the A/R for that Insurance Company. This section only accounts for claims with an insurance portion higher than zero.

You'll note that some columns will have an asterisk on them. On any row with an amount in a column with the Asterisk present, you can do a "long click". Simply left click and hold, and this will open up an audit history for the clicked transaction.

It is important to note that if a charge is marked "Patient Responsible" after creation, it will still be present in the Insurance A/R, as it at one point was present.


Providers Node

The Providers Node contains all providers with transactions tied to them. 

You can select a Provider in the list and set a date range to display all transactions within the date range connected to the selected Provider. Transactions that are tied to items that fall within the date range may also be displayed. However, claims are not pulled In to the Providers Node.
As with the other Nodes, you simply need to click the Apply button after setting the date range to generate the results.
You can also double-click a line to take you to that line item in the relevant ledger.

Migration Node

The Migration Node contains your Migration Report. This will be present if this MacPractice database was previously used prior to Build 7.3. Part of the update process to 7.3 and later involved converting the ledger data to a new database structure, and this report was required to be generated in order to ensure a practice's data converted properly.

Card Transactions Node

The Card Transactions Node is used specifically by the TSYS Payment Processing integration. You can read more about this integration here.