Reports Ability at a Glance

The Reports ability is used to pull bulk information out of MacPractice. This information can be used to market, manage Production, and even follow up with billing. These reports can be ran per provider or can run for the entire office. Each report has its own filters that can be applied to narrow down the reported information.

Reports are split into several categories, each of which contains a set of reports. This list will describe the purpose of each category and provide information on each report. The following links will take you to a brief description of the report category, and a list of each report that falls within that category. Clicking on a specific report will take you to an article that fully explains the functionality of that report.


Accounting/Financial Reports 

These Reports deal with transactions made in MacPractice.

  • Accounts by Financial StatusDisplays accounts on which a Financial Status has been set within the Account tab of the Patients ability.

  • Accounts ReceivableThis report calculates the total outstanding balance of all accounts.

    • The starting point of this calculation is the first day you entered transactions into MacPractice.

    • There is no way to run the Accounts Receivable report for a specific date range, as this report takes a snapshot of all accounts at the time it is run.

    • This report is based on the charges' Procedure Date.

  • Day Month Year: This report provides an overview of the office’s financial activity for a selected day, month, and year.

    • The Day Month Year report can't be run for more than a 1 year date range.

  • Earned ReceiptsDisplays payments applied to procedures performed by the selected Provider(s).

    • It is based on the date the payment was applied.

    • This report does not take into account any unapplied amounts, or the payment’s Posted or Procedure date.

  • Gross Receipts: This report provides information regarding all payments entered for a selected time period, whether they are applied and unapplied.

  • Negative Adjustment: This report is used to find negative adjustments associated with a given date range and/or type.

  • Positive Adjustment: Used to find positive adjustments associated with a given date range and/or type.

  • Provider Adjustment: Used to find provider adjustments associated with a given date range.

  • RefundsUsed to find payments (either insurance or patient payments) that were refunded during a given date range, or to find payments posted during a selected date range that have been refunded.

  • Reversed Payment: Used to find payments (either insurance or patient payments) that were reversed during a given date range, or to find payments posted during a selected date range that have been reversed.

  • Sales Tax: Used to find information on tax charged over a given time period.

  • Statements Sent: Lists Account Statements, Incident Statements, eStatements, and Statements printed through the Statements Manager.

  • Unapplied Balance: Displays information on unapplied payments and negative adjustments.

Additional Reports

These are specialty reports used for very specialized purposes, usually relating to Medicare/Medicaid or Immunization interactions.

  • MACRA ExclusionThis report assists with calculating an office's Medicare billing to determine whether they are excluded from the need to meet Medicare's Quality Payment Program, MACRA.

  • Medicaid Encounters: This report calculates the percentage of patient encounters paid for in full or in part by Medicaid out of all encounters in which transactions were paid in full or in part by any payer. 

  • New Hampshire Medicaid Encounters: This report calculates the percentage of patient encounters that are considered as an encounter with a Medicaid Patient, as per the state of New Hampshire's guidelines.

  • NYC Immunization Data: This report displays immunization data specifically for the electronic transmission of vaccinations to the New York State Immunizations Information System (NYSIIS).

  • NYC Immunization Patient Data: This report displays immunization patient data specifically for the electronic transmissions of vaccinations to the New York State Immunizations Information System (NYSIIS).

  • Oklahoma Medicaid Encounters: This report calculates the percentage of patient encounters that are considered as an encounter with a Medicaid Patient, as per the state of Oklahoma's guidelines.

  • Texas Medicaid Encounters: This report calculates the percentage of patient encounters that are considered as an encounter with a Medicaid Patient, as per the state of Texas' guidelines.

Clinical Reports

 The Reports in this node deal with Patient Clinical details, such as medications, allergies, etc.

  • Patient Clinical: This report provides an overview of medications, allergies, and other clinical data for selected patient groups.

  • Patients by Medication: This report will generate lists of patients with selected medications.

  • Patients by Procedure and Diagnosis: Allows you to gather information from all patients who have had charges posted in their ledgers with specific charge or diagnosis information.

    • Chronic diagnoses, which are diagnoses entered under the Problem List tab on the Patient screen, may not be included in this report.

    • Only diagnoses tied to procedures in the ledger will be shown on this report.

  • Syndromic Surveillance Export: This report will generate the necessary HL7 files for submission to Public Health Agencies. It will export the list to a folder that the client must set up in HL7 preferences. MacPractice can only assist with setting up the data export for this measure.

  • User Alert Responses: Lists the Clinical Alerts triggered through the Clinical Decision Rules reference, as well as the User Alert Response Type and response comments submitted.

Clinical Quality Measurement Reports

These Reports track progress for Meaningful Use, PQRS, and MIPS/MACRA quality reporting requirements. As MacPractice is no longer a certified software, these reports are only present for legacy purposes.

Daily Reports 

The Reports listed here break down information on the day's transactions.

  • Daily A/R: Overview of how the current day’s transactions affected your total outstanding balances.

  • Daily Activity: Overview of all ledger actions performed in your database for any given day.

  • Daily Summary: Summarizes daily charges and payments for a specific Posted or Procedure date.

  • Day View AllLists all of a posted or procedure date daily transactions.

    • Can be filtered to include statements and history.

  • Posted Date Day Sheet: This report provides information on charges, payments, taxes, adjustments, write-offs, refunds, deposits, unapplied amounts, and finance charges for any given posted date.

    • Reflects the date the transaction for was entered into MacPractice and cannot be edited.

  • Procedure Date Day SheetInformation on charges, payments, taxes, adjustments, write-offs, refunds, deposits, unapplied amounts, and finance charges with a given procedure date.

    • Reflects the date the procedure was performed, according to information entered in MacPractice.

    • Recommended for offices that has cause to back-date transactions.

Insurance These Reports keep track of information specific to Insurance Companies.

Management Reports

Actions within the office’s Database are viewable in these Reports.

  • Account Monthly Statement Options: Filters accounts based on the monthly statement option, which is set in the Account tab of the Patient Ability.

  • BackupsProvides information on whether a backup was successful, as well as the location, size, and date of the backup based on your search criteria.

  • Deleted PatientsLists all patients that have been deleted from the database.

  • DemandForce Extract: Displays individual DemandForce export events and whether the export a failure or success.

    • Only available when the DemandForce ability has been purchased and enabled in the DemandForce Preferences.

  • Duplicate Patients: Provides details about all patients with matching names and birth dates.

    • Includes active, archived, and deleted patients.

    • Can still be used even if no Duplicate Patient Preferences (Preferences > Patient Ability > Duplicate Patients) are enabled.

  • History: Provides detailed information about actions that have been completed within the database for a specific time frame.

    • Intended for diagnostic purposes only. Does not show exactly what was changed.

    • Shows which user made changes.

  • HL7 LogsTracks the transmission and receipt of HL7 message.

    • Intended for diagnostic purposes by MacPractice.

  • Last VisitsShows information regarding the last time a patient had a procedure performed.

    • Not based on patient appointments.

  • Patients ArchivedDisplays details about patients who have been archived.

    • Includes details about the archival, such as time, date, user, and IP address.

  • Printed Encounter FormsProvides details for printed Encounter Forms.

    • Can include Archived Records by checking the Include Archived Records checkbox.

    • Also includes Encounter Forms that have been archived via the Encounter Tracker within the Managers Ability.

  • Security Alerts: Shows details related to security alerts for items such as failed logins, failed backups, and the use of the Emergency Login feature.

Marketing Reports

Account Primary Person: Finds the names and addresses of either the Primary listed on the account, or the statement recipient.

  • DiscountsDisplays information on discounts given to patients. Based on the Percent Discount field in the Account tab.

  • Follow-Ups/RecallCreates a list of patients who have a follow up/recall appointment or need to schedule a follow up/recall appointment. Follow Up/Recalls must be created for the patient, scheduled or not. Able to create Postcards to send to patients.

  • No Next AppointmentLists patients without an appointment schedule in the future.

  • Patient Email Address: Allows the viewing and exporting of patients’ email addresses.

  • PatientsGenerates a list of patients by provider, color label, age, or sex.

  • Patients by Age: Generates a list of patients categorized by age.

  • Patients by Birthdate: Generates a list of patients born during a specific time period.

  • Patients by Status: Breaks down your patient list by active, archived, and deleted patients.

  • Patients by Zip Code: Locates patients based on zip codes.

  • Patients with No Transactions: Lists patients without procedures enter in their Ledger.

  • Persons by Employer: Lists the Employer records in your database, and the number of Primary or Secondary records associated to that employer.

  • Treatment PlansUsed to track patients with treatment plans. Can find patients with treatment plans, whether or not they have an appointment for that treatment, and check their remaining coverage and deductible.

Measure Calculations 

These Reports track progress for Meaningful Use and MIPS/MACRA measure requirements. 

Monthly Reports

The Reports listed here break down MacPractice usage on a month by month basis.

  • Expected Revenue: Creates a report based on the expected revenue from payment plans. Used specifically with Contract Billing.

  • Posted Date by Month: Overview of financial activity for a selected period of months. Similar to the Posted Date Day Sheet, but grouped by month, not days.

  • Procedure Date by MonthOverview of financial activity for a selected period of months. Similar to the Procedure Date Day Sheet, but grouped by month, not days.

Predetermination Reports

These Reports showcase information regarding all of the Predeterminations in the database.

Production Analysis Reports

Detailed by Procedure: Shows information for charges posted during the selected time period, broken down code. Based on the information listed in the charge window.

  • Detailed by ProviderShows information for charges posted during the selected time period, broken down to whom they are assigned. Based on the information listed in the charge window.

  • Production by Day: Shows information for charges posted during the selected time period, broken down well as the transactions associated with those procedures. Payment information will not match any other report in MacPractice. Based on the information listed in the charge window.

  • Production by DiagnosisShows information for charges posted during the selected time period, broken down by the primary diagnosis code. Based on the information listed in the charge window.

  • Production by Financial Status: Shows information for charges posted during the selected time period, broken down by the financial status of the patient’s account. Based on the information listed in the charge window.

  • Production by Financial Status and ProviderLists production for patients, sorted by a specific Financial Status. Similar to the Accounts by Financial Status report, except it sorts the patient results per Provider.

  • Production by MonthShows information for charges posted during the selected time period, broken down by month, as well as the transactions associate with those procedures. Payment information will not match any other report in MacPractice. Based on the information listed in the charge window.

  • Production by Procedure Category: Shows information for charges posted during the selected time period, broken down by Procedure Category. Based on the information listed in the charge window.

  • Production by TypeShows information for charges posted during a selected time period, broken down by Procedure Type. Based on the information listed in the charge window.

Referrals Reports

Any actions tied to a Referral will be reflected in these Reports.

Scheduling Reports

These Reports detail Scheduling information.

Report Filter Defaults 

This Reference node dictates which Filters appear on Reports by default.

  • Measure Calculations AdjustmentsThe information in this node allows for additional information to be recorded for your Measure Calculation reports.

  • State HolidaysThis Reference contains State Holidays and on which day they are observed. This is used in conjunction with the View, Download, Transmit report to accurately track business days for purposes of MACRA/MIPS.

  • Auto ReportsThis Manager runs and exports multiple reports at the same time.